Zheming Wang

Zheming Wang
Staff Member Title: 
Senior Research Scientist
(509) 371-6349
Contact Email: 

Dr. Wang's current research projects include 1) laser-induced time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopic characterization of uranyl speciation in tank waste-contaminated soils and sediments; 2) spectroscopic characterization of radionuclides and heavy metal ions in Hanford tank wastes; 3) the effect of organic ligand on the kinetics of microbial reduction of Fe(III) and U(VI); 4) spectroscopic studies of lanthanide and aromatic carboxylic acids on mineral-water interface; 5) hydrocarbon diffusion, transport and bioavailability in porous media; 6) laser-induced time-resolved fluorescence characterization of Gd(III) clustering in glasses; 7) steel corrosion and its redox behavior in WIPP brines using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


After graduation, Dr. Wang accepted a three year Department of Energy postdoctoral Fellowship appointment at Pacific Northwest National laboratory working in Dr. Donald M. Friedrich's research group. As a postdoctoral fellow he studied the bonding, structure and reaction thermodynamics, dynamics and kinetics of aromatic carboxylic acids at mineral-water interface and set up the scanning probe microscopy facilities in Environmental Dynamics and Simulation group, Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory. Dr. Wang joined PNNL in early 1998. From early 1997 to 2001, Dr. Wang was in charge of the scanning probe microscopy facilities. Since late 1999 he serves as the deputy Cognizant Space Manager of the environmental spectroscopy laboratory in the Environmental Dynamics and Simulation Group, Environmental Molecular Science laboratory. In May 1998 he co-organized the 1998 Scanning Probe Microscopy Application in Environmental Science and Microbiology Workshop held at PNNL.

  • Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Inorganic/Nuclear Chemistry  from the Florida State University under the supervision of Professor Gregory R. Choppin (1994).
  • His graduate work mainly involves the development of laser-induced time-resolved fluorescence techniques and their application in the characterization of lanthanide complexes in both solution and solid state.
Research Interests: 

Dr Wang's research interests include the understanding of f-element spectroscopy and their application in the interrogation of f-element interaction thermodynamics and reaction kinetics in varied chemical and physical environments; development of novel lanthanide-based optical materials; technical development and application of laser fluorescence spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning probe microscopic techniques in the material science, environmental science, biological science and biomedical technology.



  • LD Troyer, F Maillot, Z Wang, Z Wang, V Mehta, D Giammar, JG Catalano. 2016. "Effect of Phosphate on U(VI) Sorption to Montmorillonite: Ternary Complexation and Precipitation Barriers." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 17586-99. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.11.029
  • AM Lines, Z Wang, SB Clark, SA Bryan. 2016. "Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry of Luminescent Europium complexes." Electroanalysis 28(9)2109-2117. 10.1002/elan.201600034
  • RS Behling, M Bliss, CC Cowles, RT Kouzes, A Lintereur, SM Robinson, ER Siciliano, SC Stave, Z Wang. 2016. "Measurement and Comparison of the Light Output of Ni-doped 6LiF/ZnS for Use in Neutron Multiplicity Counting." 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581840
  • CC Cowles, RS Behling, GR Imel, RT Kouzes, A Lintereur, SM Robinson, SC Stave, ER Siciliano, Z Wang. 2016. "Pulse-Shape Analysis of Neutron-Induced Scintillation Light in Ni-doped 6LiF/ZnS." 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581914
  • V Mehta, F Maillot, Z Wang, JG Catalano, D Giammar. 2016. "Effect of reaction pathway on the extent and mechanism of uranium(VI) immobilization with calcium and phosphate." Environmental Science & Technology 50(6)3128-3136. 10.1021/acs.est.5b06212


  • E Balboni, JM Morrison, Z Wang, MH Engelhard, PC Burns. 2015. "Incorporation of Np(V) and U(VI) in Carbonate and Sulfate Minerals Crystallized from Aqueous Solution." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 151133-149. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.027
  • H Shan, C Liu, Z Wang, T Ma, J Shang, D Pan. 2015. "A fluorescence-based method for rapid and direct determination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Water." Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2015Article No. 853085. 10.1155/2015/853085
  • PJ Mouser, ALucie N'Guessan, N Qafoku, M Sinha, KH Williams, M Dangelmayr, CT Resch, AD Peacock, Z Wang, LA Figueroa, PE Long. 2015. "Influence of Carbon and Microbial Community Priming on the Attenuation of Uranium in a Contaminated Floodplain Aquifer." Ground Water 53(4)600-613. 10.1111/gwat.12238
  • B Schwenzer, L Cosimbescu, VAlexandra Glezakou, AJ Karkamkar, Z Wang, RS Weber. 2015. "Use of Solvatochromism to Assay Preferential Solvation of a Prototypic Catalytic Site." Topics in Catalysis 58(4-6)258-270. 10.1007/s11244-015-0367-z
  • JS McCloy, M Bliss, BW Miller, Z Wang, SC Stave. 2015. "Scintillation and luminescence in transparent colorless single and polycrystalline bulk ceramic ZnS." Journal of Luminescence 157416-423. 10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.09.015
  • BN Gartman, N Qafoku, JE Szecsody, RK Kukkadapu, Z Wang, DM Wellman, MJ Truex. 2015. "Uranium Fate in Hanford Sediment Altered by Simulated Acid Waste Solutions ." Applied Geochemistry 63(December 2015)1-9. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.07.010
  • V Mehta, F Maillot, Z Wang, JG Catalano, D Giammar. 2015. "Transport of U(VI) through sediments amended with phosphate to induce in situ uranium immobilization." Water Research 69307-317. 10.1016/j.watres.2014.11.044
  • Z Wang, Z Shi, L Shi, GF White, DJ Richardson, TA Clarke, JK Fredrickson, JM Zachara. 2015. "Effects of soluble flavin on heterogeneous electron transfer between surface-exposed bacterial cytochromes and iron oxides." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 163299-310. 10.1016/j.gca.2015.03.039
  • L Zhang, L Yan, Z Wang, DD Laskar, MS Swita, JR Cort, B Yang. 2015. "Characterization of Lignin Derived from Water-only and Dilute Acid Flowthrough Pretreatment of Poplar Wood at Elevated Temperatures." Biotechnology for Biofuels 8Article No. 203. 10.1186/s13068-015-0377-x


  • W Jiang, DJ Edwards, HJ Jung, Z Wang, Z Zhu, TJ Roosendaal, SY Hu, CH Henager, RJ Kurtz, Y Wang. 2014. "DIFFUSION OF MAGNESIUM AND MICROSTRUCTURES IN Mg+ IMPLANTED SILICON CARBIDE."
  • J Shang, C Liu, Z Wang, JM Zachara. 2014. "Long-term Kinetics of Uranyl Desorption from Sediments Under Advective Conditions." Water Resources Research 50(2)855-870. 10.1002/2013WR013949
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, J Shang, C Jeon, J Liu, C Liu. 2014. "Investigation of U(VI) Adsorption in Quartz-Chlorite Mineral Mixtures." Environmental Science & Technology 48(14)7766-7773. 10.1021/es500537g
  • J Su, Z Wang, D Pan, J Li. 2014. "Excited States and Luminescent Properties of UO2F2 and Its Solvated Complexes in Aqueous Solution." Inorganic Chemistry 53(14)7340-7350. 10.1021/ic5006852
  • Y Liu, Z Wang, J Liu, C Levar, M Edwards, JT Babauta, DW Kennedy, Z Shi, H Beyenal, DR Bond, TA Clarke, JN Butt, DJ Richardson, KM Rosso, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson, L Shi. 2014. "A trans-outer membrane porin-cytochrome protein complex for extracellular electron transfer by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA." Environmental Microbiology Reports 6(6)776-785. 10.1111/1758-2229.12204
  • V Mehta, F Maillot, Z Wang, JG Catalano, DE Giammar. 2014. "Effect of Co-solutes on the Products and Solubility of Uranium(VI) Precipitated with Phosphate." Chemical Geology 36466-75. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.12.002


  • BW Arey, L Kovarik, O Qafoku, Z Wang, NJ Hess, AR Felmy. 2013. "Identification of Fragile Microscopic Structures during Mineral Transformations in Wet Supercritical CO2." Microscopy and Microanalysis 19(2)268-275. 10.1017/S1431927612014171
  • GF White, Z Shi, L Shi, Z Wang, A Dohnalkova, MJ Marshall, JK Fredrickson, JM Zachara, JN Butt, D Richardson, TA Clarke. 2013. "Rapid electron exchange between surface-exposed bacterial cytochromes and Fe(III) minerals." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(16)6346-6351. 10.1073/pnas.1220074110
  • J Bang, Z Wang, F Gao, S Meng, S Zhang. 2013. "Suppression of nonradiative recombination in ionic insulators by defects: Role of fast electron trapping in Tl-doped CsI." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87(20)205206. 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.205206
  • Z Wang, AR Felmy, CJ Thompson, JS Loring, AG Joly, KM Rosso, HT Schaef, DA Dixon. 2013. "Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Water in Supercritical CO2 and the Effect of CaCl2." Fluid Phase Equilibria 338155-163. 10.1016/j.fluid.2012.11.012
  • J Shang, C Liu, Z Wang. 2013. "Transport and Retention of Engineered Nanoporous Particles in Porous Media: Effects of Concentration and Flow Dynamics." Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 41789-98. 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2012.10.030
  • J Liu, CI Pearce, C Liu, Z Wang, L Shi, E Arenholz, KM Rosso. 2013. "Fe3-xTixO4 Nanoparticles as Tunable Probes of Microbial Metal Oxidation." Journal of the American Chemical Society 135(24)8896-8907. 10.1021/ja4015343
  • CJ Thompson, JS Loring, KM Rosso, Z Wang. 2013. "Comparative Reactivity Study of Forsterite and Antigorite in Wet Supercritical CO2 by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18246-255. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.07.007
  • J Kuta, Z Wang, K Wisuri, MCF Wander, N Wall, AE Clark. 2013. "The surface structure of α-uranophane and its interaction with Eu(III) – An integrated computational and fluorescence spectroscopy study." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 103184-196. 10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.056
  • Z Shi, JM Zachara, Z Wang, L Shi, JK Fredrickson. 2013. "Reductive Dissolution of Goethite and Hematite by Reduced Flavins." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 121139-154. 10.1016/j.gca.2013.05.039
  • S Chatterjee, AS Del Negro, FN Smith, Z Wang, SE Hightower, BP Sullivan, WR Heineman, CJ Seliskar, SA Bryan. 2013. "Photophysics and Luminescence Spectroelectrochemistry of [Tc(dmpe)3]+/2+ (dmpe = 1,2-bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane)." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117(48)12749-12758. 10.1021/jp406365c


  • J Liu, Z Wang, SM Belchik, M Edwards, C Liu, DW Kennedy, ED Merkley, MS Lipton, JN Butt, D Richardson, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson, KM Rosso, L Shi. 2012. "Identification and Characterization of MtoA: a Decaheme c-Type Cytochrome of the Neutrophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacterium Sideroxydans lithotrophicus ES-1." Frontiers in Microbiological Chemistry 3Article No. 37. 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00037
  • J Li, K Zhu, J Shang, D Wang, Z Nie, R Guo, C Liu, Z Wang, X Li, J Liu. 2012. "Fluorescent Functionalized Mesoporous Silica for Radioactive Material Extraction." Separation Science and Technology 47(10)1507-1513.
  • G Wang, RJeffrey Serne, MJ Lindberg, W Um, BN Bjornstad, BD Williams, IV Kutynakov, Z Wang, N Qafoku. 2012. "Uranium in Hanford Site 300 Area: Extraction Data on Borehole Sediments."
  • ES Ilton, Z Wang, JF Boily, O Qafoku, KM Rosso, SC Smith. 2012. "The Effect of pH and Time on the Extractability and Speciation of Uranium(VI) Sorbed to SiO2." Environmental Science & Technology 46(12)6604-6611. 10.1021/es300501v
  • JS Loring, CJ Thompson, C Zhang, Z Wang, HT Schaef, KM Rosso. 2012. "In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Brucite Carbonation in Dry to Water-Saturated Supercritical Carbon Dioxide." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 116(19)4768-4777. 10.1021/jp210020t
  • AE Plymale, VL Bailey, JK Fredrickson, SM Heald, EC Buck, L Shi, Z Wang, CT Resch, DA Moore, H Bolton. 2012. "Biotic and Abiotic Reduction and Solubilization of Pu(IV)O2•xH2O(am) as Affected by Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) and Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA)." Environmental Science & Technology 46(4)2132–2140. 10.1021/es2030752
  • Z Shi, JM Zachara, L Shi, Z Wang, DA Moore, DW Kennedy, JK Fredrickson. 2012. "Redox reactions of reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMN), riboflavin (RBF), and anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) with ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite." Environmental Science & Technology 46(21)11644-11652. 10.1021/es301544b
  • RD Springer, Z Wang, A Anderko, P Wang, AR Felmy. 2012. "A Thermodynamic Model for Predicting Mineral Reactivity in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: I. Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide - Water - Chloride Salt Systems Across the H2O-Rich to the CO2-Rich Regions ." Chemical Geology 322-323151-171. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.07.008


  • BW Arey, L Kovarik, Z Wang, AR Felmy. 2011. "Investigation of Mineral Transformations in Wet Supercritical CO2 by Electron Microscopy." Microscopy and Microanalysis 17(Suppl S2)1928-1929. 10.1017/S1431927611010518
  • L Shi, SM Belchik, Z Wang, DW Kennedy, A Dohnalkova, MJ Marshall, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson. 2011. "Identification and Characterization of UndA-HRCR-6, an Outer Membrane Endecaheme c-Type Cytochrome of Shewanella sp. Strain HRCR-6 ." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77(15)5521-5523. 10.1128/AEM.00614-11
  • B Cao, B Ahmed, DW Kennedy, Z Wang, L Shi, MJ Marshall, JK Fredrickson, NG Isern, PD Majors, H Beyenal. 2011. "Contribution of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Shewanella sp. HRCR-1 Biofilms to U(VI) Immobilization." Environmental Science & Technology 45(13)5483-5490. 10.1021/es200095j
  • JS Loring, CJ Thompson, Z Wang, AG Joly, DS Sklarew, HT Schaef, ES Ilton, KM Rosso, AR Felmy. 2011. "In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Forsterite Carbonation in Wet Supercritical CO2." Environmental Science & Technology 45(14)6204-6210. 10.1021/es201284e
  • LA Velarde Ruiz Esparza, X Zhang, Z Lu, AG Joly, Z Wang, H Wang. 2011. "Communication: Spectroscopic phase and lineshapes in high-resolution broadband sum frequency vibrational spectroscopy: Resolving interfacial inhomogeneities of "identical" molecular groups." Journal of Chemical Physics 135(24)Article No. 241102. 10.1063/1.3675629
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, JF Boily, Y Xia, CT Resch, DA Moore, C Liu. 2011. "Determining Individual Mineral Contributions To U(VI) Adsorption In A Contaminated Aquifer Sediment: A Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(10)2965–2979.
  • J Shang, C Liu, Z Wang, JM Zachara. 2011. "Effect of Grain Size on Uranium(VI) Surface Complexation Kinetics and Adsorption Additivity." Environmental Science & Technology 45(14)6025-6031. 10.1021/es200920k
  • J Kuta, MCF Wander, Z Wang, S Jiang, N Wall, AE Clark. 2011. "Trends in Ln(III) Sorption to Quartz Assessed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Laser Induced Flourescence Studies." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(43)21120-21127. 10.1021/jp204633g
  • S Chatterjee, AS Del Negro, Z Wang, MK Edwards, FN Skomurski, SE Hightower, JA Krause, B Twamley, BP Sullivan, C Reber, WR Heineman, CJ Seliskar, SA Bryan. 2011. "Electronic and Molecular Structures of trans-Dioxotechnetium(V) Polypyridyl Complexes in the Solid State." Inorganic Chemistry 50(12)5815–5823. 10.1021/ic200747v
  • TA Clarke, M Edwards, AJ Gates, A Hall, G White, J Bradley, CL Reardon, L Shi, AS Beliaev, MJ Marshall, Z Wang, N Watmough, JK Fredrickson, JM Zachara, JN Butt, DJ Richardson. 2011. "Structure of a Bacterial Cell Surface Decaheme Electron Conduit." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(23)9384-9389. 10.1073/pnas.1017200108


  • CL Reardon, A Dohnalkova, P Nachimuthu, DW Kennedy, D Saffarini, BW Arey, L Shi, Z Wang, DA Moore, JS Mclean, DM Moyles, MJ Marshall, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson, AS Beliaev. 2010. "Role of Outer-Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA in the Biomineralization of Ferrihydrite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.." Geobiology 8(1)56-68. 10.1111/j.1472-4669.2009.00226.x
  • J Shang, C Liu, Z Wang, H Wu, K Zhu, J Li, J Liu. 2010. "In-Situ Measurements of Engineered Nanoporous Particle Transport in Saturated Porous Media." Environmental Science & Technology 44(21)8190-8195. 10.1021/es1015586
  • JE Szecsody, MJ Truex, L Zhong, N Qafoku, MD Williams, JP McKinley, Z Wang, J Bargar, DK Faurie, CT Resch, JL Phillips. 2010. "Remediation of Uranium in the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Ammonia Gas: FY 2010 Laboratory-Scale Experiments."
  • W Um, JP Icenhower, CF Brown, RJeffrey Serne, Z Wang, CJ Dodge, AROKIASAMYJ FRANCIS. 2010. "Characterization of Uranium-Contaminated Sediments From Beneath A Nuclear Waste Storage Tank From Hanford, Washington: Implications for Contaminant Transport and Fate." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(4)1363-1380.


  • C Liu, JM Zachara, L Zhong, SM Heald, Z Wang, BH Jeon, JK Fredrickson. 2009. "Microbial Reduction of Intragrain U(VI) in Contaminated Sediment." Environmental Science & Technology 43(13)4928-4933. 10.1021/es8029208
  • Z Shi, C Liu, JM Zachara, Z Wang, B Deng. 2009. "Inhibition Effect of Secondary Phosphate Mineral Precipitation on Uranium Release from Contaminated Sediments." Environmental Science & Technology 43(21)8344-8349. 10.1021/es9021359
  • L Shi, D Richardson, Z Wang, SN Kerisit, KM Rosso, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson. 2009. "The Roles of Outer Membrane Cytochromes of Shewanella and Geobacter in Extracellular Electron Transfer." Environmental Microbiology Reports 1(4)220-227. 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2009.00035.x
  • J Wan, Y Kim, TK Tokunaga, Z Wang, S Dixit, CI Steefel, E Saiz, M Kunz, N Tamura. 2009. "Spatially Resolved U(VI) Partitioning and Speciation: Implications for Plume Scale Behavior of Contaminant U in the Hanford Vadose Zone." Environmental Science & Technology 43(7)2247-2253.
  • W Um, Z Wang, RJeffrey Serne, BD Williams, CF Brown, CJ Dodge, AROKIASAMYJ FRANCIS. 2009. "Uranium Phases in Contaminated Sediments Below Hanford's U Tank Farm ." Environmental Science & Technology 43(12)4280-4286. 10.1021/es900203r
  • R Kips, MJ Kristo, I Hutcheon, JE Amonette, Z Wang, TJ Johnson, DC Gerlach, KB Olsen. 2009. "Determination of the Relative Amount of Fluorine in Uranium Oxyfluoride Particles Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Optical Spectroscopy."


  • L Shi, S Deng, MJ Marshall, Z Wang, DW Kennedy, A Dohnalkova, HM Mottaz, EA Hill, YA Gorby, AS Beliaev, DJ Richardson, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson. 2008. " Direct Involvement of Type II Secretion System in Extracellular Translocation of Shewanella Oneidensis Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA." Journal of Bacteriology 190(15)5512-5516. 10.1128/JB.00514-08
  • MJ Marshall, AE Plymale, DW Kennedy, L Shi, Z Wang, SB Reed, A Dohnalkova, CJ Simonson, C Liu, D Saffarini, MF Romine, JM Zachara, AS Beliaev, JK Fredrickson. 2008. "Hydrogenase- and Outer Membrane c-Type Cytochrome-Facilitated Reduction of Technetium(VII) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Environmental Microbiology 10(1)125-136. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01438.x
  • C Liu, JM Zachara, N Qafoku, Z Wang. 2008. "Scale-dependent desorption of uranium from contaminated subsurface sediments." Water Resources Research 44W08413. 10.1029/2007WR006478
  • Z Wang, C Liu, X Wang, MJ Marshall, JM Zachara, KM Rosso, M Dupuis, JK Fredrickson, SM Heald, L Shi. 2008. "Kinetics of Reduction of Fe(III) Complexes by Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74(21)6746-6755. 10.1128/AEM.01454-08
  • Z Wang, KB Wagnon, CC Ainsworth, C Liu, KM Rosso, JK Fredrickson. 2008. "A Spectroscopic Study of the effect of Ligand Complexation on the Reduction of Uranium(VI) by Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AH2DS)." Radiochimica Acta 96(9-11)599-605. 10.1524/ract.2008.1542
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, C Liu, PL Gassman, AR Felmy, SB Clark. 2008. "A cryogenic fluorescence spectroscopic study of uranyl carbonate, phosphate, and oxyhydroxide minerals." Radiochimica Acta 96(9-11)591-598. 10.1524/ract.2008.1541
  • H Wu, J Wang, Z Wang, DR Fisher, Y Lin. 2008. "Apoferritin-Templated Yttrium Phosphate Nanoparticle Conjugates for Radioimmunotherapy of Cancers." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8(5)2316-2322. 10.1166/jnn.2008.177
  • P Di Bernardo, PL Zanonato, A Melchior, R Portanova, M Tolazzi, GR Choppin, Z Wang. 2008. "Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Studies of Lanthanides(III) Complexation with Polyamines in Dimethyl Sulfoxide." Inorganic Chemistry 47(3)1155-1164. 10.1021/ic701337u
  • J Wan, TK Tokunaga, Y Kim, Z Wang, A Lanzirotti, E Saiz, RJeffrey Serne. 2008. "Effect of Saline Waste Solution Infiltration Rates on Uranium Retention and Spatial Distribution in Hanford Sediments." Environmental Science & Technology 42(6)1973-1978. 10.1021/es070684b
  • T Ohno, Z Wang, R Bro. 2008. "PowerSlicing to determine fluorescence lifetimes of water-soluble organic matter derived from soils, plant biomass, and animal manures." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390(8)2189-2194. 10.1007/s00216-008-1963-6


  • C Liu, BH Jeon, JM Zachara, Z Wang. 2007. "Influence of Calcium on Microbial Reduction of Solid Phase Uranium (VI)." Biotechnology and Bioengineering 97(6)1415-1422. 10.1002/bit.21357


  • L Shi, B Chen, Z Wang, DA Elias, MUljana Mayer, YA Gorby, S Ni, BH Lower, DW Kennedy, DS Wunschel, HM Mottaz, MJ Marshall, EA Hill, AS Beliaev, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson, TC Squier. 2006. "Isolation of a High-Affinity Functional Protein Complex between OmcA and MtrC: Two Outer Membrane Decaheme c-type Cytochromes of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 ." Journal of Bacteriology 188(13)4705-4714. 10.1128/JB.01966-05
  • AR Felmy, HM Cho, DA Dixon, Y Xia, NJ Hess, Z Wang. 2006. "The Aqueous Complexation of Thorium with Citrate under Neutral to Basic Conditions." Radiochimica Acta 94(4)205-212. 10.1524/ract.2006.94.4.205
  • MJ Marshall, AS Beliaev, A Dohnalkova, DW Kennedy, L Shi, Z Wang, MI Boyanov, B Lai, KM Kemner, JS Mclean, SB Reed, DE Culley, VL Bailey, CJ Simonson, D Saffarini, MF Romine, JM Zachara, JK Fredrickson. 2006. "c-Type Cytochrome-Dependent Formation of U(IV) Nanoparticles by Shewanella oneidensis ." PloS Biology 4(8)1324-1333.
  • C Liu, BH Jeon, JM Zachara, Z Wang, A Dohnalkova, JK Fredrickson. 2006. "Kinetics of Microbial Reduction of Solid Phase U(VI)." Environmental Science and Technology 40(20)6290-6296.
  • ES Ilton, C Liu, W Yantasee, Z Wang, DA Moore, AR Felmy, JM Zachara. 2006. "The Dissolution of Synthetic Na-Boltwoodite in Sodium Carbonate Solutions." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70(19)4836-4849. 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.1553
  • Z Wang, AR Felmy, Y Xia, EC Buck. 2006. "Observation of Aqueous Cm(III)/Eu(III) and UO22+ Nanoparticulates at Concentrations Approaching Solubility Limit by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 418(1-2)166-170.
  • MH Huesemann, TJ Fortman, RG Riley, CJ Thompson, Z Wang, MJ Truex, BM Peyton. 2006. "Slow Desorption of Phenanthrene from Silica Particles: Influence of Pore Size, Pore Water, and Aging Time."
  • YC Chen, Z Wang, M Yan, SA Prahl. 2006. "Fluorescence Anisotropy Studies of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers." Luminescence 21(1)7-14.
  • H Chang, GV Korshin, Z Wang, JM Zachara. 2006. "Adsorption of Uranyl on Gibbsite: A Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study ." Environmental Science and Technology 40(4)1244-1249.
  • SA Bryan, AS Del Negro, Z Wang, TL Hubler, WR Heineman, CJ Seliskar, BP Sullivan. 2006. "Characterization of trans-dioxotechnetium(V) and technetium(II)phosphine excited states and spectroelectrochemical detection of pertechnetate."


  • LV Saraf, DR Baer, Z Wang, JS Young, MH Engelhard, S Thevuthasan. 2005. "Hydrogen Bubbles and Formation of Nanoporous Silicon during Electrochemical Etching." Surface and Interface Analysis 37(6)555-561.
  • Z Wang, AR Felmy, Y Xia, O Qafoku, W Yantasee, HM Cho. 2005. "Complexation of Cm(III)/Eu(III) with Silicate in Basic Solutions." Radiochimica Acta 93(12)741-748.
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, PL Gassman, C Liu, O Qafoku, W Yantasee, JG Catalano. 2005. "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of U(VI)-Silicates and U(VI)-Contaminated Hanford Sediment." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69(6)1391-1403. 10.1016/j.gca.2004.08.028
  • W Dong, WP Ball, C Liu, Z Wang, AT Stone, J Bai, JM Zachara. 2005. "Influence of Calcite and Dissolved Calcium on Uranium(VI) Sorption to a Hanford Subsurface Sediment." Environmental Science and Technology 39(20)7949-7955. 10.1021/es0505088
  • YC Chen, Z Wang, M Yan, SA Prahl. 2005. "Fluorescense Anisotropy Studies of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Sensors." Luminescence 21(1)7-14. 10.1002/bio.874
  • J Wan, TK Tokunaga, E Brodie, Z Wang, Z Zheng, D Herman, TC Hazen, MK Firestone, SR Sutton . 2005. "Reoxidation of Bioreduced Uranium Under Reducing Conditions." Environmental Science and Technology 39(16)6162-6169. 10.1021/es048236g
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, JP McKinley, SC Smith. 2005. "Cryogenic Laser Induced U(VI) Fluorescence Studies of a U(VI) Substituted Natural Calcite: Implications to U(VI) Speciation in Contaminated Hanford Sediments." Environmental Science and Technology 392651-2659.
  • AR Felmy, Y Xia, Z Wang. 2005. "The Solubility Product of NaUO2PO4.xH2O Determined in Phosphate and Carbonate Solutions." Radiochimica Acta 93(7)401-408.
  • H Li, L Li, M Qian, DM Strachan, Z Wang. 2005. "Structure of Glass-Forming Melts - Lanthanide in Borosilicates."
  • AS Del Negro, Z Wang, CJ Seliskar, WR Heineman, BP Sullivan, SE Hightower, TL Hubler, SA Bryan. 2005. "Luminescence from the trans-Dioxotechnetium(V) Chromophore." Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(43)14978-14979.


  • AR Felmy, Z Wang, DA Dixon, NJ Hess. 2004. "Chemical Equilibrium Modeling of Hanford Waste Tank Processing: Applications of Fundamental Science."
  • Z Wang, JM Zachara, W Yantasee, PL Gassman, C Liu, AG Joly. 2004. "Cryogenic Laser Induced Fluorescence Characterization of U(VI) in Hanford Vadose Zone Pore Waters." Environmental Science and Technology 385591-5597.
  • C Liu, JM Zachara, O Qafoku, JP McKinley, SM Heald, Z Wang. 2004. "Dissolution of Uranyl Microprecipitates from Subsurface Sediments at Hanford Site, USA." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68(22)4519-4537.
  • KM Rosso, DMA Smith, Z Wang, CC Ainsworth, JK Fredrickson. 2004. "Self-Exchange Electron Transfer Kinetics and Reduction Potentials for Anthraquinone Disulfonate." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108(16)3292-3303.
  • W Yantasee, Y Lin, GE Fryxell, Z Wang. 2004. "Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with Carbamoylphosphonic Acid Functionalized Mesoporous Silica: A New Mercury-Free Sensor for Uranium Detection." Electroanalysis 16(10)870-873.
  • H Li, L Li, M Qian, DM Strachan, Z Wang. 2004. "Structure of Glass-Forming Melts - Lanthanide in Borosilicates."
  • Y Lin, W Yantasee, GE Fryxell, Z Wang, J Wang. 2004. "DOE-EMSP Project Report FY 04: Portable Analyzer Based on Microfluidics/Nanoengineered Electrochemical Sensors for In-situ Characterization of Mixed Wastes."


  • Y Xia, AR Felmy, L Rao, Z Wang, NJ Hess. 2003. "Thermodynamic model for the solubility of ThO2 (am) in the aqueous Na+ - H+ -OH- -NO3- -H2O-EDTA System." Radiochimica Acta 91(12)751-760.
  • Z Wang, AR Felmy, Y Xia, MJ Mason. 2003. "A fluorescence spectroscopic study on the speciation of Cm(III) and Eu(III) in the presence of organic chelates in highly basic solutions." Radiochimica Acta 91329-337.
  • RJ Fellows, Z Wang, CC Ainsworth. 2003. "Europium Uptake and Partitioning in Oat (Avena sativa) Roots as studied By Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Confocal Microscopy Profiling Technique ." Environmental Science and Technology 37(22)5247-5253.


  • H Li, Z Wang, L Li, DM Strachan, Y Su, AG Joly. 2002. "Spectroscopic Elucidation of Lanthanide Cation Dissolution Mechanism in Borosilicate Glass ."
  • RJeffrey Serne, CF Brown, HT Schaef, EM Pierce, MJ Lindberg, Z Wang, PL Gassman, JG Catalano. 2002. "300 Area Uranium Leach and Adsorption Project."


  • JM Zachara, NS Foster, JE Amonette, EJ Bylaska, AR Felmy, PL Gassman, SM Heald, RK Kukkadapu, C Liu, MJ Mason, KM Rosso, CK Russell, JR Rustad, SC Smith, Z Wang, TW Wietsma. 2001. "Annual Report 2000 Environmental Dynamics and Simulation."
  • AR Felmy, Z Wang, DA Dixon, AG Joly, JR Rustad, MJ Mason. 2001. "The Aqueous Complexation of Eu(III) with Organic Chelates at High Base Concentration: Molecular and Thermodynamic Modeling Results ."
  • Z Wang, D Friedrich, MR Beversluis, SL Hemmer, AG Joly, MH Huesemann, MJ Truex, RG Riley, CJ Thompson, BM Peyton. 2001. "A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Study of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Porous Silica." Environmental Science and Technology 35(13)2710-2716.
  • Z Wang, SL Hemmer, D Friedrich, AG Joly. 2001. "Anthracene as the Origin of the Red-Shifted Emission from Commercial Zone-Refined Phenanthrene Sorbed on Mineral Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105(25)6020-6023.
  • Z Wang, D Friedrich, CC Ainsworth, SL Hemmer, AG Joly, MR Beversluis. 2001. "Ground-State Proton Transfer Tautomer of Al(III)-Salicylate Complexes in Ethanol Solution." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105(5)942-950.
  • Z Wang, RC Moore, AR Felmy, MJ Mason, RK Kukkadapu. 2001. "A Study of the Corrosion Products of Mild Steel in High Ionic Strength Brines." Waste Management 21335-341.
  • Z Wang, LJ Van De Burgt, GR Choppin. 2001. "Spectroscopic Study of Lanthanide (III) Complexes with Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acids." Inorganica Chimica Acta 310248-256.
  • RG Riley, CJ Thompson, MH Huesemann, Z Wang, BM Peyton, TJ Fortman, MJ Truex, KE Parker. 2001. "Artificial Aging of Phenanthrene in Porous Silicas Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide." Environmental Science and Technology 35(18)3707-3712.


  • JM Zachara, NS Foster, JE Amonette, EJ Bylaska, AR Felmy, PL Gassman, SM Heald, RK Kukkadapu, C Liu, MJ Mason, KM Rosso, CK Russell, JR Rustad, SC Smith, Z Wang, TW Wietsma. 2000. "Annual Report 1999 Environmental Dynamics & Simulation ."
  • Z Wang, CC Ainsworth, D Friedrich, PL Gassman, AG Joly. 2000. "Kinetics and Mechanism of Surface Reaction of Salicylate on Alumina in Colloidal Aqueous Suspension ." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64(7)1159-1172.
  • H Li, L Li, JD Vienna, M Qian, Z Wang, JG Darab, DK Peeler. 2000. "Neodymium (III) in Alumino-Borosilicate Glasses ." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 278(1-3)35-57.


  • ME Mccarroll, AG Joly, Z Wang, DM Friedrich, R Von Wandruszka. 1999. "Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropies in Mixed Surfactant Solutions." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 218(1)260-264.
  • D Friedrich, Z Wang, AG Joly, KA Peterson, PR Callis. 1999. "Ground-state proton-transfer tautomer of the salicylate anion." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103(48)9644-9653.