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​Solar Integration
​BPA is preparing for an influx of solar interconnection and integration requests as forecasts predict exponential growth in rooftop, community and utility-scale solar over the coming years. Preparation includes exploring ways to improve visibility of these resources on the transmission system, ensuring that infrastructure is in place to accept their benefits and fairly distributing the costs of doing so. We are already responding to integration and interconnection requests for both large scale (greater than 20 megawatts) and small scale (200 kilowatts to 20 MW) solar projects.
​Solar Task Force
​Since solar resources affect both the power and transmission business lines, the BPA Solar Task Force includes cross-agency subject matter experts. Solar Task Force members address issues and opportunities facing us and our stakeholders with the introduction of new solar resources. For Power, the addition of solar resources would reduce BPA’s new or existing load obligations which impacts power revenue and load characteristics. Transmission integration of new solar may mean reserving capacity to deliver solar output to the customer’s load or market, or displacing transmission intermittently if the resource serves load behind the customer’s meter with BPA. The cross-agency team will allow us to examine a holistic approach to integrating and interconnecting solar into the grid.
As part of this effort, the Solar Task Force is holding workshops to discuss the current framework and potential changes that could ensure reliability as well as making sure policies fairly address the changes to our system associated with the new solar resources.

8/24/2016 - Solar Task Force Workshop
BPA Rates Hearing Room, 1201 Lloyd Blvd., Suite 200, Portland, OR
Phone Bridge: (877) 336-1828, Passcode: 2906902#
WebEx Link: Join WebEx meeting      
WebEx Meeting Number: 992 585 988 Passcode: 54xNPjJ8

Agenda 1 - 3 p.m. 

​6/30/2016 - Educational Workshop for Power and Transmission Requirements for Adding a Resource


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​To receive email updates and notifications about BPA's Solar Task Force efforts, please email:


Background Resources


Power Services Contracts

Load Following Contract Template

Slice/Block Contract Template 

Block Contract Template

Transmission Services

Interconnection Portal

This site provides information on the processes for the interconnection and integration of generating resources, lines and loads, and links to related documents and information. Here is the Interconnection Queue, which can be downloaded and analyzed in Excel.

Transmission Availability Information

Solar Mapping Tool