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Credit: NOAA

How do Recreational Fisheries Benefit the Economy?

Recreational saltwater fisheries are an economic force in the United States.  In 2013, there were approximately 11 million recreational saltwater anglers across the U.S. who took 72 million saltwater fishing trips around the country. These anglers spent $4.9 billion on fishing trips and $20 billion on durable fishing-related equipment. Recreational fishing activity supported 370,000 jobs nation-wide.

Recreational saltwater fisheries are also an important component of our regional identity.  Annually, millions of recreational fishing trips take place throughout the region.  Recreational fishing contributes $4.8 billion to our regional economy each year ($1.3 billion across New England and $3.5 billion across the mid-Atlantic in 2013).  For-hire vessels, private vessels, and shore-based anglers harvest over 75 million of pounds of fish annually

Economic Reports