Asset Management Program

Reclamation has asset management responsibility for a diverse portfolio of water and power related constructed assets, with a number of facilities which are now well over 100 years old.  Included as an integral part of this asset management, Reclamation and its operating entities are responsible for day-to-day operation and maintenance (O&M) activities to ensure the continued structural integrity and operational reliability of these facilities.

Of primary focus, this site makes available to Reclamation’s staff and its operating entities a number of tools, in the form of technical manuals, bulletins and other reference material, that can be used to better manage Reclamation’s constructed assets, to increase awareness of the importance in managing these constructed assets in the seventeen western States, and the importance of an underlying preventive maintenance philosophy.  

This site also allows interested parties a look into what Reclamation does and how it goes about its business.  Along this line, Reclamation relies on the Department of the Interior (Department) to provide policy and guidance and the sharing of lessons learned with the other bureaus and offices in the Department and the Federal government that have similar assets in its portfolio.

This site maintains an asset inventory of Reclamation’s constructed assets and includes relevant support documentation, O&M Cost Trend data, Water O&M Bulletins, and site links to other related programs and activities.

Adopted from the Transportation Asset Management Guide, prepared for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-24(11) by Cambridge Systematics, Inc., with Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc., Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc., and Paul D. Thompson, November 2002, AASHTO Publication RP-TAMG-1.


Last Updated: 6/11/15