Mike Henderson

Mike Henderson
Staff Member Title: 
Laboratory Fellow
(509) 371-6527
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Examining the effects of oxide surface structure and stoichiometry on the chemistry and photochemistry of small probe molecules on anatase and rutile titanium dioxide single crystal surfaces.

  • Ph.D. at University of Texas, Austin Postdoctoral work at University of Pittsburgh, PA
  • B.S. at Auburn University, AL M.S. at Auburn University, AL 
Research Interests: 

My research interests include molecular-level studies of the chemistry of adsorbed species on oxide single crystal surfaces under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Special interests include characterization of adsorbates using vibrational spectroscopy, examination of adsorption-desorption processes and surface reaction pathways, probing the structure/reactivity of adsorbed molecules, and examinations of the interactions of photons, low energy electrons and ions with adsorbed species. The overall goal of these research activities is to provide fundamental understanding into the physical and chemical properties of complex oxide surface phenomena, such as photocatalysis, oxide passivation and mineral weathering, through the examination of model molecular-level systems. Specific oxide surfaces of interest include the single crystal surfaces of rutile and anatase TiO[2], hematite (alpha-Fe[2O3]), magnetite (Fe[3O4]) and alpha-Cr[2O3].



  • MA Henderson, R Mu, AP Dahal, I Lyubinetsky, Z Dohnalek, VAlexandra Glezakou, RJ Rousseau. 2016. "Light Makes a Surface Banana-bond Split: Photodesorption of Molecular Hydrogen from RuO2(110)." Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(28)8714-8717. 10.1021/jacs.6b05083


  • BT Flynn, H Zhang, V Shutthanandan, T Varga, RJ Colby, RP Oleksak, S Manandhar, MH Engelhard, SA Chambers, MA Henderson, GS Herman, S Thevuthasan. 2015. "Growth and Surface Modification of LaFeO3 Thin Films Induced By Reductive Annealing." Applied Surface Science 330309-315. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.028
  • Y Yoon, Y Du, JC Garcia, Z Zhu, Z Wang, NG Petrik, GA Kimmel, Z Dohnalek, MA Henderson, RJ Rousseau, NAaron Deskins, I Lyubinetsky. 2015. "Anticorrelation between Surface and Subsurface Point Defects and the Impact on the Redox Chemistry of TiO2(110)." Chemphyschem 16(2)313-321. 10.1002/cphc.201402599
  • NG Petrik, MA Henderson, GA Kimmel. 2015. "Insights into Acetone Photochemistry on Rutile TiO2(110). 1. Off-Normal CH3 Ejection from Acetone Diolate.." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(22)12262-12272. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b02477
  • NG Petrik, MA Henderson, GA Kimmel. 2015. "Insights into Acetone Photochemistry on Rutile TiO2(110). 2. New Photodesorption Channel with CH3 Ejection along the Surface Normal." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(22)12273-12282. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b02478
  • Z Wang, MA Henderson, I Lyubinetsky. 2015. "Origin of Coverage Dependence in Photoreactivity of Carboxylate on TiO2(110): Hindering by Charged Coadsorbed Hydroxyls ." ACS Catalysis 5(11)6463-6467. 10.1021/acscatal.5b01819
  • MI Nandasiri, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, AM Schwarz, LS Oxenford, JV Kennedy, S Thevuthasan, MA Henderson. 2015. "Instability of Hydrogenated TiO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6(22)4627-4632. 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b02219


  • JA Lercher, AM Appel, T Autrey, RMorris Bullock, DM Camaioni, HM Cho, DA Dixon, Z Dohnalek, F Gao, VAlexandra Glezakou, MA Henderson, JZ Hu, E Iglesia, AJ Karkamkar, BD Kay, GA Kimmel, JC Linehan, J Liu, I Lyubinetsky, D Mei, CHF Peden, RJ Rousseau, GK Schenter, WJ Shaw, J Szanyi, H Wang, Y Wang, RS Weber. 2014. "Multifunctional Catalysts to Synthesize and Utilize Energy Carriers."
  • MA Henderson, MH Engelhard. 2014. "Impact of a Mixed Oxide’s Surface Composition and Structure on Its Adsorptive Properties: Case of the (Fe,Cr)3O4(111) Termination of the α-(Fe,Cr)2O3(0001) Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(50)29058-29067. 10.1021/jp5038975


  • MA Henderson, I Lyubinetsky. 2013. "Molecular-Level Insights into Photocatalysis from Scanning Probe Microscopy Studies on TiO2(110)." Chemical Reviews 113(6)4428-4455. 10.1021/cr300315m
  • MA Henderson, M Shen, Z Wang, I Lyubinetsky. 2013. "Characterization of the Active Surface Species Responsible for UV-Induced Desorption of O2 from the Rutile TiO2(110) Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117(11)5774-5784. 10.1021/jp312161y
  • GS Herman, RT Zehr, MA Henderson. 2013. "Characterization of oxygen and titanium diffusion at the anatase TiO2(001) surface." Surface Science 612L5-L8. 10.1016/j.susc.2013.02.006


  • M Shen, DP Acharya, Z Dohnalek, MA Henderson. 2012. "Importance of Diffusion in Methanol Photochemistry on TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(48)25465-25469. 10.1021/jp309768b
  • Y Du, NG Petrik, NAaron Deskins, Z Wang, MA Henderson, GA Kimmel, I Lyubinetsky. 2012. "Hydrogen Reactivity on Highly-hydroxylated TiO2(110) Surfaces Prepared via Carboxylic Acid Adsorption and Photolysis." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 14(9)3066-3074. 10.1039/C1CP22515D
  • M Shen, MA Henderson. 2012. "Role of Water in Methanol Photochemistry on Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(35)18788–18795. 10.1021/jp3046774
  • Z Wang, NAaron Deskins, MA Henderson, I Lyubinetsky. 2012. "Inhibitive Influence of Oxygen Vacancies for Photoactivity on TiO2(110)." Physical Review Letters 109(26)Article No. 266103. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.266103


  • CT Campbell, AK Datye, GA Henkelman, RF Lobo, WF Schneider, LD Spicer, WT Tysoe, JM Vohs, DR Baer, DW Hoyt, S Thevuthasan, KT Mueller, CM Wang, NM Washton, I Lyubinetsky, RG Teller, A Andersen, N Govind, K Kowalski, BC Kabius, H Wang, AA Campbell, WA Shelton, EJ Bylaska, CHF Peden, Y Wang, DL King, MA Henderson, RJ Rousseau, J Szanyi, Z Dohnalek, D Mei, BC Garrett, D Ray, JH Futrell, J Laskin, DL DuBois, LR Kuprat, C Plata. 2011. "EMSL and Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) Catalysis Workshop."
  • AN Mangham, N Govind, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, MA Henderson, SA Chambers. 2011. "Photochemical Properties, Composition, and Structure in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Fe “Doped” and (Fe,N) Codoped Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(31)15416-15424. 10.1021/jp203061n
  • MA Henderson, NAaron Deskins, RT Zehr, M Dupuis. 2011. "Generation of Organic Radicals During Photocatalytic Reactions on TiO2." Journal of Catalysis 279(1)205-212.
  • MA Henderson, KM Rosso. 2011. "Oxidation of H2S by coadsorbed oxygen on the α-Cr2O3(0001) surface." Surface Science 605(5-6)555-563. 10.1016/j.susc.2010.12.016
  • M Shen, MA Henderson. 2011. "Impact of Solvent on Photocatalytic Mechanisms: Reactions of Photodesorption Products with Ice Overlayers on the TiO2(110) Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(13)5886-5893.
  • MA Henderson, MD Robbins. 2011. "Methylene Bromide Chemistry and Photochemistry on Rutile TiO2(110)." Surface Science 605(19-20)1834-1841. 10.1016/j.susc.2011.06.020
  • M Shen, MA Henderson. 2011. "Site Competition During Coadsorption of Acetone with Methanol and Water on TiO2(110)." Langmuir 27(15)9430-9438. 10.1021/la2016726
  • M Shen, MA Henderson. 2011. "Identification of the Active Species in Photochemical Hole Scavenging Reactions of Methanol on TiO2." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2(21)2707-2710. 10.1021/jz201242k


  • T Ohsawa, MA Henderson, SA Chambers. 2010. "Epitaxial Growth and Orientational Dependence of Surface Photochemistry in CrystallineTiO2 Rutile Films Doped with Nitrogen." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(14)6595-6601. 10.1021/jp1002726
  • MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, T Ohsawa, SA Chambers. 2010. "Structural Environment of Nitrogen in N-doped Rutile TiO2(110)." 10.1117/12.862297
  • RT Zehr, NAaron Deskins, MA Henderson. 2010. "Photochemistry of 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetone on Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40)16900-16908.
  • RT Zehr, MA Henderson. 2010. "Thermal chemistry and photochemistry of hexafluoroacetone on rutile TiO2(110) ." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 12(28)8084-8091.
  • TH Wang, DA Dixon, MA Henderson. 2010. "C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Dissociation Energies in CH3R′C(OH)2: Energetics for Photocatalytic Processes of Organic Diolates on TiO2 Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(33)14083-14092. 10.1021/jp1024697
  • MA Henderson, CHF Peden, JA Rodriguez, J Szanyi, JT Yates, F Zaera. 2010. "Preface to the Festschrift in Honor of Professor D. Wayne Goodman." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(40)16861-16862. 10.1021/jp105968e


  • T Ohsawa, I Lyubinetsky, Y Du, MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2009. "Crystallographic Dependence of Visible-light Photoactivity in Epitaxial TiO2−xNx Anatase and Rutile." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(8)Article number: 085401. 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.085401
  • T Ohsawa, I Lyubinetsky, Y Du, MA Henderson, V Shutthanandan, SA Chambers. 2009. "Crystallographic Dependence of Visible-Light Photochemistry in Epitaxial TiO2-xNx Anatase and Rutile." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79(8)Art. No. 085401.


  • T Ohsawa, I Lyubinetsky, MA Henderson, SA Chambers. 2008. "Hole-mediated Photodecomposition of Trimehtyl Acetate on a TiO2(001) Anatase Epitaxial Thin Film Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(50)20050-20056. 10.1021/jp8077997
  • RT Zehr, MA Henderson. 2008. "Acetaldehyde Photochemistry on TiO2(110)." Surface Science 602(13)2238-2249.
  • RT Zehr, MA Henderson. 2008. "Acetaldehyde photochemistry on TiO2(110)." Surface Science 602(13)2238-2249. 10.1016/j.susc.2008.04.045
  • RT Zehr, MA Henderson. 2008. "Influence of O2-induced surface roughening on the chemistry of water on TiO2(110)." Surface Science 602(8)1507-1516.


  • I Lyubinetsky, Z Yu, MA Henderson. 2007. "Direct Observation of Adsorption Evolution and Bonding Configuration of TMAA on TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111(11)4342-4346. 10.1021/jp067264d


  • MD Robbins, MA Henderson. 2006. "The Partial Oxidation of Isobutene and Propene on TiO2(110)." Journal of Catalysis 238(1)111-121. 10.1016/j.jcat.2005.11.041
  • MA Henderson, JM White, H Uetsuka, H Onishi. 2006. "Selectivity Changes During Organic Photooxidation on TiO2: Role of O2 pressure and Organic Coverage." Journal of Catalysis 238(1)153-164. 10.1016/j.jcat.2005.12.004


  • SA Chambers, JR Williams, MA Henderson, AG Joly, M Varela, SJ Pennycook. 2005. "Structure, Band Offsets and Photochemistry at Epitaxial ⍺-Cr₂O₃/⍺-Fe₂O₃ Heterojunctions." Surface Science 587(3)L197-L207.
  • JM White, MA Henderson. 2005. "Trimethyl Acetate on TiO₂(110): Preparation and Anaerobic Photolysis." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(25)12417-12430.
  • JM White, MA Henderson. 2005. "Thermal and Photochemistry of tert-Butyl Iodide on Rutile TiO₂(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(31)14990-15000. 10.1021/jp0517448


  • CHF Peden, J Szanyi, MA Henderson, SA Chambers, E Ozensoy, S Azad, JA Rodriguez, GW Graham. 2004. "Fundamental Studies of Selectivity and Mechanisms of Oxide-Catalyzed Nitrogen Oxide Chemistry."
  • JM White, J Szanyi, MA Henderson. 2004. "Thermal Chemistry of Trimethyl Acetic Acid on TiO₂(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(11)3592-3602.
  • H Uetsuka, H Onishi, MA Henderson, JM White. 2004. "Photoinduced Redox Reaction Coupled with Limited Electron Mobility at Metal Oxide Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(30)10621-10624.
  • H Uetsuka, MA Henderson, A Sasahara, H Onishi. 2004. "Formate Adsorption on the (111) Surface of Rutile TiO2 ." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(36)13706-13710.


  • MA Henderson, CL Perkins, MH Engelhard, S Thevuthasan, CHF Peden. 2003. "Redox Properties of Water on the Oxidized and Reduced Surfaces of CeO₂ (111)." Surface Science 526(1-2)1-18.
  • MA Henderson, WS Epling, CHF Peden, CL Perkins. 2003. "Insights into Photoexcited Electron Scavenging Processes on TiO₂ Obtained from Studies of the Reaction of O₂ with OH Groups Adsorbed at Electronic Defects on TiO₂ (110) Defects on TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107(2)534-545.
  • MA Henderson, J Szanyi, CHF Peden. 2003. "Conversion of N₂O to Nֿ² on TiO₂ (110)." Catalysis Today 85 (2-4)251-266.
  • JM White, J Szanyi, MA Henderson. 2003. "The Photon-Driven Hydrophilicity of Titania: A Model Study Using TiO₂(110) and Adsorbed Trimethyl acetate." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107(34)9029-9033.
  • MA Henderson, JM White, H Uetsuka, H Onishi. 2003. "Photochemical Charge Transfer and Trapping at the Interface Between an Organic Adlayer and an Oxide Semiconductor." Journal of the American Chemical Society 125(49)14974-14975.


  • CL Perkins, MA Henderson, DE McCready, GS Herman. 2001. "Electron Source in Photoinduced Hydrogen Production on Pt-supported TiO₂ Particles." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(2)595-596.
  • CL Perkins, MA Henderson. 2001. "Photodesorption and Trapping of Molecular Oxygen at the TiO₂(110)-Water Ice Interface." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(18)3856-3863.
  • CL Perkins, MA Henderson, GS Herman, CHF Peden. 2001. "Self-Diffusion in Ceria." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 19(4 PT 2)1942-1946.


  • MA Henderson, SA Chambers. 2000. "HREELS, TPD and XPS Study of the Interaction of Water with the Alpha-Cr₂O₃(001) Surface." Surface Science 449(1-3)135-150.
  • Y Gao, CL Perkins, TT Tran, S Thevuthasan, MA Henderson. 2000. "Mechanistic Study of Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of (Ba,Sr)TiO₃ Thin Films." Journal of Applied Physics 87(10) (May 15 2000)7430-7437.
  • M Li, W Hebenstreit, U Diebold, AM Tyryshkin, MK Bowman, GC Dunham, MA Henderson. 2000. "The Influence of the Bulk Reduction State on the Surface Structure and Morphology of Rutile TiO₂(110) Single Crystals." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104(20)4944-4950.
  • Y Gao, CL Perkins, MA Henderson, JW Rogers. 2000. "Process Optimization and Interface Control in Chemical Vapor Deposition of High Dielectric Constant Thin Films."


  • CHF Peden, GS Herman, IZ Ismagilov, BD Kay, MA Henderson, YJ Kim, SA Chambers. 1999. " Model Catalyst Studies with Single Crystals and Epitaxial Thin Oxide Films." Catalysis Today 51(3-4)513-519.
  • GS Herman, MA Henderson, KA Starkweather, EP Mcdaniel. 1999. "Mass Spectroscopy of Recoiled Ions, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, and Auger Electron Spectroscopy Investigation of Y2O3-Stabilized ZrO2(100* and (110*." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 17(3)939-944.
  • MA Henderson, WS Epling, CL Perkins, CHF Peden, U Diebold. 1999. "Interaction of Molecular Oxygen with the Vacuum Annealed TiO2 (110) Surface: Molecular and Dissociative Channels." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103(25)5328-5337.
  • MA Henderson, S Otero-Tapia, ME Castro. 1999. "The Chemistry of Methanol on the Ti02(110) Surface: The Influence of Vacancies and Coadsorbed Species.." Faraday Discussions 114313-329.
  • M Li, W Hebenstreit, L Gross, U Diebold, MA Henderson, DR Jennison, PA Schultz, MP Sears. 1999. "Oxygen-induced restructuring of the TiO 2 (110) surface:a comprehensive study ." Surface Science 437(1-2)173-190.


  • M Alam, MA Henderson, PD Kaviratna, GS Herman, CHF Peden. 1998. "Chromyl Chloride Chemistry on the TiO2(110) Surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102111-122.
  • MA Henderson, SA Joyce, JR Rustad. 1998. "Interaction of Water with the (1x1) and (2x1) Surfaces of alpha-Fe2O3(012)." Surface Science 417(1)66-81.