Alaska OCS Region

Alaska-Program-Areas-thumbThe Alaska Outer Continental Shelf encompasses the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, the Bering Sea, Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. BOEM's Alaska Region Office is responsible for managing the development of oil, natural gas, renewable energy and mineral resources on Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf in an environmentally and economically responsible way. To that end, it manages programs relating to lease management, exploration plans, environmental science, environmental analysis and resource evaluation. It oversees more than one billion acres on the Outer Continental Shelf and more than 6,000 miles of coastline – more coastline than in the rest of the United States combined.


Alaskan Beluga Whale   The Office of Environment Science Management prioritizes, funds, and administers environmental research projects needed to inform decision makers about potential impacts to the human, marine, and coastal environment. The Environmental Analysis Section conducts environmental impact assessments in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and for completing assessments and consultations in compliance with other applicable environmental laws.


Alaska Resource Map   The Office of Resource Evaluation investigates the mineral potential of the OCS, ensures that the federal government receives fair market value for OCS oil and gas leases that it awards to private firms through a competitive bidding process, and regulates the collection of geological and geophysical data offshore.

Offshore Platform in Alaska  

The Oil and Gas (Conventional Energy) program is responsible for providing energy and marine mineral lease opportunities, coordinating the review and analysis of leasing proposals and administration of plans associated with exploration, and for the development and production of energy and mineral resources on OCS leases.