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Aquaculture in Our Region

Our region has a vibrant commercial marine aquaculture industry supported by a world class research and technology sector. Landings from marine aquaculture (predominantly Atlantic Salmon and oysters, but also including clams, mussels, and other species) totaled approximately $219 million in the Greater Atlantic during 2013. This makes Aquaculture the third most valuable fishery in the region in terms of economic revenue, behind scallops and American lobster. 

Kelp being grown on lines strung on an aquaculture raft (Credit: NOAA)

Farmed items in the Greater Atlantic include finfish, shellfish, and sea vegetables grown as food for human consumption. Hatchery-raised species are also used to support important commercial and recreational fisheries, as well as for habitat and endangered species restoration. Aquacultured products are grown for medical research, pharmaceuticals, food additives, ornamentals, and aquarium commerce. There is great capacity for increased aquaculture production in our waters.

Aquaculture creates employment and business opportunities in coastal communities and provides safe, sustainable seafood.  It complements NOAA's comprehensive strategy for maintaining healthy and productive marine populations, species, ecosystems and coastal communities.  Aquaculture is one of a range of technologies needed to meet increasing global demand for seafood, support commercial and recreational fisheries, and restore species and marine habitat.

National Mission

The mission of our National Office of Aquaculture is to foster marine aquaculture that creates employment and business opportunities in coastal communities; provides safe, sustainable seafood; and supports healthy ocean populations and ecosystems.

For more information on aquaculture in the Greater Atlantic Region, please contact Kevin Madley 978-282-8494.