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Energy and Environment Directorate


Experimental & Computational Engineering Group

507 publications found:


  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, B Li, W Wang, Z Nie, BJ Koeppel, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Performance of a Low Cost Interdigitated Flow Design on a 1 kW Class All Vanadium Mixed Acid Redox Flow Battery." Journal of Power Sources 306:24-31.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.11.089
  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, B Li, W Wang, Z Nie, BJ Koeppel, JP Kizewski, and VL Sprenkle. 2016. "Stack Developments in a kW class all vanadium mixed acid redox flow battery at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(1):A5211-A5219.  doi:10.1149/2.0281601jes
  • Ren H, Z Hou, M Huang, J Bao, Y Sun, TK Tesfa, and LY Leung. 2016. "Classification of hydrological parameter sensitivity and evaluation of parameter transferability across 431 US MOPEX basins." Journal of Hydrology 536:92-108.  doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.02.042
  • Ren H, Z Hou, M Huang, J Bao, Y Sun, TK Tesfa, and LYR Leung. 2016. "Classification of hydrological parameter sensitivity and evaluation of parameter transferability across 431 US MOPEX basins." Journal of Hydrology 536:92-108.  doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.02.042
  • Westman MP, J Chun, YJ Choi, and E Ronnebro. 2016. "Materials Engineering and Scale Up of Fluid Phase Chemical Hydrogen Storage for Automotive Applications." Energy and Fuels 30(1):560-569.  doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01975
  • Glissmeyer JA, EJ Antonio, and JE Flaherty. 2016. Assessment of the National Research Universal Reactor Proposed New Stack Sampling Probe Location for Compliance with ANSI/HPS N13.1-1999 PNNL-25117; RPT-STMON-010 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Behling RS, M Bliss, CC Cowles, RT Kouzes, A Lintereur, SM Robinson, ER Siciliano, SC Stave, and Z Wang. 2016. "Measurement and Comparison of the Light Output of Ni-doped 6LiF/ZnS for Use in Neutron Multiplicity Counting." In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2015), October 31-November 7, San Diego, California.  IEEE, PISCATAWAY, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581840
  • Brooks KP, KJ Alvine, KI Johnson, NA Klymyshyn, RP Pires, E Ronnebro, KL Simmons, MR Weimar, and MP Westman. 2016. PNNL Development and Analysis of Material-Based Hydrogen Storage Systems for the Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of ExcellencePNNL-25234, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Cowles CC, RS Behling, GR Imel, RT Kouzes, A Lintereur, SM Robinson, SC Stave, ER Siciliano, and Z Wang. 2016. "Pulse-Shape Analysis of Neutron-Induced Scintillation Light in Ni-doped 6LiF/ZnS." In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2015), October 31-November 7, 2015, San Diego, California.  IEEE, PISCATAWAY, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581914
  • Devaraj A, V Murugesan, J Bao, MF Guo, MA Derewinski, Z Xu, MJ Gray, S Prodinger, and KK Ramasamy. 2016. "Discerning the Location and Nature of Coke Deposition from Surface to Bulk of Spent Zeolite Catalysts." Scientific Reports 6:Article No. 37586.  doi:10.1038/srep37586
  • Kabilan S, SR Suffield, KP Recknagle, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, SM Colby, JH Saunders, S Hines, JG Teeguarden, TM Straub, M Moe, S Taft, and RA Corley. 2016. "Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Bacillus anthracis Spore Deposition in Rabbit and Human Respiratory Airways." Journal of Aerosol Science 99:64-77.  doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2016.01.011
  • Kabilan S, SR Suffield, KP Recknagle, RE Jacob, DR Einstein, AP Kuprat, JP Carson, SM Colby, JH Saunders, S Hines, JG Teeguarden, TM Straub, M Moe, S Taft, and RA Corley. 2016. "Computational fluid dynamics modeling of Bacillus anthracis spore deposition in rabbit and human respiratory airways." Journal of Aerosol Science 99:64-77.  doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2016.01.011
  • Meyer RM, SR Suffield, EH Hirt, JD Suter, JP Lareau, JW Zhuge, HA Qiao, TL Moran, and P Ramuhalli. 2016. Nondestructive Examination Guidance for Dry Storage CasksPNNL-24412 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Myjak MJ, EM Becker, AJ Gilbert, JE Hoff, CK Knudson, PC Landgren, SF Lee, BS McDonald, DM Pfund, RL Redding, JE Smart, MS Taubman, CR Torres-Torres, and CG Wiseman. 2016. "Unattended Sensor System with CLYC Detectors." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63(3):1740-1749.  doi:10.1109/TNS.2016.2553108
  • Nandasiri MI, J Liu, BP McGrail, JWJ Jenks, HT Schaef, V Shutthanandan, Z Nie, PF Martin, and SK Nune. 2016. "Increased Thermal Conductivity in Metal-Organic Heat Carrier Nanofluids." Scientific Reports 6:27805.  doi:10.1038/srep27805
  • Peterson RA, SK Fiskum, SR Suffield, RC Daniel, PA Gauglitz, and BE Wells. 2016. Simulant Basis for the Standard High Solids Vessel DesignPNNL-24476 Rev 0;WTP-RPT-241, Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pool KN, MJ Minette, JH Wahl, LR Greenwood, DS Coffey, BK McNamara, SA Bryan, RD Scheele, CH Delegard, SI Sinkov, CZ Soderquist, SK Fiskum, GN Brown, and RA Clark. 2016. Compilation of PRF Canyon Floor Pan Sample Analysis ResultsPNNL-25254 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Robinson SM, SC Stave, A Lintereur, ER Siciliano, CC Cowles, RT Kouzes, and RS Behling. 2016. "Performance of coincidence-based PSD on LiF/ZnS Detectors for Multiplicity Counting." In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2015), October 31-November 7, 2015, San Diego, California.  IEEE, PISCATAWAY, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581753
  • Russell RL, SK Fiskum, MR Smoot, and DE Rinehart. 2016. Cesium Isotherm Testing with Spherical Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Resin at High Sodium ConcentrationsPNNL-25277; RPT-SRFBC-001 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Smith LE, KA Miller, JR Garner, S Branney, BS McDonald, JB Webster, MA Zalavadia, LC Todd, JA Kulisek, H Nordquist, NS Deshmukh, and S Stewart. 2016. Viability Study for an Unattended UF6 Cylinder Verification Station: Phase I Final ReportPNNL-25395, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stave SC, RS Behling, BE Bernacki, M Bliss, CC Cowles, RT Kouzes, A Lintereur, SM Robinson, and ER Siciliano. 2016. "Development of a 6LiF/ZnS-based Neutron Multiplicity Counter." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2015), October 31-November 7, 2015.  IEEE, PISCATAWAY, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581917
  • Zalavadia MA, LE Smith, BS McDonald, JA Kulisek, EK Mace, and NS Deshmukh. 2016. Hybrid Enrichment Verification Array: Module Characterization Studies Version 2PNNL-25066, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Bao J, Z Hou, M Huang, and Y Liu. 2015. "On Approaches to Analyze the Sensitivity of Simulated Hydrologic Fluxes to Model Parameters in the Community Land Model." Water 7(12):6810-6826.  doi:10.3390/w7126662
  • Chun J, CJ Mundy, and GK Schenter. 2015. "The Role of Solvent Heterogeneity in Determining the Dispersion Interaction Between Nanoassemblies ." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(18):5873-5881.  doi:10.1021/jp512550c
  • Glissmeyer JA, EJ Antonio, and JE Flaherty. 2015. Assessment of the LV-C2 Stack Sampling Probe Location for Compliance with ANSI/HPS N13.1-1999PNNL-24467; WTP-RPT-236, REV.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kulisek JA, JE Schweppe, SC Stave, BE Bernacki, DV Jordan, TN Stewart, CE Seifert, and WJ Kernan. 2015. "Real-Time Airborne Gamma-Ray Background Estimation Using NASVD with MLE and Radiation Transport for Calibration." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 784:287-292.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.11.110
  • Pease LF, JA Bamberger, and MJ Minette. 2015. Implications of Upwells as Hydrodynamic Jets in a Pulse Jet Mixed SystemPNNL-24382; WTP-RPT-239, Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Reed DM, EC Thomsen, W Wang, Z Nie, B Li, X Wei, BJ Koeppel, and VL Sprenkle. 2015. "Performance of Nafion® N115, Nafion® NR-212, and Nafion® NR-211 in a 1 kW Class All Vanadium Mixed Acid Redox Flow Battery." Journal of Power Sources 285:425-430.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.03.099
  • Scherpelz RI, and JR Cezeaux. 2015. "Performance of the EPD-N2 Dosemeter for Monitoring Aircrew Doses." Radiation Protection Dosimetry 163(4):415-423.  doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu234
  • Wells BE, JA Bamberger, KP Recknagle, CW Enderlin, MJ Minette, and LK Holton. 2015. "Applying Hanford Tank Mixing Data to Define Pulse Jet Mixer Operation." In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2015), November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas, vol. 7B, no. IMECE2015-50712, p. Paper No. V07BT09A044.  ASME , New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/IMECE2015-50712
  • Bamberger JA, CW Enderlin, MJ Minette, and LK Holton. 2015. "Approach for Configuring a Standardized Vessel for Processing Radioactive Waste Slurries." In ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Forum on Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation, July 26-31, 2015, Seoul, Korea , vol. 2, no. Paper No. AJKFluids2015-10572, p. V002T10A003.  American Society of Mechanical Engineering, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/AJKFluids2015-10572
  • Bamberger JA, GF Piepel, CW Enderlin, BG Amidan, and A Heredia-Langner. 2015. "Experimental and Measurement Uncertainty Associated with Characterizing Slurry Mixing Performance of Pulsating Jets at Multiple Scales." In ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification in Flow Measurements and Simulations, July 26-31, 2015, Seoul, Korea , vol. 1, no. Paper No. AJKFluids2015-27575, p. V001T27A002.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/AJKFluids2015-27575
  • Bao J, W Xu, P Bhattacharya, ML Stewart, J Zhang, and W Pan. 2015. "Discharge Performance of Li-O2 Batteries Using a Multiscale Modeling Approach ." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(27):14851-14860.  doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b01441
  • Bao J, Z Hou, Y Fang, H Ren, and G Lin. 2015. "Uncertainty quantification for evaluating the impacts of fracture zone on pressure build-up and ground surface uplift during geological CO2 sequestration." Greenhouse Gases: science and technology 5(3):254-267.  doi:10.1002/ghg.1456
  • Bao J, Z Xu, and Y Fang. 2015. "A coupled discrete element and finite element model for multiscale simulation of geological carbon sequestration." Greenhouse Gases: science and technology 5(4):474-486.  doi:10.1002/ghg.1491
  • Bao J, Z Xu, and Y Fang. 2015. "Uncertainty Quantification for the Reliability of the Analytical Analysis for the Simplified Model of CO2 Geological Sequestration." Greenhouse Gases: science and technology 5(1002):141-151.  doi:10.1002/ghg.1436
  • Bowyer TW, CJ Gesh, DA Haas, JC Hayes, LA Mahoney, JE Meacham, DP Mendoza, KB Olsen, AM Prinke, BD Reid, and VT Woods. 2015. Estimation of 240Pu Mass in a Waste Tank Using Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Radioactive Xenon Isotopes from Spontaneous FissionPNNL-24355, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Choi YJ, MP Westman, AJ Karkamkar, J Chun, and E Ronnebro. 2015. "Synthesis and Engineering Materials Properties of Fluid Phase Chemical Hydrogen Storage Materials for Automotive Applications." Energy and Fuels 29(10):6695-6703.  doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01307
  • Chou YS, EV Stephens, Z Xu, W Xu, BJ Koeppel, and JW Stevenson. 2015. Mitigation and Prediction of Spallation of Oxide Scales on Ferritic Stainless SteelPNNL-24025, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, JR Bontha, RC Daniel, LA Mahoney, SD Rassat, BE Wells, J Bao, GK Boeringa, WC Buchmiller, CA Burns, J Chun, NK Karri, H Li, and DN Tran. 2015. Hydrogen Gas Retention and Release from WTP Vessels: Summary of Preliminary StudiesPNNL-24255, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Jenks JWJ, WE TeGrotenhuis, RK Motkuri, B Paul, and BP McGrail. 2015. "A COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF METAL AND COVALENT ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS USED IN ADSORPTION COOLING." In ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with the ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, July 6-9, 2015, San Francisco, California, pp. Paper No. ICNMM2015-48822; V001T03A012.  ASME, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/ICNMM2015-48822
  • Kouzes RT, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2015. "Progress in Alternative Neutron Detection to Address the Helium-3 Shortage." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 784:172-175.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.10.046
  • Madaan N, J Bao, MI Nandasiri, Z Xu, S Thevuthasan, and A Devaraj. 2015. "Impact of Dynamic Specimen Shape Evolution on the Atom Probe Tomography Results of Doped Epitaxial Oxide Multilayers: Comparison of Experiment and Simulation." Applied Physics Letters 107(9):Article No. 091601.  doi:10.1063/1.4929705
  • Maheras SJ, RE Best, SB Ross, KA Buxton, JL England, PE McConnell, LM Massaro, and PJ Jensen. 2015. Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown SitesPNNL-22676 Rev. 6, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Meacham JE, JR Follett, PA Gauglitz, BE Wells, and PP Schonewill. 2015. "Gas Retention and Release from Hanford Site Sludge Waste Tanks." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2015) March 15-19, 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, vol. 8, pp. 5963-5973; Paper No. 15491.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tempe, AZ. 
  • Meyer RM, JM Cuta, AM Jones, KM Denslow, P Ramuhalli, HE Adkins, Jr, and BD Hanson. 2015. "FEASIBILITY OF ACOUSTIC METHODS FOR IMPURITY GAS MONITORING IN DRY STORAGE SYSTEMS." In 15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, April 12-16, 015, Charleston, South Carolina, pp. 829-834.  American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL. 
  • Miller EA, TA White, KD Jarman, RT Kouzes, JA Kulisek, SM Robinson, and RS Wittman. 2015. "Combining Radiography and Passive Measurements for Radiological Threat Localization in Cargo." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62(5):2234-2244.  doi:10.1109/TNS.2015.2474146
  • Nune SK, PK Thallapally, BP McGrail, HV Annapureddy, LX Dang, D Mei, NK Karri, KJ Alvine, MJ Olszta, BW Arey, and A Dohnalkova. 2015. "Adsorption Kinetics in Nanoscale Porous Coordination Polymers ." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(39):21712-21716.  doi:10.1021/acsami.5b04109
  • Onishi Y, J Bao, KA Glass, LL Eyler, and M Okumura. 2015. Environmental, Transient, Three-Dimensional, Hydrothermal, Mass Transport Code - FLESCOTPNNL-24190, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Riley BJ, DA Pierce, SM Frank, J Matyas, and CA Burns. 2015. "Efficacy of a Solution-Based Approach for Making Sodalite Waste Forms for an Oxide Reduction Salt Utilized in the Reprocessing of Used Uranium Oxide Fuel." Journal of Nuclear Materials 459:313-322.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.09.042
  • Riley BJ, DA Pierce, WC Lepry, JO Kroll, J Chun, KS Subrahmanyam, MG Kanatzidis, FK Alblouwy, A Bulbule, and E Sabolsky. 2015. "Consolidation of tin sulfide chalcogels and xerogels with and without adsorbed iodine." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 54(45):11259-11267.  doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.5b02697
  • Ross SB, NA Klymyshyn, PJ Jensen, RE Best, SJ Maheras, PE McConnell, and J Orchard. 2015. "Rail Shock and Vibration Pre-Test Modeling of a Used Nuclear Fuel Assembly." In International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Real World Solutions for Integrated Management of Used Fuel and HLW, April 12-16, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.  American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL. 
  • Russell RL, JH Westsik, Jr, DE Rinehart, DJ Swanberg, and J Mahoney. 2015. Secondary Waste Simulant Development for Cast Stone Formulation TestingPNNL-24195, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schonewill PP, EJ Berglin, GK Boeringa, WC Buchmiller, CA Burns, and MJ Minette. 2015. Scoping Study of Airlift Circulation Technologies for Supplemental Mixing in Pulse Jet Mixed VesselsPNNL-24221, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schonewill PP, RC Daniel, RW Shimskey, CA Burns, JM Billing, and RA Peterson. 2015. "Long-Time Performance of a Stainless Steel Crossflow Filter with Simulated Hanford Tank Waste." Chemical Engineering Research & Design 102:69-79.  doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2015.06.016
  • Stave SC, M Bliss, RT Kouzes, AT Lintereur, SM Robinson, ER Siciliano, and LS Wood. 2015. "LiF/ZnS Neutron Multiplicity Counter." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 784:208-212.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.039
  • Subrahmanyam KS, D Sarma, C Malliakas, K Polychronopoulou, BJ Riley, DA Pierce, J Chun, and MG Kanatzidis. 2015. "Chalcogenide aerogels as sorbents for radioactive iodine." Chemistry of Materials 27(7):2619-2696.  doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00413
  • Warren GA, KK Anderson, JA Kulisek, Y Danon, A Weltz, VA Gavron, J Harris, and TN Stewart. 2015. "Lead Slowing Down Spectrometry Analysis of Data from Measurements on Nuclear Fuel." Nuclear Science and Engineering 179(3):264-273.  doi:10.13182/NSE13-71


  • Bonneville A, BN Nguyen, ML Stewart, Z Hou, CJ Murray, and TJ Gilmore. 2014. "Geomechanical Evaluation of Thermal Impact of Injected CO2 Temperature on a Geological Reservoir: Application to the FutureGen 2.0 Site." Energy Procedia 63:3298-3304.  doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.358
  • Cuta JM, and HE Adkins, Jr. 2014. Preliminary Thermal Modeling of HI-STORM 100 Storage Modules at Diablo Canyon Power Plant ISFSIPNNL-23298, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Glissmeyer JA, EJ Antonio, JE Flaherty, and BG Amidan. 2014. Assessment of the LV-S2 & LV-S3 Stack Sampling Probe Locations for Compliance with ANSI/HPS N13.1-1999PNNL-23386, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kulisek JA, DV Jordan, EK Mace, BS McDonald, and LE Smith. 2014. "Hybrid Enrichment Verification Array: Investigations of the High-Energy Gamma-Ray Signature Origin and Use for Partial Defect Detection." In 55th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM 2014), July 20-24, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, vol. 4, pp. 2909-2916.  Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), OAKBROOK TERRACE, IL. 
  • Onishi Y. 2014. Task 6 - Subtask 1: PNNL Visit by JAEA Researchers to Evaluate the Feasibility of the FLESCOT Code for the Future JAEA Use for the Fukushima Surface Water Environmental AssessmentPNNL-23129, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rodriguez CP, J Chun, MJ Schweiger, AA Kruger, and PR Hrma. 2014. "Application of evolved gas analysis to cold-cap reactions of melter feeds for nuclear waste vitrification." Thermochimica Acta 592:86-92.  doi:10.1016/j.tca.2014.06.022
  • Stewart ML, A Zelenyuk, F Gao, GG Muntean, CHF Peden, KG Rappe, J Szanyi, and K Howden. 2014. "CLEERS Aftertreatment Modeling and Analysis." Chapter III.3 in FY 2014 Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development, vol. DOE/EE-1156, ed. G Singh, pp. III-13 - III-18.  US Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office, Washington, DC. 
  • Aguayo E, RT Kouzes, and ER Siciliano. 2014. "Neutron Spallation Measurements And Impacts On Low Background Experiments." Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics 90(3):Article No. 034607.  doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034607
  • Alvine KJ, TA Kafentzis, SG Pitman, KI Johnson, DC Skorski, JC Tucker, TJ Roosendaal, and ME Dahl. 2014. "An In-situ Tensile Test Apparatus for Polymers in High Pressure Hydrogen." Review of Scientific Instruments 85(10):Article No. 105110.  doi:10.1063/1.4899315
  • Bamberger JA, and CW Enderlin. 2014. "Instrumentation to Monitor Transient Developing Periodic Flow in Newtonian Slurries." In Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (FEDSM2014), August 3-7, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, vol. 2, pp. Paper No. FEDSM2014-22092.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/FEDSM2014-22092
  • Bao J, Y Chu, Z Xu, AM Tartakovsky, and Y Fang. 2014. "Uncertainty quantification for the impact of injection rate fluctuation on the geomechanical response of geological carbon sequestration." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 20:160-167.  doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.10.023
  • Bao J, Z Xu, and Y Fang. 2014. "A Finite-Element Model for Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration." Environmental Geotechnics 1(3):152-160.  doi:10.1680/envgeo.13.00024
  • Bernacki BE, JE Schweppe, SC Stave, DV Jordan, JA Kulisek, TN Stewart, and CE Seifert. 2014. "Estimating radiological background using imaging spectroscopy." In Proceedings of the SPIE: Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XX, May 5, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, vol. 9088, ed. M Velez-Reyes and FA Kruse, p. Article No. 90880L.  SPIE, Bellingham, WA.  doi:10.1117/12.2051049
  • Chou YS, JP Choi, W Xu, EV Stephens, BJ Koeppel, JW Stevenson, and E Lara-Curzio. 2014. Compliant Glass Seals for SOFC StacksPNNL-23397, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Chung CW, J Chun, G Wang, and W Um. 2014. "Effects of Iron Oxides on the Rheological Properties of Cementitious Slurry." Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 453:94-100.  doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.03.072
  • Cowles CC, RT Kouzes, and ER Siciliano. 2014. Simulations of Lithium-Based Neutron Coincidence Counter for Gd-Loaded Fuel PNNL-23921, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Daniel RC, CA Burns, AD Crawford, LR Hylden, SA Bryan, PJ MacFarlan, and PA Gauglitz. 2014. Morphology of Gas Release in Physical SimulantsPNNL-23179; DSGREP-RPT-004, Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Klymyshyn NA, PJ Jensen, SE Sanborn, and BD Hanson. 2014. FUEL ASSEMBLY SHAKER AND TRUCK TEST SIMULATIONPNNL-23688, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2014. "Boron-10 Based Neutron Coincidence Counter for Safeguards ." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61(5):2608-2618.  doi:10.1109/TNS.2014.2353619
  • Li Y, NK Karri, and Q Wang. 2014. "Three-dimensional Numerical Analysis on Blade Response of Vertical Axis Tidal Current Turbine Under Operational Condition." Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6(4):Article No. 043123.  doi:10.1063/1.4892952
  • Lin G, J Bao, and Z Xu. 2014. "A three-dimensional phase field model coupled with lattice kinetics solver for modeling crystal growth in furnaces with accelerated crucible rotation and traveling magnetic field." Computers & Fluids 103:204-214.  doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.07.027
  • Lin G, J Bao, Z Xu, AM Tartakovsky, and CH Henager, Jr. 2014. "A phase-field model coupled with lattice kinetics solver for modeling crystal growth in furnaces." Communications in Computational Physics 15(1):76-92.  doi:10.4208/cicp.300612.210313a
  • Maheras SJ, RE Best, SB Ross, KA Buxton, JL England, PE McConnell, LM Massaro, and PJ Jensen. 2014. Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown SitesPNNL-22676 Rev. 4, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Marcial J, J Chun, PR Hrma, and MJ Schweiger. 2014. "Effect of Bubbles and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass." Environmental Science & Technology 48(20):12173-12180.  doi:10.1021/es5018625
  • Marcial J, J Chun, PR Hrma, and MJ Schweiger. 2014. "The Effect of Foaming and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass." In Waste Management 2014 (WM2014 Conference): 40 Years of Meeting Global Radioactive Waste Management Challenges, March 2-6, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 14476.  WM Symposia, Tempe, AZ. 
  • Nguyen BN, SE Sanborn, KL Simmons, RN Mathur, MD Sangid, X Jin, F Costa, UN Gandhi, S Mori, and CL Tucker III. 2014. Predictive Engineering Tools for Injection-Molded Long-Carbon-Fiber Thermoplastic Composites - FY 2014 First Quarterly ReportPNNL-23139, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Nguyen BN, SE Sanborn, RN Mathur, B Sharma, MD Sangid, J Wang, X Jin, F Costa, UN Gandhi, S Mori, and CL Tucker III. 2014. Predictive Engineering Tools for Injection-molded Long-Carbon-Fiber Thermoplastic Composites - FY 2014 Third Quarterly ReportPNNL-23499, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, ST Yokuda, and H Kurikami. 2014. Simulation of Sediment and Cesium Transport in the Ukedo River and the Ogi Dam Reservoir during a Rainfall Event using the TODAM CodePNNL-23255, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, H Kurikami, and ST Yokuda. 2014. Preliminary Three-Dimensional Simulation of Sediment and Cesium Transport in the Ogi Dam Reservoir using FLESCOT – Task 6, Subtask 2PNNL-23257, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pagh RT, PJ Dimmerling, ZC Guillen, JR Hoyt, KD Jarman, WJ Kernan, BA Reichmuth, KS Rohlfing, JE Schweppe, LH Sego, JM Shergur, ER Siciliano, and ML Woodring. 2014. DNDO Analysis Cell ConceptPNNL-23200, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pan W, J Bao, and AM Tartakovsky. 2014. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Continuous Boundary Force method for Navier-Stokes equations subject to Robin boundary condition." Journal of Computational Physics 259:242-259.  doi:10.1016/
  • Powell MR, PA Gauglitz, KM Denslow, CM Fischer, DJ Heldebrant, MS Prowant, S Sande, JM Davis, and MR Telander. 2014. Evaluation of Gas Retention in Waste Simulants: Intermediate-Scale Column and Open-Channel-Depth TestsPNNL-23136; DSGREP-RPT-003, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ramuhalli P, S Roy, EH Hirt, AF Pardini, AM Jones, JE Deibler, SG Pitman, JC Tucker, MS Prowant, and JD Suter. 2014. Local-Level Prognostics Health Management Systems Framework for Passive AdvSMR Components – Interim ReportPNNL-23625 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rassat SD, PA Gauglitz, LA Mahoney, RP Pires, DR Rector, JA Fort, GK Boeringa, DN Tran, MR Elmore, WC Buchmiller, and ML Kimura. 2014. Gas Release Due to Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Within Sediment Layers in Hanford Double-Shell Tanks: Results of Scaled Vessel Experiments, Modeling, and Extrapolation to Full ScalePNNL-23060 Rev. 1; DSGREP-RPT-002, Rev.1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Restivo ML, ME Stone, DT Herman, DP Lambert, MR Duignan, GL Smith, BE Wells, GJ Lumetta, CW Enderlin, and HE Adkins, Jr. 2014. Technology Evaluation for Conditioning of Hanford Tank Waste Using Solids Segregation and Size ReductionPNNL-23030, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Riley BJ, DA Pierce, J Chun, J Matyas, WC Lepry, T Garn, J Law, and MG Kanatzidis. 2014. "Polyacrylonitrile-Chalcogel Hybrid Sorbents for Radioiodine Capture." Environmental Science & Technology 48(10):5832-5839.  doi:10.1021/es405807w
  • Ross SB, RE Best, NA Klymyshyn, PJ Jensen, and SJ Maheras. 2014. USED FUEL RAIL SHOCK AND VIBRATION TESTING OPTIONS ANALYSISPNNL-23709, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ross SB, RE Best, SJ Maheras, PJ Jensen, JL England, and D LeDuc. 2014. Used Fuel Testing Transportation ModelPNNL-23668, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Russell RL, DE Rinehart, and RA Peterson. 2014. Ion Exchange Testing with SRF Resin FY 2012PNNL-21645 Rev 1; WTP-RPT-223 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Russell RL, DE Rinehart, and RA Peterson. 2014. Organic Separation Test ResultsPNNL-23643; RPT-66611-001 Rev 0., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schonewill PP, PA Gauglitz, RW Shimskey, KM Denslow, MR Powell, GK Boeringa, JR Bontha, NK Karri, LS Fifield, DN Tran, S Sande, DJ Heldebrant, JE Meacham, D Smet, WE Bryan, and RB Calmus. 2014. Evaluation of Gas Retention in Waste Simulants: Tall Column ExperimentsPNNL-23340; DSGREP-RPT-005, Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Siciliano ER, R Devanathan, ZC Guillen, RT Kouzes, and JE Schweppe. 2014. Quality Assurance Procedures for ModCat Database Code Files PNNL-23353, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Smith GL, CW Enderlin, BE Wells, DE Kurath, and KM Denslow. 2014. "Consensus Standardization of Slurry Simulant Development Process to Reduce Design Risk Within the DOE Complex." In WM 2014: 40 Years of Meeting Global Radioactive Waste Management Challenges, March 2-6, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 14635.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tempe, AZ. 
  • Smith GL, DS Kim, MJ Schweiger, JC Marra, JB Lang, JV Crum, CL Crawford, and JD Vienna. 2014. Silicate Based Glass Formulations for Immobilization of U.S. Defense Wastes Using Cold Crucible Induction MeltersPNNL-23288; EMSP-RPT-021, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stevenson JW, and BJ Koeppel. 2014. FY13 Annual Progress Report for SECA Core Technology ProgramPNNL-23127, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stevenson JW, and BJ Koeppel. 2014. FY14 Q1 Progress Report for SECA Core Technology ProgramPNNL-23152, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Szanyi J, AM Karim, LR Pederson, JH Kwak, D Mei, DN Tran, DR Herling, GG Muntean, CHF Peden, K Howden, G Qi, and W Li. 2014. "Investigation of Mixed Oxide Catalysts for NO Oxidation." Chapter 3 in FY 2014 Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development, vol. DOE/EE-1156, ed. G Singh, pp. III-25 - III-29.  US Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office, Washington, DC. 
  • Xu W, X Sun, BJ Koeppel, and HM Zbib. 2014. "A continuum thermo-inelastic model for damage and healing in self-healing glass materials." International Journal of Plasticity 62:1-16.  doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.06.011
  • Zelenyuk A, P Reitz, ML Stewart, D Imre, P Loeper, C Adams, M Andrie, D Rothamer, DE Foster, K Narayanaswamy, PM Najt, and AS Solomon. 2014. "Detailed Characterization of Particulates Emitted by Pre-Commercial Single-Cylinder Gasoline Compression Ignition Engine." Combustion and Flame 161(8):2151-2164.  doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.01.011


  • Bamberger JA. 2013. "Cyclic Concentration Measurements for Characterizing Pulsating Flow." In Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM2013), July 7-11, 2013, Incline Village, Nevada, vol. 2, pp. Paper No. FEDSM2013-16458.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/FEDSM2013-16458
  • Cuta JM, and HE Adkins, Jr. 2013. Preliminary Thermal Modeling of HI-Storm 100S-218 Version B Storage Modules at Hope Creek Cuclear Power Station ISFSIPNNL-22552; FCRD-UFD-2013-000297, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Cuta JM, and HE Adkins, Jr. 2013. Preliminary Thermal Modeling of Hi-Storm 100S-218 Version B Storage Modules at Hope Creek Nuclear Power Station ISFSIPNNL-22552 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fountain MS, RT Brigantic, and RA Peterson. 2013. Statistical Methods and Tools for Hanford Staged Feed Tank SamplingPNNL-22901, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Klymyshyn NA, HE Adkins, Jr, CS Bajwa, and J Piotter. 2013. "PACKAGE IMPACT MODELS AS A PRECURSOR TO CLADDING ANALYSIS." Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 135(1):Article No. 011601.  doi:10.1115/1.4007469
  • Kulisek JA, KK Anderson, AM Casella, GA Warren, VA Gavron, Y Danon, A Weltz, J Harris, GR Imel, and T Stewart. 2013. "Update on Establishing the Feasibility of Lead Slowing Down Spectroscopy for Direct Measurement of Plutonium in Used Fuel." In 54th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM 2013).  Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Deerfield, IL. 
  • Onishi Y. 2013. Task 3: PNNL Visit by JAEA Researchers to Participate in TODAM Code Applications to Fukushima Rivers and to Evaluate the Feasibility of Adaptation of FLESCOT Code to Simulate Radionuclide Transport in the Pacific Ocean Coastal Water Around FukushimaPNNL-22347, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rohatgi A, and KI Johnson. 2013. "Investigation of H2 Diaphragm Compressors to Enable Low-Cost Long-Life Operation." Chapter III.11 in FY 2013 Progress Report for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program, vol. DOE/GO-102013-4260, pp. III-53 - III-55.  US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Siciliano ER, AT Lintereur, RT Kouzes, and JH Ely. 2013. Boron-10 ABUNCL Models of Fuel Testing PNNL-22947, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stewart ML, A Zelenyuk, and K Howden. 2013. "Fuel-Neutral Studies of PM Transportation Emissions." Chapter III.13 in FY 2013 Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Office, vol. DOE/EE-0872, ed. G Singh, pp. III 71-III 76.  Department of Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Unwin SD, KI Johnson, WJ Ivans, Jr, and PP Lowry. 2013. "A PROPOSED METHOD FOR ESTIMATING FAILURE RATES OF DEGRADED PASSIVE COMPONENTS IN THE NRC SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION PROCESS." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 109(1):2049-2050. 
  • Wells BE, JA Fort, PA Gauglitz, DR Rector, and PP Schonewill. 2013. Preliminary Scaling Estimate for Select Small Scale Mixing Demonstration TestsPNNL-22737, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, SK Cooley, and JE Meacham. 2013. Prediction of Peak Hydrogen Concentrations for Deep Sludge Retrieval in Tanks AN-101 and AN-106 from Historical Data of Spontaneous Gas Release EventsPNNL-22866; RPT-DSGREP-001, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Adkins HE, Jr, JA Fort, SR Suffield, JM Cuta, and BA Collins. 2013. "Thermal Modeling Studies for Active Storage Modules in the Calvert Cliffs ISFSI." In 14th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWMC 2013): Integrating Storage, Transportation, and Disposal, April 28-May 2, 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 999-1004.  Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA. 
  • Aguayo Navarrete E, RT Kouzes, and ER Siciliano. 2013. Ship Effect Neutron Measurements And Impacts On Low-Background ExperimentsPNNL-22953, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, and CW Enderlin. 2013. "Instrumentation to Monitor Transient Periodic Developing Flow in Non-Newtonian Slurries." In Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2013 ), November 15-21, 2013, San Diego, California, vol. 7B, pp. Paper No. IMECE2013-65374.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/IMECE2013-65374
  • Bao J, Z Hou, Y Fang, H Ren, and G Lin. 2013. "Uncertainty quantification for evaluating impacts of caprock and reservoir properties on pressure buildup and ground surface displacement during geological CO2 sequestration." Greenhouse Gases: science and technology 3(5):338-358. 
  • Bao J, Z Hou, Y Fang, H Ren, and G Lin. 2013. "Uncertainty quantification for evaluating impacts of caprock and reservoir properties on pressure buildup and ground surface displacement during geological CO2 sequestration." Greenhouse Gases: science and technology 3(5):338-358.  doi:10.1002/ghg.1362
  • Bao J, Z Xu, and Y Fang. 2013. "A Finite Element Model for Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration." Environmental Geotechnics 1(3):152-160.  doi:10.1680/envgeo.13.00024
  • Bao J, Z Xu, G Lin, and Y Fang. 2013. "Evaluating the impact of aquifer layer properties on geomechanical response during CO2 geological sequestration." Computers & Geosciences 54:28-37.  doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.01.015
  • Brooks KP, A Makhmalbaf, DM Anderson, JP Amaya, SP Pilli, V Srivastava, and JF Upton. 2013. Business Case for a Micro-Combined Heat and Power Fuel Cell System in Commercial ApplicationsPNNL-22831, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bryan SA, TG Levitskaia, AM Lines, FN Smith, GB Josephson, and JM Bello. 2013. "Dual-Remote Raman Technology for In-Situ Identification of Tank Waste." In WM Symposia 2013: International Collaboration and Continuous Improvement, February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 13549.  WM Symposia, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Chung CW, J Chun, W Um, SK Sundaram, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2013. "Setting and Stiffening of Cementitious Components in Cast Stone Waste Form for Disposal of Secondary Wastes from the Hanford waste treatment and immobilization plant." Cement and Concrete Research 46:14-22.  doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2013.01.003
  • Daily MD, J Chun, A Heredia-Langner, G Wei, and NA Baker. 2013. "Origin of parameter degeneracy and molecular shape relationships in geometric-flow calculations of solvation free energies." Journal of Chemical Physics 139(20):Article No. 204108.  doi:10.1063/1.4832900
  • Daniel RC, PA Gauglitz, CA Burns, MS Fountain, RW Shimskey, JM Billing, JR Bontha, DE Kurath, JWJ Jenks, PJ MacFarlan, and LA Mahoney. 2013. Large-Scale Spray Releases: Additional Aerosol Test ResultsPNNL-22415; WTP-RPT-221 Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Denslow KM, JR Bontha, HE Adkins, Jr, JWJ Jenks, DF Hopkins, MG Thien, SE Kelly, and TA Wooley. 2013. "System Performance Testing of the Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Instrument for Critical Velocity Determination during Hanford Tank Waste Transfer Operations - 13584." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2013): International Collaboration and Continuous Improvement, February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, vol. 7, pp. 5916-5938.  WM Symposia, Tempe, AZ. 
  • Ely JH, ER Siciliano, AT Lintereur, and MT Swinhoe. 2013. "Alternatives for Helium-3 in Multiplicity Counters." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60(2):510-514.  doi:10.1109/TNS.2012.2227123
  • Ely JH, ER Siciliano, MT Swinhoe, and AT Lintereur. 2013. Modeling and Simulation Optimization and Feasibility Studies for the Neutron Detection without Helium-3 ProjectPNNL-22228, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ely JH, M Bliss, RT Kouzes, AT Lintereur, SM Robinson, ER Siciliano, MT Swinhoe, and ML Woodring. 2013. Final Technical Report for the Neutron Detection without Helium-3 ProjectPNNL-23011, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fountain MS, SK Fiskum, DL Baldwin, RC Daniel, SJ Bos, CA Burns, CD Carlson, DS Coffey, CH Delegard, MK Edwards, LR Greenwood, D Neiner, BM Oliver, KN Pool, AJ Schmidt, RW Shimskey, SI Sinkov, LA Snow, CZ Soderquist, CJ Thompson, TLT Trang-Le, and MW Urie. 2013. Characterization Data Package for Containerized Sludge Samples Collected from Engineered Container SCS-CON-210PNNL-20650 Rev. 2, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, BE Wells, WC Buchmiller, and SD Rassat. 2013. Rayleigh-Taylor Instability within Sediment Layers Due to Gas Retention: Preliminary Theory and ExperimentsPNNL-22339 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, LA Mahoney, PP Schonewill, JR Bontha, J Blanchard, DE Kurath, RC Daniel, and C Song. 2013. "Aerosol Formation from High-Pressure Sprays for Supporting the Safety Analysis for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant." In WM 2013: Waste Management Conference: International Collaboration and Continuous Improvement, February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. Paper No. WM-13183.  WM Symposia, Tempe, AZ. 
  • Herman CC, DJ Adamson, DT Herman, DK Peeler, MR Poirier, SH Reboul, ME Stone, RA Peterson, J Chun, JA Fort, JD Vienna, and BE Wells. 2013. Preliminary Assessment of the Hanford Tank Waste Feed Acceptance and Product Qualification ProgramsPNNL-22116, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Klymyshyn NA, NK Karri, HE Adkins, Jr, and BD Hanson. 2013. Structural Sensitivity of Dry Storage CanistersPNNL-22814, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Klymyshyn NA, SE Sanborn, HE Adkins, Jr, and BD Hanson. 2013. FUEL ASSEMBLY SHAKER TEST SIMULATIONPNNL-22507, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2013. Boron-10 ABUNCL Prototype Models And Initial Active TestingPNNL-22424, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2013. Boron-10 ABUNCL Active Testing PNNL-22567, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kuhn WL, DR Rector, SD Rassat, CW Enderlin, MJ Minette, JA Bamberger, GB Josephson, BE Wells, and EJ Berglin. 2013. Scaling Theory for Pulsed Jet Mixed Vessels, Sparging, and Cyclic Feed Transport Systems for SlurriesPNNL-22816, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Maheras SJ, RE Best, SB Ross, KA Buxton, JL England, and PE McConnell. 2013. Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown SitesPNNL-22676 Rev.1; FCRD-NFST-2013-000238, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, PA Gauglitz, ML Kimura, GN Brown, DE Kurath, WC Buchmiller, DM Smith, J Blanchard, C Song, RC Daniel, BE Wells, DN Tran, and CA Burns. 2013. Small-Scale Spray Releases: Initial Aerosol Test ResultsPNNL-21367 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • McGrail BP, PK Thallapally, J Blanchard, SK Nune, JWJ Jenks, and LX Dang. 2013. "Metal-Organic Heat Carrier Nanofluids." Nano Energy 2(5):845-855.  doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2013.02.007
  • Meyer RM, AF Pardini, JM Cuta, HE Adkins, Jr, AM Casella, HA Qiao, MR Larche, AA Diaz, and SR Doctor. 2013. NDE to Manage Atmospheric SCC in Canisters for Dry Storage of Spent Fuel: An AssessmentPNNL-22495, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, and ST Yokuda. 2013. 2012 Annual Report: Simulate and Evaluate the Cesium Transport and Accumulation in Fukushima-Area Rivers by the TODAM Code PNNL-22364 , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pan W, J Bao, C Lo, C Lai, K Agarwal, BJ Koeppel, and MA Khaleel. 2013. "A general approach to develop reduced order models for simulation of solid oxide fuel cell stacks." Journal of Power Sources 232:139-151.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.01.057
  • Peurrung LM, JA Fort, and DR Rector. 2013. The Continued Need for Modeling and Scaled Testing to Advance the Hanford Tank Waste MissionPNNL-22626, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Recknagle KP, JM Barnett, and SR Suffield. 2013. Modeling the Air Flow in the 3410 Building Filtered Exhaust Stack SystemPNNL-22185, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Riley BJ, DA Pierce, and J Chun. 2013. Efforts to Consolidate Chalcogels with Adsorbed Iodine PNNL-22678, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Riley BJ, J Chun, DA Pierce, WC Lepry, and J Matyas. 2013. "Chalcogels for Iodine Adsorption and Immobilization." In Separations and Waste Forms Research and Development FY 2013 Accomplishments Report, vol. INL/EXT-13-30961, ed. J Schulthess and D Hamelin, pp. 74-75.  Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID. 
  • Rodriguez DC, ER Anderson, KK Anderson, LW Campbell, JE Fast, KD Jarman, JA Kulisek, CR Orton, RC Runkle, and S Stave. 2013. "Measurement and analysis of gamma-rays emitted from spent nuclear fuel above 3 MeV." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 82:181-187.  doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.08.006
  • Rodriguez DC, ER Anderson, KK Anderson, LW Campbell, JE Fast, KD Jarman, JA Kulisek, CR Orton, RC Runkle, and SC Stave. 2013. "Measurement and Analysis of Gamma-Rays Emitted From Spent Nuclear Fuel Above 3 MeV." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 82:181-187.  doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.08.006
  • Russell RL, JH Westsik, Jr, DJ Swanberg, RE Eibling, A Cozzi, MJ Lindberg, GB Josephson, and DE Rinehart. 2013. Letter Report: LAW Simulant Development for Cast Stone Screening TestPNNL-22352, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schonewill PP, PA Gauglitz, ML Kimura, GN Brown, LA Mahoney, DN Tran, CA Burns, and DE Kurath. 2013. Small-Scale Spray Releases: Additional Aerosol Test ResultsPNNL-22402; WTP-RPT-222 Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Warren GA, JA Kulisek, V Gavron, Y Danon, A Weltz, J Harris, and T Stewart. 2013. Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer Research PlansPNNL-22340, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Warren GA, JA Kulisek, VA Gavron, Y Danon, A Weltz, J Harris, and T Stewart. 2013. Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer FY2013 Annual ReportPNNL-22920, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Westsik JH, Jr, GF Piepel, MJ Lindberg, PG Heasler, TM Mercier, RL Russell, A Cozzi, WE Daniel, Jr, RE Eibling, EK Hansen, MM Reigel, and DJ Swanberg. 2013. Supplemental Immobilization of Hanford Low-Activity Waste: Cast Stone Screening TestsPNNL-22747; SRNL-STI-2013-00465, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Westsik JH, Jr, RJ Serne, EM Pierce, A Cozzi, CW Chung, and DJ Swanberg. 2013. Supplemental Immobilization Cast Stone Technology Development and Waste Form Qualification Testing PlanPNNL-21823 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Yu XY, KP Recknagle, and JA Glissmeyer. 2013. Assessment of the Revised 3410 Building Filtered Exhaust Stack Sampling Probe LocationPNNL-23038, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Zhao C, X Liu, Y Qian, JH Yoon, Z Hou, G Lin, SA McFarlane, H Wang, B Yang, PL Ma, H Yan, and J Bao. 2013. "A Sensitivity Study of Radiative Fluxes at the Top of Atmosphere to Cloud-Microphysics and Aerosol Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13:10969–10987.  doi:10.5194/acp-13-10969-2013


  • Devarakonda MN, DR Herling, DH Kim, JH Kwak, CHF Peden, ML Stewart, A Strzelec, J Szanyi, DN Tran, and JH Lee. 2012. "CLEERS Aftertreatment Modeling and Analysis." Chapter II.B.1 in FY 2011 Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Program, vol. DOE-ACE-2011AR, ed. G Singh, pp. 176-181.  US Department of Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Gonzalez Galdamez RA, and KP Recknagle. 2012. Improvement of capabilities of the Distributed Electrochemistry Modeling Tool for investigating SOFC long term performancePNNL-21359, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Karri NK, MW Rinker, KI Johnson, and SK Bapanapalli. 2012. "Refinement of Modeling Techniques for the Structural Evaluation of Hanford Single-Shell Nuclear Waste Storage Tanks." In WM2012: Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 12288.  WM Symposia, Tempe, AZ. 
  • Kulisek JA, KK Anderson, AM Casella, ER Siciliano, and GA Warren. 2012. Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometry Time Spectral Analysis for Spent Fuel Assay: FY12 Status ReportPNNL-21820, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Sanborn SE, BM Larsen, LJ Julyk, and KI Johnson. 2012. "Appurtenance Influence on Type III Hanford Single-Shell Tank Structural Integrity." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 12255.  WM Symposia, Phoenix, AZ. 
  • Siciliano ER, and RT Kouzes. 2012. Boron-10 Lined Proportional Counter Wall EffectsPNNL-21368, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Siciliano ER, JL Rogers, JE Schweppe, AT Lintereur, and RT Kouzes. 2012. Uranium Neutron Coincidence Collar Model Utilizing 3HePNNL-21581, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stewart ML, A Zelenyuk, and K Howden. 2012. "Fuel-Neutral Studies of PM Transportation Emissions." Chapter III.I0 in Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development Vehicle Technologies Office 2012 Annual Progress Report, vol. DOE/EE-0872, ed. G Singh, pp. III-45 - III-49.  U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Suffield SR, JA Fort, HE Adkins, Jr, JM Cuta, BA Collins, and ER Siciliano. 2012. Thermal Modeling of NUHOMS HSM-15 and HSM-1 Storage Modules at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station ISFSIPNNL-21788, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Unwin SD, RF Layton, Jr, KI Johnson, and PP Lowry. 2012. "Physics-Based Multi-State Models of Passive Component Degradation for the R7 Reactor Simulation Environment." In 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (PSAM11 ESREL 2012), June 25-29, 3012, Helsinki, Finland, vol. 3, pp. 1761-1770.  Curran Associates, Inc., Red Hook, NY. 
  • Wells BE, PA Gauglitz, and DR Rector. 2012. Comparison of Waste Feed Delivery Small Scale Mixing Demonstration Simulant to Hanford WastePNNL-20637 Rev. 2, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE. 2012. Simulant Development for Hanford Tank Farms Double Valve Isolation (DVI) Valves TestingPNNL-22121; DVI-RPT-0001 Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Westsik JH, Jr, and RJ Serne. 2012. Secondary Waste Cast Stone Waste Form Qualification Testing PlanPNNL-21656 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Adamson DJ, and PA Gauglitz. 2012. "Demonstration of Mixing and Transferring Settling Cohesive Slurry Simulants in the AY-102 Tank." In Waste Management Symposium (WM 2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona , p. Paper No. 12323.  Waste Management Symposia Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Bajwa CS, EP Easton, HE Adkins, Jr, JM Cuta, NA Klymyshyn, and SR Suffield. 2012. "The MacArthur Maze Fire and Roadway Collapse: A "Worst Case Scenario" for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation?" In ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference (PVP 2012), July 15-19, 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. 7, pp. 261-269.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.  doi:10.1115/PVP2012-78637
  • Bamberger JA, JA Fort, and CW Enderlin. 2012. "Solids Mobilization and Suspension by Dual Opposed Mixing Pumps." In Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Forum on Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation, July 24-29, 2011, Hamamatsu, Japan, vol. 2, Fora, pp. 97-109; Paper No. AJK2011-31017.  ASME, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/AJK2011-31017
  • Berglin EJ, CW Enderlin, and AJ Schmidt. 2012. Review and Assessment of Commercial Vendors/Options for Feeding and Pumping Biomass Slurries for Hydrothermal LiquefactionPNNL-21981, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Blanchard J, DC Gerlach, RD Scheele, ML Stewart, BD Reid, PA Gauglitz, LM Bagaasen, CC Brown, C Iovin, CH Delegard, A Zelenyuk, EC Buck, BJ Riley, and CA Burns. 2012. Uranium Oxide Aerosol Transport in Porous GraphitePNNL-21014, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Chung CW, W Um, MM Valenta, SK Sundaram, J Chun, KE Parker, ML Kimura, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2012. "Characteristics of Cast Stone Cementitious Waste Form for Immobilization of Secondary Wastes from Vitrification Process." Journal of Nuclear Materials 420(1-3):164-174.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.09.021
  • Denslow KM, JR Bontha, HE Adkins, Jr, JWJ Jenks, and DF Hopkins. 2012. Hanford Tank Farms Waste Feed Flow Loop Phase VI: PulseEcho System Performance EvaluationPNNL-22029, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Denslow KM, JR Bontha, HE Adkins, Jr, JWJ Jenks, CA Burns, PP Schonewill, DF Hopkins, MG Thien, and TA Wooley. 2012. "Continued Evaluation of the Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Instrument for Critical Velocity Determination during Hanford Tank Waste Transfer Operations ." In Waste Managemetn Symposium (WM 2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26-March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 12518.  Waste Management Symposia Inc., Tuscson, AZ. 
  • Ely JH, ER Siciliano, and MT Swinhoe. 2012. "ALTERNATIVES TO HELIUM-3 FOR NEUTRON MULTIPLICITY DETECTORS." In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, July 17-22, 2011, Palm Desert, California.  Institute of Nuclear Materials Management , Deerfield, IL. 
  • Fountain MS, J Blanchard, RL Erikson, DE Kurath, DT Howe, HE Adkins, Jr, and JWJ Jenks. 2012. "Design of a Particle Shadowgraph Velocimetry and Size (PSVS) System to Determine Particle Size and Density Distributions (PSDD) in Hanford Nuclear Tank Wastes ." In Waste Management Symposium (WM 2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 12280.  Waste Management Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Gauglitz PA, DN Tran, and WC Buchmiller. 2012. Simulant Development for Hanford Double-Shell Tank Mixing and Waste Feed Delivery TestingPNNL-21791 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, WC Buchmiller, SG Probert, AT Owen, and FJ Brockman. 2012. Strong-Sludge Gas Retention and Release Mechanisms in Clay Simulants PNNL-21167 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2012. Introduction to Neutron Coincidence Counter Design Based on Boron-10 PNNL-21090, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2012. Boron-10 ABUNCL Prototype Initial Testing PNNL-22147, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurath DE, BE Wells, JL Huckaby, LA Mahoney, RC Daniel, CA Burns, JM Tingey, and SK Cooley. 2012. "Hanford Waste Physical and Rheological Properties: Data and Gaps." In Waste Management Symposium (WM 2012): Improving the Future of Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 12078.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Lintereur AT, ER Siciliano, and RT Kouzes. 2012. Boron-10 Lined Proportional Counter Model ValidationPNNL-21501, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Lintereur AT, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, ER Siciliano, MT Swinhoe, and ML Woodring. 2012. "Alternatives to Helium-3 for Neutron Multiplicity Counters." In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2012), October 27-November 3, 2012, Anaheim, CA, pp. 547-553.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551168
  • Lintereur AT, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, JL Rogers, and ER Siciliano. 2012. "Boron-10 Lined Proportional Counter Model Validation." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2012), October 27-November 3, 2012, Anaheim, California, pp. 4290-4295 .  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551978
  • Mahoney LA, PA Gauglitz, J Blanchard, ML Kimura, and DE Kurath. 2012. Small-Scale Spray Releases: Orifice Plugging Test ResultsPNNL-21361, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, PA Gauglitz, ML Kimura, GN Brown, DE Kurath, WC Buchmiller, DM Smith, J Blanchard, C Song, RC Daniel, BE Wells, DN Tran, and CA Burns. 2012. Small-Scale Spray Releases: Initial Aerosol Test ResultsPNNL-21367, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mattigod SV, DM Wellman, CC Bovaird, KE Parker, KP Recknagle, LN Clayton, and MI Wood. 2012. "Diffusion of Radionuclides in Concrete and Soil." Chapter 15 in Radioactive Waste, ed. RA Rahman, pp. 331-350.  InTech, New York, NY. 
  • Meyer PA, JA Bamberger, CW Enderlin, JA Fort, BE Wells, SK Sundaram, PA Scott, MJ Minette, GL Smith, CA Burns, MS Greenwood, GP Morgen, EBK Baer, SF Snyder, MK White, GF Piepel, BG Amidan, and A Heredia-Langner. 2012. Pulse Jet Mixing Tests With Noncohesive SolidsPNNL-18098 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Miller EA, TA White, KD Jarman, RT Kouzes, JA Kulisek, SM Robinson, C Scherrer, and RS Wittman. 2012. "Combining Radiography and Passive Measurements for Radiological Threat Detection in Cargo." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2012), October 27-November 3, 2012, Anaheim, California, pp. 657-661.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2012.6551187
  • Muntean GG, MN Devarakonda, F Gao, JH Kwak, JY Luo, CHF Peden, ML Stewart, J Szanyi, DN Tran, and K Howden. 2012. "CLEERS Aftertreatment Modeling and Analysis." Chapter III.1 in Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development 2012 Annual Progress Report, vol. DIE/EE-0872, ed. G Singh, pp. III-3 - III-7.  U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Neeway JJ, N Qafoku, JH Westsik, Jr, CF Brown, C Jantzen, and EM Pierce. 2012. "Radionuclide and contaminant immobilization in the fluidized bed steam reforming waste products." Chapter 11 in Radioactive Waste, ed. RA Rahman, pp. 239-262.  InTech Europe, Rijeka, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska). 
  • Piepel GF, SK Cooley, WL Kuhn, DR Rector, and A Heredia-Langner. 2012. Methods for Quantifying the Uncertainties of LSIT Test Parameters, Test Results, and Full-Scale Mixing Performance Using Models Developed from Scaled Test DataPNNL-22033; WPT-RPT-226, Rev0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rappe KG, JH Lee, ML Stewart, MN Devarakonda, and GD Maupin. 2012. "Combination and Integration of DPF-SCR After-treatment." Chapter II.B.12 in 2011 Annual Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development, pp. 227-230.  DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Rogers JL, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2012. Neutron Coincidence Counting StudiesPNNL-21686, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rogers JL, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, AT Lintereur, and ER Siciliano. 2012. Uranium Neutron Coincidence Collar Model Utilizing Boron-10 Lined TubesPNNL-21750, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schonewill PP, PA Gauglitz, JR Bontha, RC Daniel, DE Kurath, HE Adkins, Jr, JM Billing, CA Burns, JM Davis, CW Enderlin, CM Fischer, JWJ Jenks, CD Lukins, PJ MacFarlan, JI Shutthanandan, and DM Smith. 2012. Large-Scale Spray Releases: Initial Aerosol Test ResultsPNNL-21333; WTP-RPT-217 Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Snyder SF, C Arimescu, BA Napier, and TR Hay. 2012. Recommended Parameter Values for GENII Modeling of Radionuclides in Routine Air and Water ReleasesPNNL-21950, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Um W, HS Chang, JP Icenhower, WW Lukens, RJ Serne, N Qafoku, RK Kukkadapu, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2012. "Iron Oxide Waste Form for Stabilizing 99Tc." Journal of Nuclear Materials 429(1-3):201-209.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.06.004
  • Warren GA, KK Anderson, AM Casella, Y Danon, M Devlin, A Gavron, RC Haight, J Harris, GR Imel, JA Kulisek, JM O'Donnell, T Stewart, and A Weltz. 2012. Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometry for Spent Fuel Assay: FY12 Status ReportPNNL-21970, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Widder SH, S Chandra, GB Parker, S Sande, J Blanchard, D Stroer, J McIlvaine, D Chasar, D Beal, and K Sutherland. 2012. Pilot Residential Deep Energy Retrofits and the PNNL Lab HomesPNNL-21116, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Cantrell KJ, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Secondary Waste Form Down Selection Data Package – CeramicretePNNL-20681, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y. 2011. "Environmental Remediation Strategic Planning of Fukushima Nuclear Accident." Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment 18(2):101-108. 
  • Recknagle KP, EM Ryan, and MA Khaleel. 2011. A Distributed Electrochemistry Modeling Tool for Simulating SOFC Performance and DegradationPNNL-20555, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Recknagle KP, EM Ryan, and MA Khaleel. 2011. "Numerical Modeling of the Distributed Electrochemistry and Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2011), November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado, pp. Paper No. IMECE2011-64232.  ASME, New York, NY. 
  • Siciliano ER, and GA Sandness. 2011. Pallet Load of Potash as NORMPNNL-23247, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, DE Kurath, LA Mahoney, Y Onishi, JL Huckaby, SK Cooley, CA Burns, EC Buck, JM Tingey, RC Daniel, and KK Anderson. 2011. Hanford Waste Physical and Rheological Properties: Data and GapsPNNL-20646, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, PA Gauglitz, and DR Rector. 2011. Comparison of Waste Feed Delivery Small Scale Mixing Demonstration Simulant to Hanford WastePNNL-20637 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, PA Gauglitz, and DR Rector. 2011. Comparison of Waste Feed Delivery Small Scale Mixing Demonstration Simulant to Hanford WastePNNL-20637 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bajwa CS, EP Easton, HE Adkins, Jr, JM Cuta, NA Klymyshyn, and SR Suffield. 2011. "Effects of the MacArthur Maze Fire and Roadway Collapse on a Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation Package." In WM 2011: Global Achievements and Challenges in Waste Management. 37th Annual Waste Management Symposium, February 27 - March 3, 2011, Phoenix, Aizona, p. Paper No. 11392.  WM Symposia, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Ballinger MY, JA Glissmeyer, JM Barnett, KP Recknagle, and ST Yokuda. 2011. Sampling Point Compliance Tests for 325 Building at Set-Back Flow ConditionsPNNL-20397, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bontha JR, KM Denslow, HE Adkins, Jr, JWJ Jenks, CA Burns, PP Schonewill, GP Morgen, MS Greenwood, and TA Wooley. 2011. "EVALUATION OF THREE ULTRASONIC INSTRUMENTS FOR CRITICAL VELOCITY DETERMINATION DURING HANFORD TANK WASTE TRANSFER OPERATIONS - 11121." In 37th Annual Radioactive Waste Management Symposium (WM 2011): Global Achievements and Challenges in Waste Management, February 27-March 3, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona, vol. 5, pp. 3999-4013.  WM Symposia, Tempe, AZ. 
  • Denslow KM, JWJ Jenks, JR Bontha, HE Adkins, CA Burns, PP Schonewill, NN Bauman, and DF Hopkins. 2011. Hanford Tank Farms Waste Certification Flow Loop Phase IV: PulseEcho Sensor Evaluation PNNL-20350 FINAL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fox B, AW Sun, HB Dauer, JL Male, ML Stewart, and DR Tyler. 2011. "Enhanced Oxidative Desulfurization of Model Fuels Using a Film-Shear Reactor." Fuel 90(2):898-901.  doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2010.10.023
  • Gauglitz PA, LA Mahoney, J Blanchard, and JA Bamberger. 2011. Surface Tension Estimates for Droplet Formation in Slurries with Low Concentrations of Hydrophobic Particles, Polymer Flocculants or Surface-Active ContaminantsPNNL-20466, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Hess NJ, M Oostrom, MA Celia, M Hilpert, Q Kang, LJ Pyrak-Nolte, TD Scheibe, AM Tartakovsky, CJ Werth, D Wildenschild, C Zhang, SE Bialkowski, TA Ghezzehei, G Tang, F Doster, J Kumar, R Parashar, R Gerlach, H Yoon, GD Redden, T Zhang, H Huang, J Nogues, W Deng, H Resat, KA Rod, DR Baer, RT Kelly, W Um, G Wang, MC Richmond, DR Rector, ML Stewart, HB Jung, and C Plata. 2011. EMSL Pore Scale Modeling Challenge/WorkshopPNNL-21086, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Jordan DV, JE Baciak, Jr, BS McDonald, WK Hensley, EA Miller, RS Wittman, and ER Siciliano. 2011. "Computational Assessment of the Impact of Gamma-ray Detector Material Properties on Spectroscopic Performance." In Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XIII, August 21, 2011, San Diego, California. Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 8142, ed. LA Franks, RB James and A Burger, p. Paper No. 81421K .  SPIE, Bellingham, WA.  doi:10.1117/12.897316
  • Josephson GB, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Goethite Bench-scale and Large-scale Preparation TestsPNNL-20860; EMSP-RPT-011, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Josephson GB, JH Westsik, Jr, RP Pires, J Bickford, and MW Foote. 2011. Engineering-Scale Demonstration of DuraLith and Ceramicrete Waste FormsPNNL-20751, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Josephson GB, RG Tonkyn, JG Frye, BJ Riley, and KG Rappe. 2011. Hybrid Plasma Reactor/Filter for Transportable Collective Protection Systems PNNL-20270, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Khaleel MA, X Sun, EV Stephens, KP Recknagle, EM Ryan, BJ Koeppel, and C Lai. 2011. "SOFC Modeling and Simulation Tools." Chapter III.G.2 in 2011 Office of Fossil Energy Fuel Cell Program Annual Report, vol. DOE/NETL-2012-1525, pp. 198-201.  Department of Energy, Washington DC, DC. 
  • Lai C, BJ Koeppel, KS Choi, KP Recknagle, X Sun, LA Chick, VN Korolev, and MA Khaleel. 2011. "A Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electrochemistry Modeling Tool for Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks." Journal of Power Sources 196(6):3204-3222.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.11.123
  • Lintereur AT, KE Conlin, JH Ely, LE Erikson, RT Kouzes, ER Siciliano, DC Stromswold, and ML Woodring. 2011. "3He and BF3 Neutron Detector Pressure Effect and Model Comparison." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 652(1):347-350.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.10.040
  • Mahoney LA, D Neiner, RA Peterson, BM Rapko, RL Russell, and PP Schonewill. 2011. Alternative Sodium Recovery Technology—High Hydroxide Leaching: FY10 Status ReportPNNL-20166, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, BM Rapko, and PP Schonewill. 2011. "Modeling the Sodium Recovery Resulting from Using Concentrated Caustic for Boehmite Dissolution." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 50(20):11570-11575.  doi:10.1021/ie2008289
  • Mattigod SV, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Secondary Waste Form Down-Selection Data Package—DuraLithPNNL-20718, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mattigod SV, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. "EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF 99TC GETTERS FOR SEQUESTRATION OF LIQUID SECONDARY WASTE RESULTING FROM VITRIFICATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE FROM HANFORD." In Waste Management 2011: Global Achievements and Challenges in Waste Management, February 27 - March 3, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 11167.  WM Symposia, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Mattigod SV, DM Wellman, CC Bovaird, KE Parker, LN Clayton, L Powers, KP Recknagle, and MI Wood. 2011. Diffusion and Leaching Behavior of Radionuclides in Category 3 Waste Encasement Concrete and Soil Fill Material – Summary ReportPNNL-20683, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mattigod SV, JH Westsik, Jr, CW Chung, MJ Lindberg, and KE Parker. 2011. Waste Acceptance Testing of Secondary Waste Forms: Cast Stone, Ceramicrete and DuraLithPNNL-20632, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, EBK Baer, J Chun, ST Yokuda, AJ Schmidt, S Sande, and WC Buchmiller. 2011. Development of K-Basin High-Strength Homogeneous Sludge Simulants and Correlations Between Unconfined Compressive Strength and Shear StrengthPNNL-20048; 53451-RPT14 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pierce EM, DH Bacon, SN Kerisit, CF Windisch, Jr, KJ Cantrell, MM Valenta, SD Burton, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Integrated Disposal Facility FY2011 Glass Testing Summary ReportPNNL-20781, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pires RP, JH Westsik, Jr, RJ Serne, SV Mattigod, EC Golovich, MM Valenta, and KE Parker. 2011. Secondary Waste Form Screening Test Results—THOR® Fluidized Bed Steam Reforming Product in a Geopolymer Matrix PNNL-20551, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Qafoku N, JH Westsik, Jr, DM Strachan, MM Valenta, and RP Pires. 2011. Secondary Waste Form Down-Selection Data Package—Fluidized Bed Steam Reforming Waste FormPNNL-20704, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ryan EM, KP Recknagle, and MA Khaleel. 2011. "Modeling the Electrochemistry of an SOFC through the Electrodes and Electrolyte." In ECS Transactions: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 12 (SOFC XII), May 1-6, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, vol. 35, no. 1, ed. S Singhal and K. Eguchi, pp. 841 - 851.  The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ.  doi:10.1149/1.3570065
  • Ryan EM, AM Tartakovsky, KP Recknagle, MA Khaleel, and C Amon. 2011. "Pore Scale Modeling of the Reactive Transport of Chromium in the Cathode of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell." Journal of Power Sources 196(1):287-300.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.06.030
  • Serne RJ, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Data Package for Secondary Waste Form Down-Selection—Cast StonePNNL-20706, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Sundaram SK, KE Parker, MM Valenta, SG Pitman, J Chun, CW Chung, ML Kimura, CA Burns, W Um, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Secondary Waste Form Development and Optimization—Cast StonePNNL-20159 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Um W, HS Chang, JP Icenhower, WW Lukens, RJ Serne, N Qafoku, JH Westsik, Jr, EC Buck, and SC Steven. 2011. "Immobilization of 99-Technetium (VII) by Fe(II)-Goethite and Limited Reoxidation." Environmental Science & Technology 45(11):4904-4913.  doi:10.1021/es104343p
  • Um W, MM Valenta, CW Chung, J Yang, MH Engelhard, RJ Serne, KE Parker, G Wang, KJ Cantrell, and JH Westsik, Jr. 2011. Radionuclide Retention Mechanisms in Secondary Waste-Form Testing: Phase II PNNL-20753, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wogman NA, BD Milbrath, RF Payne, CE Seifert, JI Friese, HS Miley, TW Bowyer, RC Hanlen, Y Onishi, JC Hayes, and MS Wigmosta. 2011. A Discussion of Procedures and Equipment for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty On-Site Inspection Environmental Sampling and AnalysisPNNL-20151, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Yang C, HT Lim, SC Hwang, D Kim, C Lai, BJ Koeppel, KP Recknagle, and MA Khaleel. 2011. "Modeling of On-Cell Reforming Reaction for Planar SOFC Stacks." In Proceedings of the ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology collocated with ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability (FUELCELL2011) August 7-10, 2011, Washington, DC, pp. 355-363, FuelCell2011-54138.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/FuelCell2011-54138
  • Zigh G, J Solis, and JA Fort. 2011. "A 2-D Test Problem for CFD Modeling Heat Transfer in Spent Fuel Transfer Cask Neutron Shields." In Proceedings of the CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety Applications (CFD4NRS-3) Workshop, September 14-16, 2010, Bethesda, Maryland.  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. 


  • Bamberger JA, and PA Meyer. 2010. "Concentration Distributions during Pulse Jet Mixing." In Proceedings of the Proceedings of ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, August 1-5, 2010, Montreal, Canada, pp. Paper No. FEDSM-ICNMM2010-31314.  ASME , New York, NY. 
  • Burns CA, PA Gauglitz, and RL Russell. 2010. Shear Strength Correlations for Kaolin/Water Slurries: A Comparison of Recent Measurements with Historical Data PNNL-19094, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fort JA, JM Cuta, C Bajwa, and E Baglietto. 2010. "MODELING HEAT TRANSFER IN SPENT FUEL TRANSFER CASK NEUTRON SHIELDS – A CHALLENGING PROBLEM IN NATURAL CONVECTION." In Proceedings of PVP2010: ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference Pressure Vessel Technology for Energy Challenge, July 18-22, 2010, Bellevue, Washington, pp. Paper No. PVP2010-25752.  ASME, New York, NY. 
  • Klymyshyn NA, HE Adkins, Jr, C Bajwa, and J Piotter. 2010. "Package Impact Models as a Precursor to Cladding Analysis." In ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 18-22, 2010, Bellevue, Washington, vol. 7, no. PVP2010-25773, pp. 507-513.  ASME, New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/PVP2010-25773
  • Onishi Y. 2010. Review of “Deepwater Horizon Release Estimate of Rate by PIV”PNNL-19525, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pfund DM, KD Jarman, BD Milbrath, SD Kiff, and DE Sidor. 2010. "Low Count Anomaly Detection at Large Standoff Distances." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57(1, PT 2):309-316. 
  • Wells BE, JWJ Jenks, GK Boeringa, NN Bauman, AD Guzman, P Arduino, and PJ Keller. 2010. Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest and Shear Modulus Measurements on Hanford Sludge SimulantsPNNL-19829, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, RL Russell, LA Mahoney, GN Brown, DE Rinehart, WC Buchmiller, EC Golovich, and JV Crum. 2010. Hanford Sludge Simulant Selection for Soil Mechanics Property MeasurementPNNL-19250, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Amidan BG, GF Piepel, A Heredia-Langner, PA Meyer, BE Wells, JA Fort, JA Bamberger, and WL Kuhn. 2010. "A STATISTICAL INTELLIGENCE (STI) APPROACH TO DISCOVERING SPURIOUS CORRELATION IN A PHYSICAL MODEL AND RESOLVING THE PROBLEM WITH AN EXAMPLE OF DESIGNING A PULSE JET MIXING SYSTEM AT HANFORD." In Proceedings of PVP2010: ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference Pressure Vessel Technology for Energy Challenge, July 18-22, 2010, Bellevue, Washington, pp. Paper No. PVP2010-25817.  ASME , New York, NY. 
  • Bajwa CS, J Piotter, JM Cuta, HE Adkins, Jr, NA Klymyshyn, JA Fort, and SR Suffield. 2010. "Best Practices for Finite Element Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel Transfer, Storage, and Transportation Systems." In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, July 11-15, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.  INMM, Deerfield, IL. 
  • Baldwin DL, PP Schonewill, JJ Toth, JL Huckaby, PW Eslinger, BD Hanson, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2010. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Solids WashingPNNL-18499 Rev 1; WTP-RPT-187 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, MS Greenwood, BD Lawler, SK Sundaram, EBK Baer, BK Hatchell, DF Hopkins, LJ Kirihara, MS Pekour, S Sande, XY Yu, and N Zuljevic. 2010. "EVALUATING CONCENTRATION PROFILES DURING UNSTEADY MIXING." In Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2009 (IMECE2009), November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, vol. 8, pp. 1-10.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. 
  • Bamberger JA, PA Meyer, PA Scott, HE Adkins, Jr, BE Wells, J Blanchard, KM Denslow, MS Greenwood, GP Morgen, CA Burns, and JR Bontha. 2010. Hanford Tank Farms Waste Certification Flow Loop Test Plan PNNL-18936, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bontha JR, JWJ Jenks, GP Morgen, TJ Peters, WA Wilcox, HE Adkins, Jr, CA Burns, MS Greenwood, PJ MacFarlan, KM Denslow, PP Schonewill, J Blanchard, and EBK Baer. 2010. Test Loop Demonstration and Evaluation of Slurry Transfer Line Critical Velocity Measurement InstrumentsPNNL-19441 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Daniel RC, JM Billing, JR Bontha, CF Brown, PW Eslinger, BD Hanson, JL Huckaby, NK Karri, ML Kimura, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2010. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Comparison of Filter Performance at PEP and CUF ScalePNNL-18498 Rev 1; WTP-RPT-185 Rev 1 , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fort JA, PA Meyer, JA Bamberger, CW Enderlin, PA Scott, MJ Minette, and PA Gauglitz. 2010. "Scaled Testing to Evaluate Pulse Jet Mixer Performance in Waste Treatment Plant Mixing Vessels." In 36th Annual Radioactive Waste Management Symposium, (WM 2010), March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix, AZ, vol. 2, pp. 1405-1419.  Waste Management Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Gauglitz PA, BE Wells, JA Bamberger, JA Fort, J Chun, and JWJ Jenks. 2010. The Role of Cohesive Particle Interactions on Solids Uniformity and Mobilization During Jet Mixing: Testing RecommendationsPNNL-19245, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, WC Buchmiller, SG Probert, and AT Owen. 2010. Preliminary Study of Strong-Sludge Gas Retention and Release Mechanisms in Clay SimulantsPNNL-19885, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, WC Buchmiller, JWJ Jenks, J Chun, RL Russell, AJ Schmidt, and MM Mastor, Jr. 2010. The Disruption of Vessel-Spanning Bubbles with Sloped Fins in Flat-Bottom and 2:1 Elliptical-Bottom VesselsPNNL-19345 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Khaleel MA, X Sun, WN Liu, EV Stephens, KP Recknagle, EM Ryan, BJ Koeppel, and C Lai. 2010. "SOFC Modeling and Simulation Tools." Chapter III.G.2 in 2010 Office of Fossil Energy Fuel Cell Program Annual Report, vol. DOE/NETL-2010/1439, pp. 215-219.  Department of Energy, Washington DC. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, DC Stromswold, and ML Woodring. 2010. 3He Neutron Detector Pressure Effect and Comparison to ModelsPNNL-19110, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, LE Erikson, WJ Kernan, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, DC Stromswold, and ML Woodring. 2010. Alternative Neutron Detection Testing SummaryPNNL-19311, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, LE Erikson, WJ Kernan, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, DL Stephens, Jr, DC Stromswold, RM Van Ginhoven, and ML Woodring. 2010. "Neutron Detection Alternatives to 3He for National Security Applications." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 623(3):1035-1045.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.08.021
  • Kouzes RT, KE Conlin, JH Ely, LE Erikson, WJ Kernan, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, DL Stephens, Jr, DC Stromswold, RM Van Ginhoven, and ML Woodring. 2010. "Alternatives to 3He for Neutron Detection for Homeland Security." In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, July 11-15, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.  INMM, Deerfield, IL. 
  • Kouzes RT, KE Conlin, WJ Kernan, EK Mace, ER Siciliano, and ML Woodring. 2010. "Shielding of Skyshine Interference with Radiation Detection Systems." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2009), October 24-November 1, 2009, Orlando, Florida, pp. 134-137.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401840
  • Kurath DE, RC Daniel, DL Baldwin, BM Rapko, SM Barnes, RA Gilbert, LA Mahoney, and JL Huckaby. 2010. "Process Testing Results and Scaling for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Pretreatment Engineering Platform - 10173." In 36th Annual Radioactive Waste Management Symposium (WM 2010), March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix, AZ, vol. 5, pp. 3762-3776.  Waste Management Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Lintereur AT, RT Kouzes, JH Ely, LE Erikson, ER Siciliano, and ML Woodring. 2010. Boron-Lined Neutron Detector MeasurementsPNNL-18938 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, SD Rassat, PW Eslinger, RL Aaberg, PM Aker, EC Golovich, BD Hanson, TS Hausmann, JL Huckaby, DE Kurath, MJ Minette, SK Sundaram, and ST Yokuda. 2010. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Caustic-Leach Rate Constants from PEP and Laboratory-Scale TestsPNNL-18502 Rev 1; WTP-RPT-186 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Meyer PA, EBK Baer, JA Bamberger, JA Fort, and MJ Minette. 2010. Assessment of Differences in Phase 1 and Phase 2 Test Observations for Waste Treatment Plant Pulse Jet Mixer Tests with Non-Cohesive SolidsPNNL-19085 Rev 0; WTP-RPT-208, Rev. 0 , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, ST Yokuda, and AJ Schmidt. 2010. Evaluation of Shear Strength Threshold of Concern for Retrieval of Interim-Stored K-Basin Sludge in the Hanford SitePNNL-19946, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pierce EM, KJ Cantrell, JH Westsik, Jr, KE Parker, W Um, MM Valenta, and RJ Serne. 2010. Secondary Waste Form Screening Test Results—Cast Stone and Alkali Alumino-Silicate Geopolymer PNNL-19505, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pierce EM, SV Mattigod, JH Westsik, Jr, RJ Serne, JP Icenhower, RD Scheele, W Um, and N Qafoku. 2010. Review of Potential Candidate Stabilization Technologies for Liquid and Solid Secondary Waste StreamsPNNL-19122, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Poloski AP, AW Etchells, J Chun, HE Adkins, Jr, AM Casella, MJ Minette, and ST Yokuda. 2010. "A Pipeline Transport Correlation for Slurries with Small but Dense Particles ." Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 88(2):182-189. 
  • Rapko BM, PP Schonewill, CF Brown, PW Eslinger, MS Fountain, TS Hausmann, JL Huckaby, BD Hanson, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2010. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Comparison of PEP and Bench-Scale Oxidative Leaching ResultsPNNL-18500 Rev 1; WTP-RPT-188 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Recknagle KP, EM Ryan, BJ Koeppel, LA Mahoney, and MA Khaleel. 2010. "Modeling of Electrochemistry and Steam-Methane Reforming Performance for Simulating Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks." Journal of Power Sources 195(19):6637-6644. 
  • Recknagle KP, EM Ryan, BJ Koeppel, LA Mahoney, and MA Khaleel. 2010. "Modeling of Electrochemistry and Steam-Methane Reforming Performance for Simulating Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks." Journal of Power Sources 195(19):6637-6644.  doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.04.024
  • Rector DR, and ML Stewart. 2010. "A Semi-Implicit Lattice Method for Simulating Flow." Journal of Computational Physics 229(19):6732-6743.  doi:10.1016/
  • Rector DR, and ML Stewart. 2010. "Modeling of Leaching Filter Pressure Drop and Fouling Behavior." In Waste Management 2010: Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past, March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona, p. Paper No. 10477.  WM Symposia, Pheonix, AZ. 
  • Stewart ML, TR Gallant, DH Kim, GD Maupin, and A Zelenyuk. 2010. Fuel Efficient Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Modeling and DevelopmentPNNL-19476, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Thien MG, BE Wells, and DJ Adamson. 2010. "High Level Waste Feed Certification in Hanford Double Shell Tanks." In Waste Management 2010: Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past (WM2010), March 7-11, 2010, Phoeniz, Arizona, p. Paper No. 10083.  WM Symposia, Phoenix, AZ. 
  • Um W, H Chang, JP Icenhower, N Qafoku, SC Smith, RJ Serne, EC Buck, RK Kukkadapu, ME Bowden, JH Westsik, Jr, and WW Lukens. 2010. Immobilization and Limited Reoxidation of Technetium-99 by Fe(II)-GoethitePNNL-19833, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Bamberger JA, and PA Meyer. 2009. "Investigating Using Oscillating Jets for Fluid Mixing." In Proceedings of IMECE2008: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Massachusetts, USA , vol. 10, no. Part A, pp. 259-268.  ASME, New York. 
  • Burns CA, RC Daniel, CW Enderlin, M Luna, and AJ Schmidt. 2009. Shear Strength Measurement Benchmarking Tests for K Basin Sludge SimulantsPNNL-18479, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Devarakonda MN, DH Kim, JH Kwak, JH Lee, CHF Peden, ML Stewart, J Szanyi, RG Tonkyn, DN Tran, A Zelenyuk, and DR Herling. 2009. "CLEERS Aftertreatment Modeling and Analysis." Chapter II.B.1 in FY 2009 Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Research and Development, pp. 155-163.  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Washington, D.C.. 
  • Recknagle KP, and MA Khaleel. 2009. Modeling of Pressurized Electrochemistry and Steam-Methane Reforming in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and the Effects on Thermal and Electrical Stack PerformancePNNL-18338, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, and JJ Ressler. 2009. Estimate of the Distribution of Solids Within Mixed Hanford Double-Shell Tank AZ-101: Implications for AY-102PNNL-18327, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Wells BE, CW Enderlin, PA Gauglitz, and RA Peterson. 2009. Assessment of Jet Erosion for Potential Post-Retrieval K-Basin Settled SludgePNNL-18831, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Westsik JH, Jr. 2009. Hanford Site Secondary Waste RoadmapPNNL-18196, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Baldwin DL, PP Schonewill, JJ Toth, JL Huckaby, PW Eslinger, BD Hanson, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2009. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Solids WashingPNNL-18499, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, MS Greenwood, GW Morgan, PA Meyer, EBK Baer, MJ Minette, and PA Scott. 2009. "IN SITU MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CHARACTERIZING PULSE JET MIXING OF SLURRIES." In Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2009), vol. 2, pp. 57-70.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. 
  • Bamberger JA, PA Meyer, CW Enderlin, JA Fort, BE Wells, MJ Minette, CA Burns, EBK Baer, DE Eakin, MR Elmore, and SF Snyder. 2009. "SCALED EXPERIMENTS EVALUATING PULSE JET MIXING OF SLURRIES." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2009), November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA , vol. 9, pp. 1803-1818.  ASME , New York, NY.  doi:10.1115/IMECE2009-12264
  • Bontha JR, F Nigl, DR Weier, RJ Leigh, ED Johnson, WA Wilcox, DM Pfund, AW Baumann, and Y Wang. 2009. PJM Controller Testing with Prototypic PJM Nozzle ConfigurationPNNL-18267, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bredt PR, AR Felmy, PA Gauglitz, AP Poloski, JD Vienna, BA Moyer, D Hobbs, B Wilmarth, M Mcilwain, K Subramanian, S Krahn, and N Machara. 2009. "Scientific Opportunities to Reduce Risk in Nuclear Process Science - 9279." In Waste Management '09: Waste Management for the Nuclear Renaissance, vol. 3, pp. 1482-1495.  WM Symposia, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Bredt PR, AR Felmy, PA Gauglitz, AP Poloski, JD Vienna, BA Moyer, D Hobbs, B Wilmarth, M Mcilwain, K Subramanian, S Krahn, and N Machara. 2009. "Scientific Opportunities to Reduce Risk in Nuclear Process Science." In Waste Management 2009.  Arizona Board of Regents, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Daniel RC, JM Billing, JR Bontha, CF Brown, PW Eslinger, BD Hanson, JL Huckaby, NK Karri, ML Kimura, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2009. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Comparison of Filter Performance at PEP and CUF ScalePNNL-18498, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fellinger AP, MW Rinker, EJ Berglin, RL Minichan, MR Poirier, PA Gauglitz, BA Martin, BK Hatchell, E Saldivar, OD Mullen, NF Chapman, BE Wells, and PW Gibbons. 2009. EM-21 Retrieval Knowledge Center: Waste Retrieval Challenges PNNL-18356, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Gauglitz PA, BE Wells, JA Fort, and PA Meyer. 2009. An Approach to Understanding Cohesive Slurry Settling, Mobilization, and Hydrogen Gas Retention in Pulsed Jet Mixed VesselsPNNL-17707, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Geelhood KJ, WG Luscher, DJ Senor, ME Cunningham, DD Lanning, and HE Adkins, Jr. 2009. Predictive Bias and Sensitivity in NRC Fuel Performance CodesNUREG/CR-7001; PNNL-17644, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Geeting JGH, OP Bredt, CA Burns, EC Golovich, CE Guzman-Leong, GB Josephson, DE Kurath, GJ Sevigny, and RL Aaberg. 2009. Pretreatment Engineering Platform (PEP) Integrated Test B Run Report--Caustic and Oxidative Leaching in UFP-VSL-T02APNNL-18723; WTP-RPT-192 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Guzman-Leong CE, OP Bredt, CA Burns, RC Daniel, YF Su, JGH Geeting, EC Golovich, GB Josephson, DE Kurath, GJ Sevigny, DM Smith, PLJ Valdez, ST Yokuda, and JK Young. 2009. PEP Run Report for Integrated Test A, Caustic Leaching in UFP-VSL-T01A, Oxidative Leaching in UFP-VSL-T02APNNL-18755; WTP-RPT-191 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Josephson GB, JGH Geeting, OP Bredt, CA Burns, EC Golovich, CE Guzman-Leong, DE Kurath, and GJ Sevigny. 2009. PEP Run Report for Simulant Shakedown/Functional TestingPNNL-18823; WTP-RPT-190 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Josephson GB, RG Tonkyn, KG Rappe, and JG Frye. 2009. Annual Report for Hybrid Plasma Reactor/Filter for Transportable Collective Protection Systems—Phase 1B PNNL-18497, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kernan WJ, EK Mace, ER Siciliano, KE Conlin, EL Flumerfelt, RT Kouzes, and ML Woodring. 2009. "Modeling and Measurements for Mitigating Interface from Skyshine." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC 2009), October 24-November 1, 2009, Orlando, Florida, pp. 976 - 980.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5402445
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, AT Lintereur, ER Siciliano, and ML Woodring. 2009. BF3 Neutron Detector TestsPNNL-19050, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurath DE, BD Hanson, MJ Minette, DL Baldwin, BM Rapko, LA Mahoney, PP Schonewill, RC Daniel, PW Eslinger, JL Huckaby, JM Billing, PS Sundar, GB Josephson, JJ Toth, ST Yokuda, EBK Baer, SM Barnes, EC Golovich, SD Rassat, CF Brown, JGH Geeting, GJ Sevigny, AJ Casella, JR Bontha, RL Aaberg, PM Aker, CE Guzman-Leong, ML Kimura, SK Sundaram, RP Pires, BE Wells, and OP Bredt. 2009. Pretreatment Engineering Platform Phase 1 Final Test ReportPNNL-18894; WTP-RPT-197 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Lin Y, D Choi, J Wang, and JR Bontha. 2009. "Nanomaterials-Enhanced Electrically Switched Ion Exchange Process for Water Treatment." Chapter 14 in Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water, ed. M. Savage, et al, pp. 179-189.  William Andrew, Norwich, NY. 
  • Lintereur AT, RT Kouzes, JH Ely, LE Erikson, and ER Siciliano. 2009. Boron-Lined Neutron Detector MeasurementsPNNL-18938, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, SD Rassat, PW Eslinger, RL Aaberg, PM Aker, EC Golovich, BD Hanson, TS Hausmann, JL Huckaby, DE Kurath, MJ Minette, SK Sundaram, and ST Yokuda. 2009. EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Caustic Leach Rate Constants from PEP and Laboratory-Scale TestsPNNL-18502, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Meyer PA, JA Bamberger, CW Enderlin, JA Fort, BE Wells, SK Sundaram, PA Scott, MJ Minette, GL Smith, CA Burns, MS Greenwood, GP Morgen, EBK Baer, SF Snyder, M White, GF Piepel, BG Amidan, A Heredia-Langner, SA Bailey, JC Bower, KM Denslow, DE Eakin, MR Elmore, PA Gauglitz, AD Guzman, BK Hatchell, DF Hopkins, DE Hurley, MD Johnson, LJ Kirihara, BD Lawler, JS Loveland, OD Mullen, MS Pekour, TJ Peters, PJ Robinson, MS Russcher, S Sande, C Santoso, SV Shoemaker, SM Silva, DE Smith, YF Su, JJ Toth, JD Wiberg, XY Yu, and N Zuljevic. 2009. Pulse Jet Mixing Tests With Noncohesive SolidsPNNL-18098, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Palmer BJ, Y Fang, V Gurumoorthi, GE Hammond, JA Fort, and TD Scheibe. 2009. "Developing a Component-Based Framework for Subsurface Simulation using the Common Component Architecture." In SciDAC 2009: Journal of Physics: Conference Series , vol. 180, no. 1, p. Paper No. 012064.  IOP Publishing, London, United Kingdom.  doi:10.1088/1742-6596/180/1/012064
  • Pfund DM, JR Bontha, TE Michener, F Nigl, ST Yokuda, RJ Leigh, EC Golovich, AW Baumann, DE Kurath, M Hoza, WH Combs, JA Fort, and OP Bredt. 2009. Pulse Jet Mixer Overblow Testing for Assessment of Loadings During Multiple OverblowsPNNL-17231 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Poloski AP, HE Adkins, Jr, J Abrefah, AM Casella, RE Hohimer, F Nigl, MJ Minette, JJ Toth, JM Tingey, and ST Yokuda. 2009. Deposition Velocities of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Slurries in PipelinesPNNL-17639, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Poloski AP, ML Bonebrake, AM Casella, MD Johnson, JJ Toth, HE Adkins, Jr, J Chun, KM Denslow, M Luna, and JM Tingey. 2009. Deposition Velocities of Non-Newtonian Slurries in Pipelines: Complex Simulant TestingPNNL-18316, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rapko BM, CF Brown, PW Eslinger, MS Fountain, TS Hausmann, JL Huckaby, BD Hanson, DE Kurath, and MJ Minette. 2009. EFRT M12 Issue Resolution: Comparison of PEP and Bench-Scale Oxidative Leaching ResultsPNNL-18500, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rector DR, ML Stewart, and AP Poloski. 2009. "Modeling of Sediment Bed Behavior for Critical Velocity in Horizontal Piping ." In Waste Management 2009 (WM'09): Waste Management for the Nuclear Renaissance, pp. 3820-3826, Paper No. 9263.  WM Symposia Inc, Phoenix, AZ. 
  • Runkle RC, MJ Myjak, SD Kiff, DE Sidor, SJ Morris, JS Rohrer, KD Jarman, DM Pfund, LC Todd, RS Bowler, and CA Mullen. 2009. "LYNX: An unattended sensor system for detection of gamma-ray and neutron emissions from special nuclear materials." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 598(3):815-825. 
  • Seifert CE, MJ Myjak, and DM Pfund. 2009. "Detection of Anomalous Gamma-Ray Spectra for On-Site Inspection." In The International Scientific Studies Conference (ISS 2009), pp. Paper No. OSI-21/B.  Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna, Austria. 
  • Sevigny GJ, OP Bredt, CA Burns, DE Kurath, JGH Geeting, EC Golovich, CE Guzman-Leong, and GB Josephson. 2009. PEP Integrated Test D Run Report Caustic and Oxidative Leaching in UFP-VSL-T02APNNL-18741; WTP-RPT-193 Rev 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Siciliano ER, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, JE Schweppe, DM Strachan, and ST Yokuda. 2009. "Erratum to: Energy calibration of gamma spectra in plastic scintillators using Compton kinematics [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 594 (2008) 232–243] ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 610(2):627.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2009.09.001
  • Yokuda ST, AP Poloski, HE Adkins, Jr, AM Casella, RE Hohimer, NK Karri, M Luna, MJ Minette, and JM Tingey. 2009. A Qualitative Investigation of Deposition Velocities of a Non-Newtonian Slurry in Complex Pipeline GeometriesPNNL-17973; WTP-RPT-178 Rev. 0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Wells BE, KI Johnson, DR Rector, and DS Trent. 2008. S-102 Transfer Pump Restriction Modeling Results PNNL-17424, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, PA Meyer, JR Bontha, JA Fort, F Nigl, JM Bates, CW Enderlin, ST Yokuda, DE Kurath, AP Poloski, HD Smith, GL Smith, and MA Gerber. 2008. "EVALUATING PULSE JET MIXING WITH NON-NEWTONIAN SLURRIES." In Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2007, vol. 8, no. Part B, pp. 1909-1930.  American Society Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. 
  • Bredt PR, AR Felmy, PA Gauglitz, DT Hobbs, S Krahn, N Machara, M Mcilwain, BA Moyer, AP Poloski, K Subramanian, JD Vienna, and B Wilmarth. 2008. Scientific Opportunities to Reduce Risk in Nuclear Process SciencePNNL-17699, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ely JH, KK Anderson, DJ Bates, RT Kouzes, CA Lopresti, RC Runkle, ER Siciliano, and DR Weier. 2008. "The Use of Energy Information in Plastic Scintillator Material." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276(3):743-748.  doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0627-5
  • Ely JH, WJ Kernan, RT Kouzes, and ER Siciliano. 2008. "Shielding and Build-up Considerations for Radiation Detection." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008. (NSS'08), pp. 1292-1293.  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774642
  • Kouzes RT, ER Siciliano, JH Ely, PE Keller, and RJ McConn, Jr. 2008. "Passive Neutron Detection at Borders." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS '07), October 26-November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, vol. 2, pp. 1115 - 1119.  IEEE , Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4437203
  • Kouzes RT, ER Siciliano, JH Ely, PE Keller, and RJ McConn, Jr. 2008. "Passive Neutron Detection for Interdiction of Nuclear Material at Borders ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 584(2-3):383-400. 
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, EL Flumerfelt, WK Hensley, KR McCormick, and ER Siciliano. 2008. "Skyshine Interference with Radiation Detection Systems." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NNS'08), October 19-25, 2008, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1259-1260.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774634
  • Mahoney LA, JM Alzheimer, ST Arm, CE Guzman-Leong, LK Jagoda, CW Stewart, BE Wells, and ST Yokuda. 2008. "Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant - 8280." In Waste Management 2008 HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management.  Arizona Board of Regents, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Musick CA, SM Barnes, JL Huckaby, GB Josephson, and RA Gilbert. 2008. "Pretreatment Engineering Platform--Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing." In Waste Management Symposium 2008: Phoenix Rising - Moving Forward in Waste Management, February 24-28, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona., p. Paper No. 8365  WM Symposia, Tucson, AZ. 
  • Pfund DM, JR Bontha, TE Michener, F Nigl, ST Yokuda, RJ Leigh, EC Golovich, AW Baumann, DE Kurath, M Hoza, WH Combs, JA Fort, and OP Bredt. 2008. Pulse Jet Mixer Overblow Testing for Assessment of Loadings During Multiple OverblowsPNNL-17231, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Poloski AP, BE Wells, LA Mahoney, RC Daniel, JM Tingey, and SK Cooley. 2008. "Effects of Sludge Particle Size and Density on Hanford Waste Processing." In Waste Management '08: Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management, p. Paper No. 8347.  WM Symposium, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Robinson SM, ER Siciliano, and JE Schweppe. 2008. "Source Injection Distribution Functions for Alarm Algorithm Testing ." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276(2):447-453.  doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0525-x
  • Seifert A, WK Hensley, ER Siciliano, and WK Pitts. 2008. "Fast Neutron Sensitivity with HPGe." In 2007 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM CONFERENCE RECORD, vol. 2, pp. 1175 - 1180.  IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4437216
  • Siciliano ER, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, JE Schweppe, DM Strachan, and ST Yokuda. 2008. "Energy Calibration of Gamma Spectra in Plastic Scintillators using Compton Kinematics." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 594(1):232-243.  doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.06.031
  • Stewart CW, CE Guzman-Leong, ST Arm, MG Butcher, EC Golovich, LK Jagoda, WR Park, RW Slaugh, YF Su, CF Wend, LA Mahoney, JM Alzheimer, JA Bailey, SK Cooley, DE Hurley, CD Johnson, LD Reid, HD Smith, BE Wells, and ST Yokuda. 2008. Results of Large-Scale Testing on Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Retention and ReleasePNNL-17170, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Fort JA, DM Pfund, DM Sheen, RA Pappas, and GP Morgen. 2007. Development of Millimeter-Wave Velocimetry and Acoustic Time-of-Flight Tomography for Measurements in Densely Loaded Gas-Solid Riser FlowPNNL-16626, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Fort JA, JA Bamberger, PA Meyer, and CW Stewart. 2007. Initial Investigation of Waste Feed Delivery Tank Mixing and Sampling IssuesPNNL-17043, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Meyer PA, and AW Etchells. 2007. "Mixing with Intermittent Jets with Application in Handling Radioactive Waste Sludges ." Chemical Engineering Research & Design 85(A5):691-696.  doi:10.1205/cherd06182
  • Pfund DM, RC Runkle, KK Anderson, and KD Jarman. 2007. "Examination of Count-starved Gamma Spectra Using the Method of Spectral Comparison Ratios ." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54(4 (Pt.3)):1232-1238.  doi:10.1109/TNS.2007.901202
  • Rector DR, MS Greenwood, S Ahmed, SR Doctor, GJ Posakony, and VS Stenkamp. 2007. "Simulation of Ultrasonic-driven Gas Separations." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121(6):3446-3452. 
  • Arm ST, AP Poloski, CW Stewart, PA Meyer, and DE Kurath. 2007. "Gas Generation and Hold-Up in Hanford Waste Treatment Plant Process Streams Containing Anti-Foam Agent (AFA)." In 2007 International Topical Meeting on Safety and Technology of Nuclear Hydrogen Production, Control and Management. Assessing the Safety and Technology of Nuclear Hydrogen Production, Control and Management on a Global Scale ST-NH2, Boston, Massachusetts, June 24-28, 2007, p. 6 pages.  American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park , IL. 
  • Bamberger JA, LM Liljegren, CW Enderlin, PA Meyer, MS Greenwood, PA Titzler, and G Terrones. 2007. Final Report One-Twelfth-Scale Mixing Experiments to Characterize Double-Shell Tank Slurry UniformityPNNL-16859, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Poloski AP, BE Wells, JM Tingey, LA Mahoney, MN Hall, SL Thomson, GL Smith, ME Johnson, JE Meacham, MA Knight, MG Thien, JJ Davis, and Y Onishi. 2007. Estimate of Hanford Waste Rheology and Settling BehaviorPNNL-16857, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Recknagle KP, BJ Koeppel, X Sun, MA Khaleel, ST Yokuda, and P Singh. 2007. "Analysis of Percent On-Cell Reformation of Methane in SOFC Stacks and the Effects on Thermal, Electrical, and Mechanical Performance." ECS Transactions 5(1):473-480. 
  • Recknagle KP, DT Jarboe, KI Johnson, A Korolev, MA Khaleel, and P Singh. 2007. "ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND ON-CELL REFORMATION MODELING FOR SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL STACKS." In Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, vol. 27, no. 4, ed. N.P. Bansal, A. Wereszczak, E. Lara-Curzio, pp. 409-418.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.  doi:10.1002/9780470291337
  • Robinson SM, ED Ashbaker, JE Schweppe, and ER Siciliano. 2007. "Optimal Background Attenuation for Fielded Spectroscopic Detection Systems." In 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October 27-November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, vol. 2, pp. 1147-1151.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2007.4437210
  • Senor DJ, CL Painter, KJ Geelhood, DW Wootan, GH Meriwether, JM Cuta, HE Adkins, DW Matson, and CP Abrego, II. 2007. A New Innovative Spherical Cermet Nuclear Fuel Element to Achieve an Ultra-Long Core Life for use in Grid-Appropriate LWRsPNNL-16647, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Sun X, WN Liu, JS Vetrano, Z Yang, KP Recknagle, and MA Khaleel. 2007. "Effects of Oxide Thickness on Scale and Interface Stresses under Isothermal Cooling and Micro-Indentation for Ferritic Stainless Steel Interconnect." In 30th Fuel Cell Seminar: ECS Transactions, vol. 5, no. 1, ed. MC Williams; K Krist, pp. 357-368.  Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ. 
  • Sun X, WN Liu, JS Vetrano, ZG Yang, KP Recknagle, and MA Khaleel. 2007. "Effects of Oxide Thickness on Scale and Interface Stresses under Isothermal Cooling and Micro-Indentation for Ferritic Stainless Steel Interconnect ." ECS Transactions 5(1):357-368. 


  • Bamberger JA. 2006. "Using Ultrasound to Characterize Pulp Slurries with Entrained Air." In Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, July 17-20, 2006, Miami, Florida, vol. 2, ASME, New York. 
  • Huckaby JL, and DL Springer. 2006. Hanford Tank Ventilation System Condensates and Headspace Vapors: An Assessment of Potential Dermal ExposuresPNNL-15778, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Huckaby JL. 2006. Evidence That Certain Waste Tank Headspace Vapor Samples Were Contaminated by Semivolatile Polymer AdditivesPNNL-15646, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Huckaby JL. 2006. An Alternative Treatment of Trace Chemical Constituents in Calculated Chemical Source Terms for Hanford Tank Farms Safety AnalsyesPNNL-16089, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurath DE, PA Meyer, CW Stewart, and SM Barnes. 2006. "Overview of Pulse Jet Mixer/Hybrid Mixing System Development to Support the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant." In WM'06, the 32nd Waste Management Conference, February 26-March 2, 2006, Tucson, AZ, p. 15 pages.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Mahoney LA. 2006. Potential Waste Tank Headspace Concentrations of DDE and 1-NaphthylaminePNNL-15632, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA. 2006. Assessment of New Calculation Method for Toxicological Sums-of-Fractions for Hanford Tank WastesPNNL-16067, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA. 2006. Assessment of New Calculation Method for Toxicological Sums-of-Fractions for Hanford Tank Farm WastesPNNL-16067 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Pfund DM, MS Greenwood, JA Bamberger, and RA Pappas. 2006. "Inline Ultrasonic Rheometry by Pulsed Doppler." Ultrasonics 44(2006):e477- e482.  doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.027
  • Stewart CW. 2006. Hanford's Battle with Nuclear Waste Tank SY-101: Bubbles, Toils, and Troubles.  Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. 
  • Stewart ML, AL Ward, and DR Rector. 2006. "A Study of Pore Geometry Effects on Anisotropy in Hydraulic Permeability Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method." Advances in Water Resources 29(9):1328-1340. 
  • Adkins HE, Jr, JM Cuta, BJ Koeppel, AD Guzman, and CS Bajwa. 2006. Spent Fuel Transportation Package Response to the Baltimore Tunnel Fire ScenarioNUREG-CR-6886 Rev.1; PNNL-15313, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bacon DH, EM Pierce, DM Wellman, DM Strachan, and GB Josephson. 2006. Corrosion of Metal Inclusions In Bulk Vitrification Waste PackagesPNNL-15947, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Brooks KP, BS Augspurger, DL Blanchard, Jr, JM Cuta, SK Fiskum, and MR Thorson. 2006. "Hydraulic Testing of Ion Exchange Resins for Cesium Removal from Hanford Tank Waste ." Separation Science and Technology 41(11):2391-2408. 
  • Brooks KP, SD Rassat, J Hu, VS Stenkamp, SN Schlahta, JR Bontha, JD Holladay, T Simon, KA Romig, and CL Howard. 2006. "Development of a Microchannel In Situ Propellant Production System." In Space Technology and Applications International Forum--STAIF 2006, vol. 813, no. 2006, ed. MS El-Genk, pp. 111-1121.  American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY. 
  • Dillon HE, ML Stewart, GD Maupin, TR Gallant, C Li, FH Mao, AJ Pyzik, and R Ramanathan. 2006. "Optimizing the Advanced Ceramic Material (ACM) for Diesel Particulate Filter Applications." In SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, pp. Paper No. 2007-01-1124.  Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.  doi:10.4271/2007-01-1124
  • Ely JH, RT Kouzes, JE Schweppe, ER Siciliano, DM Strachan, and DR Weier. 2006. "The Use of Energy Windowing to Discriminate SNM from NORM in Radiation Portal Monitors." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 560(2):373-387. 
  • Evans JC, JR, and JL Huckaby. 2006. Data Quality Issues Associated with the Presence of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Tank Vapor SamplesPNNL-15648, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Greenwood MS, JD Adamson, and JA Bamberger. 2006. "Long-Path Measurements of Ultrasonic Attentuation and Velocity for Very Dilute Slurries and Liquids and detection of contaminates." Ultrasonics 44(Suppl. 1):e461-e466. 
  • Josephson GB, JGH Geeting, DL Lessor, and WB Barton. 2006. "Axial Dispersion during Hanford Saltcake Washing." In 14th Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications held in Gatlinburg TN Oct.23-27, 2005.. Published in Separation Science and Technology, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 2267-2282.  Taylor & Francis Inc., Philadelphia, PA.  doi:10.1080/01496390600745586
  • Kim DS, LM Bagaasen, JV Crum, A Fluegel, AB Gallegos, B Martinez, J Matyas, PA Meyer, D Paulsen, BJ Riley, MJ Schweiger, CW Stewart, RG Swoboda, and JD Yeager. 2006. Investigation of Tc Migration Mechanism During Bulk Vitrification Process Using Re SurrogatePNNL-16267, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Kouzes RT, and ER Siciliano. 2006. "The Response of Radiation Portal Monitors to Medical Radionuclides at Border Crossings." Radiation Measurements 41(5):499-512.  doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2005.10.005
  • Kouzes RT, JH Ely, JC Evans, JR, WK Hensley, EA Lepel, JC McDonald, JE Schweppe, ER Siciliano, DJ Strom, and ML Woodring. 2006. "Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Cargo at US Borders." Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material 17(1):11-17.  doi:10.1179/174651006X95556
  • Lin Y, X Cui, and JR Bontha. 2006. "Electrically Controlled Anion Exchange Based on Polypyrrole and Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite for Perchlorate Removal ." Environmental Science and Technology 40(12):4004-4009. 
  • Meyer PA, DE Kurath, JA Bamberger, SM Barnes, and AW Etchells. 2006. "Scaling Laws for Reduced-Scale Tests of Pulse Jet Mixing Systems in Non-Newtonian Slurries: Mixing Cavern Behavior." In WM'06, the 32nd Waste Management Conference, February 26-March 2, 2006, Tucson, AZ, p. 14 pages.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 
  • Poet TS, TJ Mast, and JL Huckaby. 2006. Screening values for Non-Carcinogenic Hanford Waste Tank Vapor Chemicals that Lack Established Occupational Exposure LimitsPNNL-15640, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Russell RL, MJ Schweiger, JH Westsik, Jr, PR Hrma, DE Smith, AB Gallegos, MR Telander, and SG Pitman. 2006. Low Temperature Waste Immobilization Testing Vol. IPNNL-16052 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stewart CW, PA Meyer, DE Kurath, and SM Barnes. 2006. "Scaling Laws for Reduced-Scale Tests of Pulse Jet Mixing Systems in Non-Newtonian Slurries: Gas Retention and Release Behavior." In WM'06, the 32nd Waste Management Conference, February 26-March 2, 2006, Tucson, AZ, p. 14 pages.  WM Symposia, Inc., Tucson, AZ. 


  • Bagaasen LM, JH Westsik, Jr, and TM Brouns. 2005. Waste Form Qualification Compliance Strategy for Bulk VitrificationPNNL-15048, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, and MS Greenwood. 2005. "Evaluation of Ultrasonic Methods for In-Situ Real-Time Characterization of Drilling Mud." In Proceedings of FEDSM2005. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition June 19-23, 2005, Houston, TX, USA , vol. 2, pp. 499-504.  Amer. Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. 
  • Mahoney LA, and JD Vienna. 2005. Feed Variability and Bulk Vitrification Glass Performance AssessmentPNNL-14985 Rev.0, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Siciliano ER, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, BD Milbrath, JE Schweppe, and DC Stromswold. 2005. "Comparison of PVT And NaI(Tl) Scintillators for Vehicle Portal Monitor Applications." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 550(3):647-674. 
  • Stewart CW, and PA Meyer. 2005. Derivation of the Buoyancy Ratio Equation from the Bubble Migration Model PNNL-13337 Add.1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Ewalt JR, MJ Minette, AM Hopkins, TD Cooper, CJ Simiele, PA Scott, RD Scheele, and SL Charboneau. 2005. "Treatability Studies Used to Test for Exothermic Reactions of Plutonium Decontamination Chemicals." In ANS Topical on Deactivation, Decommissioning & Reutilization and Technology Expo, pp. 662-669.  American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL. 
  • Fort JA, MR Garnich, and NA Klymyshyn. 2005. "Electromagnetic and Thermal-flow Modeling of a Cold-Wall Crucible Induction Melter." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process metallurgy and materials processing science 36B:141-152. 
  • Robinson SM, RT Kouzes, RJ McConn, Jr, RT Pagh, JE Schweppe, and ER Siciliano. 2005. "Creation of Realistic Radiation Transport Models of Radiation Portal Monitors for Homeland Security Purposes." In 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October 23-29, 2005, Puerto Rico, vol. 2, pp. 1014-1018.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2005.1596425
  • Scheele RD, TD Cooper, SA Jones, JR Ewalt, JA Compton, DS Trent, MK Edwards, AE Kozelisky, PA Scott, and MJ Minette. 2005. Thermal Stability Studies of Candidate Decontamination Agents for Hanford’s Plutonium Finishing Plant Plutonium-Contaminated GloveboxesPNNL-15410, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Schweppe JE, JH Ely, RT Kouzes, RJ McConn, Jr, RT Pagh, SM Robinson, ER Siciliano, JD Borgardt, SE Bender, and AH Earnhart. 2005. "Validation of Computer Models for Homeland Security Purposes ." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October 23-29, 2009, Puerto Rico, vol. 1, ed. B Yu, pp. 297-301.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2005.1596257
  • Smith LE, AR Swickard, A Heredia-Langner, GA Warren, ER Siciliano, and SD Miller. 2005. "Design Considerations for Passive Gamma-Ray Spectrometers." In 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 16-22 October 2004 Rome, Italy., vol. 3, ed. Seibert, J. Anthony, pp. 1571-1575.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2004.1462540
  • Smith LE, AR Swickard, A Heredia-Langner, GA Warren, ER Siciliano, and SD Miller. 2005. "Design Considerations for Passive Gamma-Ray Spectrometers." In 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, vol. 3, pp. 1571-1575.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2004.1462540
  • Stewart CW, MS Fountain, JL Huckaby, LA Mahoney, PA Meyer, and BE Wells. 2005. Effects of Globally Waste Disturbing Activities on Gas Generation, Retention, and Release in Hanford Waste TanksPNNL-13781 Rev. 3, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Stewart CW, SA Hartley, PA Meyer, and BE Wells. 2005. Predicting Peak Hydrogen Concentrations from Spontaneous Gas Releases in Hanford Waste Tanks PNNL-15238, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 


  • Bamberger JA, and JA Glissmeyer. 2004. Release Fraction EvaluationPNNL-14545, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Bamberger JA, and MS Greenwood. 2004. "Measuring fluid and slurry density and solids concentration non-invasively ." Ultrasonics 42(1-9):563-567. 
  • Bamberger JA, and MS Greenwood. 2004. "Non-invasive characterization of fluid foodstuffs based on ultrasonic measurements." Food Research International 37:621-625. 
  • Bamberger JA, and MS Greenwood. 2004. "Using ultrasonic attenuation to monitor slurry mixing in real time." Ultrasonics 42(1-9):145-148. 
  • Huckaby JL, LA Mahoney, JG Droppo, Jr, and JE Meacham. 2004. Overview of Hanford Site High-Level Waste Tank Gas and Vapor Dynamics PNNL-14831, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Muntean GG, DR Rector, DR Herling, MA Khaleel, and DL Lessor. 2004. "Lattice-Boltzmann Diesel Particulate Filter Sub-Grid Modeling - A Progress Report." In Diesel Emission Measurement and Modeling : SAE 2003 World Congress & Exhibition, March 2003, Detroit, MI, USA., vol. SP-1755 , pp. 2003-01-0835 .  SAE International, Warrendale, PA. 
  • Stewart ML, DR Rector, GG Muntean, and GD Maupin. 2004. "A MECHANISTIC MODEL FOR PARTICLE DEPOSITION IN DIESEL PARTICLUATE FILTERS USING THE LATTICE-BOLTZMANN TECHNIQUE." In 28th International Cocoa Beach Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites held January 2004 published in Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 437-446.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 
  • Adkins HE, Jr, BJ Koeppel, and DT Tang. 2004. "Spent Nuclear Fuel Structural Response when Subject to an End Impact Accident." In 2004 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels & Piping Division, vol. 483, pp. 207-214.  American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY. 
  • Fort JA, and DL Lessor. 2004. "Tailored Electrical Driving as a Means of Controlling Heat Distribution and Convection Patterns in Joule-Heated Waste Glass Melters." In Ceramic Transactions, vol. 155, pp. 143-148.  American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. 
  • Goheen SC, KA Gaither, SM Anantatmula, GM Mong, LB Sasser, and DL Lessor. 2004. "Corona Discharge Influences Ozone Concentrations Near Rats." Bioelectromagnetics 25(2):107-113. 
  • Greenwood MS, and JA Bamberger. 2004. "Self-Calibrating Sensor for Measuring Density through Stainless Steel Pipeline Wall." Journal of Fluids Engineering--Transactions of the ASME 126(2):189-192. 
  • Huckaby JL, and BE Wells. 2004. Flammable Gas Release Estimates for Modified Sluicing Retrieval of Waste from Selected Hanford Single-Shell TanksPNNL-14271 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Huckaby JL, and BE Wells. 2004. Flammable Gas Release Estimates for Modified Sluicing Retrieval of Waste from Selected Hanford Single-Shell Tanks PNNL-14271 Rev. 2, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Onishi Y, and BE Wells. 2004. Feasibility Study on Using Two Mixer Pumps for Tank 241-AY-102 Waste Mixing PNNL-14763, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Smith LE, AR Swickard, A Heredia-Langner, GA Warren, ER Siciliano, and SD Miller. 2004. "Design Considerations for Passive Gamma-Ray Spectrometers." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52(5):1721 - 1727 .  doi:10.1109/TNS.2005.856809
  • Stock LM, and JL Huckaby. 2004. A Survey of Vapors in the Headspaces of Single-Shell Waste TanksPNNL-13366 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 






  • Bontha JR, and DI Kaplan. 1999. "Immobilization or recovery of chlorinated hydrocarbons from contaminated groundwater using clathrate hydrates: A proof-of-concept." Environmental Science and Technology 33(7):1051-1055. 
  • Huckaby JL, LM Peurrung, and PA Gauglitz. 1999. Gas Release During Saltwell Pumping: Interpretation of Operational DataPNNL-13029, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Mahoney LA, ZI Antoniak, JM Bates, and ME Dahl. 1999. Retained Gas Sampling Results for the Flammable Gas ProgramPNNL-13000, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Rassat SD, PA Gauglitz, SM Caley, LA Mahoney, and DP Mendoza. 1999. A Discussion of SY-101 Crust Gas Retention and Release MechanismsPNNL-12092, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Allen RW, TM Brouns, BA Carteret, RL Gilchrist, SN Schlahta, JH Westsik, Jr, and LR Roeder-Smith. 1999. TFA FY00-FY04 Multiyear Program PlanPNNL-12264, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Greenwood MS, JR Skorpik, JA Bamberger, and RV Harris. 1999. "On-line ultrasonic density sensor for process control of liquids and slurries." Ultrasonics 37(2):159-171. 
  • Shepard CL, BJ Burghard, MA Friesel, BP Hildebrand, X Mouz, AA Diaz, and CW Enderlin. 1999. "Measurements of Density and Viscosity of One- and Two-Phase Fluids with Torsional Waveguides." IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 46(3):536-548. 
  • Stewart CW, SD Rassat, JH Sukamto, and JM Cuta. 1999. Buoyancy and Dissolution of the Floating Crust Layer in Tank 241-SY-101 During Transfer and Back-DilutionPNNL-13040, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Veltkamp DJ, SD Doherty, BB Anderson, M Koch, LJ Bond, LW Burgess, JR, AH Ullman, JA Bamberger, and MS Greenwood. 1999. "Process Analytical Chemistry." Analytical Chemistry 73(12):121R-180R. 


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