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Renewable Energy

Biodiesel & Ethanol

In this video, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack discusses the need for development of a new generation of biofuels from American-grown feedstocks. The Secretary talks about the role of the USDA in researching ways to produce energy from non-feed sources, the importance of renewable fuels to energy and military security, and the role renewable energy production can play in improving economic opportunities for farmers, ranchers and other rural residents. The Secretary was interviewed earlier in 2011 on RFD TV and these excerpts of that interview are used with permission.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide 4th Edition


The Minnesota Project -  Anaerobic Digesters

The East National Technology Support Center's National Manure Management Team is charged with the acquisition and/or development of science-based technology for manure management. The Manure Management Team focuses on providing manure management research findings, project updates, and information to staff and partners. The Team evaluates new technology for manure handling, nutrient management, land application, and alternative manure use. The mission of the Manure Management Team is to integrate current research and development into usable tools and practices for delivering manure management assistance to livestock producers.


How much electricity can you produce for your farm with a wind or solar power system? The National Renewable Energy Laboratory can help you estimate monthly generation values. Compare those results to your monthly electric bills for an idea of how much energy you can replace and money you might save.

In My Backyard (IMBY) tool

The Minnesota Project - Community Wind Energy



Hazelnut farmers recycle empty shells for hazelnut drying

The Oregon Department of Agriculture - The Agriculture Quarterly

This coming fall, Steve and Karla Heesacker will not have to purchase propane to dry hazelnuts at their Forest Grove farm and drying facility. Instead they will use an agricultural resource in ample supply—“blank” hazelnut shells—to fuel a biomass boiler. This renewable energy project also offers significant cost savings.