Green Sturgeon Critical habitat

Oct 9, 2009: We designated final critical habitat for North American green sturgeon sDPS.

In freshwater,  designated critical habitat is: the mainstream Sacramento River downstream of Keswick Dam (including the Yolo and Sutter bypasses), the Feather River below Oroville Dam, the Yuba River below Dagueere Point Dam, and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 

In marine waters, designated critical habitat is: areas 60 fathom (110 meters) depth isobath from Monterey Bay to the U.S.-Canada border.

In coastal bays and estuaries, designated critical habitat is: San Francisco Bay Estuary and Humboldt Bay in California. Coos, Winchester, Yaquina, and Nehalem bays in Oregon, Willapa and Grays Harbor in Washington, and the Lower Columbia River Estuary from the mouth to rkm 74.

Contact: NOAA Fisheries Green Sturgeon Recovery Coordinator, Joe Heublein at or 916.930.3719.