Tim Droubay

Timothy C Droubay
Staff Member Title: 
Research Scientist
(509) 371-6488
Contact Email: 

Dr. Droubay is instrumental in PNNL's Spintronics program, which is designed to exploit the spin of an electron as well as its charge to greatly enhance processing power (e.g., quantum computers). His work heavily focuses on the growth of dilute magnetic semiconductors, in particular cobalt-doped Ti02 in anatase form, using oxygen plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. As part of this research, Dr. Droubay is leading efforts to grow cobalt-doped anatase on silicon using a thin strontium titanate buffer layer between the silicon and the anatase.

  • 2002 - Present  joined the Laboratory full-time as a Research Scientist.
  • 2000 Post-Doctoral Student at PNNL
  • 1998 to 2000, Dr. Droubay taught physics at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Waukesha County Technical College. 
  • Ph.D, Physics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1999). 
  • MS, Physics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1993). 
  • BS, Physics and Math, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma (1991). 
Awards & Honors: 

American Physical Society, member American Vacuum Society, member.

Research Interests: 

Magnetic oxides



  • P Xu, TC Droubay, JS Jeong, KA Mkhoyan, P Sushko, SA Chambers, B Jalan. 2016. "Quasi 2D Ultrahigh Carrier Density in a Complex Oxide Broken Gap Heterojunction." Advanced Materials Interfaces 3(2)Article No. 1500432. 10.1002/admi.201500432
  • SR Spurgeon, Y Du, TC Droubay, A Devaraj, X Sang, P Longo, P Yan, PG Kotula, V Shutthanandan, ME Bowden, JM LeBeau, CM Wang, P Sushko, SA Chambers. 2016. "Competing Pathways for Nucleation of the Double Perovskite Structure in the Epitaxial Synthesis of La2MnNiO6." Chemistry of Materials 28(11)3814–3822. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00829


  • ES Ilton, TC Droubay, AM Chaka, L Kovarik, T Varga, BW Arey, SN Kerisit. 2015. "Epitaxial single-crystal thin films of MnxTi1-xO2-δ grown on (rutile)TiO2 substrates with pulsed laser deposition: Experiment and theory." Surface Science 632185-194. 10.1016/j.susc.2014.10.013
  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, SA Stephens, S Manandhar, V Shutthanandan, RJ Colby, D Hu, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2015. "Strain-dependence Of The Structure And Ferroic Properties Of Epitaxial Ni-1 (-) Ti-x(1) (-) O-y(3) Thin Films Grown On Sapphire Substrates." Thin Solid Films 578113-123. 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.02.016
  • TC Droubay, L Kong, SA Chambers, WP Hess. 2015. "Work Function Reduction by BaO: Growth of Crystalline Barium Oxide on Ag(001) and Ag(111) Surfaces." Surface Science 632201-206. 10.1016/j.susc.2014.07.010
  • L Kong, AG Joly, TC Droubay, WP Hess. 2015. "Quantum Efficiency Enhancement in CsI/Metal Photocathodes." Chemical Physics Letters 621155-159. 10.1016/j.cplett.2015.01.010
  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, L Kovarik, D Hu, SA Chambers. 2015. "Strain-dependence Of The Structure And Ferroic Properties Of Epitaxial NiTiO3 Thin Films Grown On Different Substrates." Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2015Art. No. 493045. 10.1155/2015/493045
  • SA Chambers, Y Du, M Gu, TC Droubay, S Hepplestone, P Sushko. 2015. "Dominance of interface chemistry over the bulk properties in determining the electronic structure of epitaxial metal/perovskite oxide heterojunctions." Chemistry of Materials 27(11)4093-4098. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b01118
  • Y Cao, K Xu, W Jiang, TC Droubay, P Ramuhalli, DJ Edwards, BR Johnson , JS McCloy. 2015. "Hysteresis in single and polycrystalline iron thin films: major and minor loops, first order reversal curves, and Preisach modeling." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 395361-375. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2015.06.072
  • MJ Moghadam, K Ahmadi-Majlan, X Shen, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, M Chrysler, D Su, SA Chambers, J Ngai. 2015. "Band-Gap Engineering at a Semiconductor-Crystalline Oxide Interface." Advanced Materials Interfaces 2(4)Art No. 1400497. 10.1002/admi.201400497


  • J Cui, JP Choi, G Li, E Polikarpov, JT Darsell, NR Overman, MJ Olszta, DK Schreiber, ME Bowden, TC Droubay, MJ Kramer, N Zarkevich, LL Wang, DD Johnson, M Marinescu, I Takeuchi, Q Huang, H Wu, H Reeve, NV Vuong, JP Liu. 2014. "Thermal Stability of MnBi Magnetic Materials." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 26(6)Article No. 064212. 10.1088/0953-8984/26/6/064212
  • TC Droubay, SA Chambers, AG Joly, WP Hess, K Nemeth, KC Harkay, L Spentzouris. 2014. "Metal-Insulator Photocathode Heterojunction for Directed Electron Emission." Physical Review Letters 112(6)067601(5). 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.067601
  • Y Du, TC Droubay, AV Liyu, G Li, SA Chambers. 2014. "Self-corrected Sensors Based On Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy For Atom Flux Measurements In Molecular Beam Epitaxy." Applied Physics Letters 104(16)Article No. 163110. 10.1063/1.4873544
  • L Kong, AG Joly, TC Droubay, Y Gong, WP Hess. 2014. "Enhanced Quantum Efficiency From Hybrid Cesium Halide/Copper Photocathode." Applied Physics Letters 104(17)Article No. 171106. 10.1063/1.4874339
  • SN Kerisit, AM Chaka, TC Droubay, ES Ilton. 2014. "Shell Model for Atomistic Simulation of Lithium Diffusion in Mixed Mn/Ti Oxides." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(42)24231-24239. 10.1021/jp506025k


  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, RJ Colby, S Manandhar, V Shutthanandan, D Hu, BC Kabius, E Apra, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2013. "Coexistence of Weak Ferromagnetism and Polar Lattice Distortion in Epitaxial NiTiO3 thin films of the LiNbO3-Type Structure." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 31(3)Article No. 030603. 10.1116/1.4801664
  • L Qiao, HY Xiao, SM Heald, ME Bowden, T Varga, GJ Exarhos, MD Biegalski, IN Ivanov, WJ Weber, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2013. "The impact of crystal symmetry on the electronic structure and functional properties of complex lanthanum chromium oxides." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1(30)4527-4535. 10.1039/C3TC30883A
  • DC Look, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2013. "Optical/electrical correlations in ZnO: the plasmonic resonance phase diagram." Physica Status Solidi B, Basic Research 250(10)2118-2121. 10.1002/pssb.201200968
  • W He, S VilayurGanapathy, AG Joly, TC Droubay, SA Chambers, JR Maldonado, WP Hess. 2013. "Comparison of CsBr and KBr coated Cu photocathodes: Effects of laser irradiation and work function changes." Applied Physics Letters 102(7)Article No. 071604. 10.1063/1.4793214
  • JE Jaffe, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, T Varga. 2013. "Band offsets for mismatched interfaces: The special case of ZnO on CdTe (001)." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 31(6)061102. 10.1116/1.4816951
  • JS McCloy, W Jiang, TC Droubay, T Varga, L Kovarik, JA Sundararajan, M Kaur, Y Qiang, E Burks, K Liu. 2013. "Ion irradiation of Fe-Fe oxide core-shell nanocluster films: Effect of interface on stability of magnetic properties." Journal of Applied Physics 114(8)083903:1-9. 10.1063/1.4818309


  • T Varga, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, P Nachimuthu, V Shutthanandan, TB Bolin, WA Shelton, SA Chambers. 2012. "Epitaxial growth of NiTiO3 with a distorted ilmenite structure." Thin Solid Films 520(17)5534-5541. 10.1016/j.tsf.2012.04.060
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, C Capan, G Sun. 2012. "Unintentional F doping of SrTiO3(001) etched in HF acid-structure and electronic properties." Surface Science 606(3-4)554–558. 10.1016/j.susc.2011.11.029
  • DC Look, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2012. "Stable highly conductive ZnO via reduction of Zn vacancies." Applied Physics Letters 101(10)Article No. 102101. 10.1063/1.4748869
  • CL Warner, W Chouyyok, KE Mackie, D Neiner, L Saraf, TC Droubay, MG Warner, RS Addleman. 2012. "Manganese Doping of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Tailoring Surface Reactivity for a Regenerable Heavy Metal Sorbent." Langmuir 28(8)3931–3937. 10.1021/la2042235
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay. 2012. "Variation in band offsets at ZnO/Sn:In2O3 (ITO) heterojunctions measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 30(4) 04D112. 10.1116/1.4719541


  • SA Chambers, L Qiao, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, BW Arey, PV Sushko. 2011. "Band Alignment, Built-In Potential, and the Absence of Conductivity at the LaCrO3/SrTiO3(001) Heterojunction." Physical Review Letters 107(20)Article No. 206802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.206802
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers. 2011. "Epitaxial growth, structure and intermixing at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface as the film stoichiometry is varied." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83(8)085408. 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.085408
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers. 2011. "LaCrO3 heteroepitaxy on SrTiO3(001) by molecular beam epitaxy ." Applied Physics Letters 99(6)Art. No. 061904. 10.1063/1.3624473
  • B Zhao, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, JS McCloy, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, SM Heald, SA Chambers. 2011. "Electrical transport properties of Ti-doped Fe2O3(0001) epitaxial films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 84(24)245325. 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245325
  • D Look, TC Droubay, JS McCloy, Z Zhu, SA Chambers. 2011. "Ga-doped ZnO grown by pulsed laser deposition in H2: the roles of Ga and H." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 29(3)Article No.: 03A102. 10.1116/1.3523296
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, PV Sushko, SA Chambers. 2011. "Cation mixing, band offsets and electric fields at LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunctions with variable La:Al atom ratio." Surface Science 605(15-16)1381-1387. 10.1016/j.susc.2011.04.035
  • TC Droubay, CI Pearce, ES Ilton, MH Engelhard, W Jiang, SM Heald, E Arenholz, V Shutthanandan, KM Rosso. 2011. "Epitaxial Fe3-xTixO4 films from magnetite to ulvöspinel by pulsed laser deposition." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 84(12)Article No. 125443. 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.125443
  • JS McCloy, RK Kukkadapu, JV Crum, BR Johnson, TC Droubay. 2011. "Size Effects on Gamma Radiation Response of Magnetic Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Powders." Journal of Applied Physics 110(11)Article No. 113912. 10.1063/1.3665769
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, JE Jaffe. 2011. "ZnO/Sn:In2O3 and ZnO/CdTe band offsets for extremely thin absorber photovoltaics ." Applied Physics Letters 99(26)263504. 10.1063/1.3672218


  • DR Baer, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, P Nachimuthu, TC Droubay, J Kim, B Lee, C Mathews, RL Opila, LV Saraf, WF Stickle, R Wallace, BS Wright. 2010. "Comparison of the Sputter Rates of Oxide Films Relative to the Sputter Rate of SiO2." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 28(5)1060-1072. 10.1116/1.3456123
  • JE Jaffe, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, GJ Exarhos. 2010. "Electronic and defect structure of CuSCN." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(19)9111-9117. 10.1021/jp101586q
  • JS McCloy, JV Ryan, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers, D Look. 2010. "Magnetotransport Properties of High Quality Co:ZnO and Mn:ZnO Single Crystal Pulsed Laser Deposition films: Pitfalls Associated with Magnetotransport on High Resistivity Materials ." Review of Scientific Instruments 81(6)Art. No. 063902. 10.1063/1.3436648
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2010. "Atomic oxygen flux determined by mixed-phase Ag/Ag2O deposition." Thin Solid Films 519(2)635-640. 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.08.081
  • SA Chambers, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, TC Droubay, L Qiao, PV Sushko, T Feng, HD Lee, T Gustafsson, E Garfunkel, AB Shah, JM Zuo, QM Ramasse. 2010. "Instability, intermixing and electronic structure at the epitaxial LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunction." Surface Science Reports 65(10-12)317-352. 10.1016/j.surfrep.2010.09.001
  • TC Droubay, L Qiao, TC Kaspar, MH Engelhard, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2010. "Non-stoichiometric material transfer in the pulsed laser deposition of LaAlO3." Applied Physics Letters 97(12)124105. 10.1063/1.3487778
  • L Qiao, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, PV Sushko, SA Chambers. 2010. "Thermodynamic Instability at the Stoichiometric LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) Interface." Journal of Physics. Condensed matter 22(31)Art. No. 312201. 10.1088/0953-8984/22/31/312201
  • CA Johnson, KR Kittilstved, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SA Chambers, GM Salley, DR Gamelin. 2010. "Mid-Gap Electronic States in Zn1 xMnxO." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 82(11)Art. No. 115202.
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SA Chambers, PS Bagus. 2010. "Spectroscopic evidence for Ag(III) in highly oxidized silver films by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(49)21562–21571. 10.1021/jp107914e
  • CL Warner, S Addleman, AD Cinson, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, MA Nash, W Yantasee, MG Warner. 2010. "High-Performance, Superparamagnetic, Nanoparticle-Based Heavy Metal Sorbents for Removal of Contaminants from Natural Waters." ChemSusChem 3(6)749-757. 10.1002/cssc.201000027
  • A Johs, L Shi, TC Droubay, JF Ankner, L Liang. 2010. "Characterization of the Decaheme c-Type Cytochrome OmcA in Solution and on Hematite Surfaces by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry." Biophysical Journal 98(12)3035-3043.


  • TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, BP Kaspar, SA Chambers. 2009. "Cation dopant distributions in nanostructures of transition-metal doped ZnO:Monte Carlo simulations." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(7)Art. No. 075324.
  • TC Droubay, D Keavney, TC Kaspar, SM Heald, CM Wang, CA Johnson, KM Whitaker, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2009. "Correlated substitution in paramagnetic Mn2+-doped ZnO epitaxial films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(15)Article number:155203.
  • SM Heald, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, A Mokhtari, AJ Behan, HJ Blythe, JR Neal, M Fox, G Gehring. 2009. "X-ray absorption fine structure and magnetization characterization of the metallic Co component in Co-doped ZnO thin films ." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 79(7)Art. No. 075202.
  • SM Heald, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2009. "Characterization of Thin Films by XAFS: Application to Spintronics Materials."
  • BH Lower, R Yongsunthon, L Shi, L Wildling, HJ Gruber, NS Wigginton, CL Reardon, GE Pinchuk, TC Droubay, JF Boily, S Lower. 2009. "Antibody recognition force microscopy shows that outer membrane cytochromes OmcA and MtrC are expressed on the exterior surface of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75(9)2931-2935.
  • MG Warner, CL Warner, RS Addleman, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, JD Davidson, AD Cinson, MA Nash, W Yantasee. 2009. "Synthesis of Functionalized Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles from a Common Precursor and their Application as Heavy Metal and Actinide Sorbents."


  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SM Heald, P Nachimuthu, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, CA Johnson, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2008. "Lack of ferromagnetism in n-type cobalt-doped ZnO epitaxial thin films." New Journal of Physics 10Art. No. 055010. 10.1088/1367-2630/10/5/055010
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, SM Heald, MH Engelhard, P Nachimuthu, SA Chambers. 2008. "Hidden Ferromagnetic Secondary Phases in Cobalt-doped ZnO Epitaxial Thin Films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 77(20)201303. 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.201303
  • Y Li, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, SA Chambers. 2008. "Electronic properties of H and D doped ZnO epitaxial films." Applied Physics Letters 92(15)Art. No. 152105.
  • Y Li, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, AG Joly, P Nachimuthu, Z Zhu, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2008. "A Study of H and D doped ZnO epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition." Journal of Applied Physics 104(5)Article no. 053711. 10.1063/1.2975219
  • CM Eggleston, J Voros, L Shi, BH Lower, TC Droubay, PJ Colberg. 2008. "Binding and Direct Electrochemistry of OmcA, an Outer-Membrane Cytochrome from an Iron Reducing Bacterium, with Oxide Electrodes: A Candidate Biofuel Cell System." Inorganica Chimica Acta 361(3)769-777. 10.1016/j.ica.2007.07.015


  • TC Droubay, KM Rosso, SM Heald, DE Mccready, CM Wang, SA Chambers. 2007. "Structure, Magnetism and Conductivity in Epitaxial Ti-doped -Fe2O3 Hematite: Experiment and density functional theory calculations.." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75(10)10.1103/PhysRevB.75.104412
  • R Shao, CM Wang, DE McCready, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2007. "Growth and structure of MBE grown TiO2 anatase films with rutile nano-crystallites ." Surface Science 601(6)1582-1589. 10.1016/j.susc.2007.01.039
  • G Xiong, R Shao, TC Droubay, AG Joly, KM Beck, SA Chambers, WP Hess. 2007. "Photoemission Electron Microscopy of TiO2 Anatase Films Embedded with Rutile Nanocrystals." Advanced Functional Materials 17(13)2133-2138. 10.1002/adfm.200700146
  • M Cai, SC Langford, MJ Wu, WM Huang, G Xiong, TC Droubay, AG Joly, K Beck, WP Hess, JT Dickinson. 2007. "Study of Martensitic Phase transformation in a NiTiCu Thin Film Shape Memory Alloy Using Photoelectron Emission Microscopy." Advanced Functional Materials 17(1)161-167. 10.1002/adfm.200600611
  • M Cai, SC Langford, JT Dickinson, G Xiong, TC Droubay, AG Joly, KM Beck, WP Hess. 2007. "An In Situ Study of the Martensitic Transformation in Shape Memory Alloys Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Nuclear Materials 361(2-3)306-312. 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.12.008
  • BH Lower, L Shi, R Yongsunthon, TC Droubay, DE Mccready, S Lower. 2007. "Specific Bonds between an Iron Oxide Surface and Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1." Journal of Bacteriology 189(13)4944-4952. 10.1128/JB.01518-06


  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, SM Heald, MH Engelhard, DE McCready, SA Chambers, P Nachimuthu, BS Mun. 2006. "Synthesis of Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Cr-doped TiO₂(110) Rutile Single Crystals using Ion Implantation." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242(1-2)198-200. 10.1016/j.nimb.2005.08.149
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, A Punnoose, J Hays, SA Chambers. 2006. "Quantification of Dopant Concentrations in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors using Ion Beam Techniques." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 249(1-2)402-405. 10.1016/j.nimb.2006.04.038
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, SM Heald, CM Wang, DE McCready, S Thevuthasan, JD Bryan, DR Gamelin, AJ Kellock, MF Toney, X Hong, C Ahn, SA Chambers. 2006. "Ferromagnetism and structure of epitaxial Cr-doped anatase TiO2 thin films." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73(15)155327 (12 p.). 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.155327
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, DE McCready, P Nachimuthu, SM Heald, CM Wang, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, MF Toney. 2006. "Magnetic properties of epitaxial Co-doped anatase TiO2 thin films with excellent structural quality." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 24(4)2012-2017. 10.1116/1.2216723
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, CM Wang, KM Rosso, SM Heald, SA Schwartz, KR Kittilstved, DR Gamelin. 2006. "Ferromagnetism in Oxide Semiconductors ." Materials Today 9(11)28-35.


  • M Cai, SC Langford, T Dickinson, WM Huang, Q He, TC Droubay, DR Baer. 2005. "Study of Martensitic Transformation in a CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy using Photoemission."
  • SM Heald, SA Chambers, TC Droubay. 2005. "XAFS Study of Epitaxial CoxTi1-xO₂-x Anatase."
  • SM Heald, SA Chambers, TC Droubay. 2005. "XAFS study of CoxTi₁-xO₂-x-anatase." Physica Scripta T115597-599. 10.1238/Physica.Topical.115a00597
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar. 2005. "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Magnetically Doped TiO₂."
  • JE Jaffe, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2005. "Oxygen Vacancies and Ferromagnetism in CoxTi₁–xO₂–x–y." Journal of Applied Physics 97(7)073908 (6 p.).
  • J Osterwalder, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, JR Williams, CM Wang, SA Chambers. 2005. "Growth of Cr-doped TiO₂ Films in the Rutile and Anatase Structures by Oxygen Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy ." Thin Solid Films 484(1-2)289-298.
  • TC Droubay, SM Heald, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SA Chambers, J Osterwalder. 2005. "Cr-doped TiO₂ Anatase- A Ferromagnetic Insulator ." Journal of Applied Physics 97046103.
  • TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, CM Wang, SM Heald, AS Lea, SA Chambers. 2005. "Co-doped Anatase TiO₂ Heteroepitaxy on Si(001)." Journal of Applied Physics 97(7)073511-073511-10. 10.1063/1.1868854
  • CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2005. "Microstructure of Co-doped TiO₂ (110) Rutile by Ion Implantation." Journal of Applied Physics 97(7)99-104.
  • A Sasahara, TC Droubay, SA Chambers, H Uetsuka, H Onishi. 2005. "Topography of Anatase TiO₂ Film Synthesized on LaAlO₃(001) ." Nanotechnology 16(3)S18–S21.
  • TC Kaspar, SM Heald, CM Wang, JD Bryan, TC Droubay, V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, DE McCready, AJ Kellock, DR Gamelin, SA Chambers. 2005. "Negligible Magnetism in Excellent Structural Quality CrxTi₁-xO₂ Anatase: Contrast with High-Tc Ferromagnetism in Structurally Defective CrxTi₁-xO₂." Physical Review Letters 95217203. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.217203


  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, MS Gutowski. 2004. "Accurate Valence Band Maximum Determination for SrTiO₃(001) ." Surface Science 554(2-3)81-89.
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, MS Gutowski. 2004. "Experimental Determination of Valence Band Maxima for SrTiO3, TiO2, and SrO and the Associated Valence Band Offsets with Si(001)." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 22(4)2205-2215.
  • YJ Kim, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, AS Lea, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers, R Sears, B Taylor, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Growth and Properties of molecular beam epitaxially grown ferromagnetic Fe-doped TiO2 rutile films on TiO2." Applied Physics Letters 84(18)3531-3533.
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SM Heald, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, TC Kaspar, DE McCready, LV Saraf, SA Chambers, BS Mun, NM Hamdan, P Nachimuthu, B Taylor, R Sears, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Ion-implanted Co-doped TiO₂(110) Rutile." Applied Physics Letters 84(22)4466-4468.
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, MS Gutowski. 2004. "Experimental determination of valence band maxima for SrTiO3,TiO2, and SrO and the associated valence band offsets with Si(001)." http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.1768525
  • V Shutthanandan, S Thevuthasan, SM Heald, TC Droubay, MH Engelhard, TC Kaspar, DE McCready, LV Saraf, SA Chambers, BS Mun, NM Hamdan, P Nachimuthu, B Taylor, R Sears, B Sinkovic. 2004. "Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Ion-Implanted Co-Doped TiO₂(110) Rutile." Applied Physics Letters 84(22)4466-4468.


  • SA Chambers, SM Heald, TC Droubay. 2003. "Local Co Structure in Epitaxial Cox Ti₁-xO₂-x Anatase." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 67(10)22-25, art. no. 100401.
  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, CM Wang, AS Lea, RFC Farrow, L Folks, V Deline, S Anders. 2003. "Clusters and Magnetism in Epitaxial Co-doped TiO₂ Anatase.." Applied Physics Letters 82(8)1257-1259.
  • AC Tuan, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, JW Rogers, SA Chambers. 2003. "Band Offsets for the Epitaxial TiO₂/SrTiO₃/Si(001) System." Applied Physics Letters 83(18)3734-3736.


  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay, DR Jennison, TK Mattsson. 2002. "Laminar Growth of Ultrathin Metal Films on Metal Oxides: Co on Hydroxylated alpha-Al₂O₃(0001)." Science 297(5582)827-831.
  • SA Chambers, CM Wang, S Thevuthasan, TC Droubay, DE McCready, AS Lea, V Shutthanandan, CF Windisch. 2002. "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of MBE Grown Ferromagnetic Co-doped TiO₂ Anatase Films on SrTiO₃(001) and LaAlO₃(001)." Thin Solid Films 418(2)197-210.
  • EI Altman, TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2002. "Growth of MoO3 films by oxygen plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy." Thin Solid Films 414(2)205-215.


  • SA Chambers, TC Droubay. 2001. "The Role of Oxide Ionicity in Electronic Screening at Oxide/Metal Interfaces." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 64075410-1 - 075410-6.
  • TC Droubay, SA Chambers. 2001. "Surface Sensitive Fe 2p Photoemission Spectra for alpha-Fe₂O₃ (0001) - The Influence of Symmetry and Crystal-Field Strength." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 64(20)205414-205420.