Technological advances and user research have driven the redesign effort that has transformed into an exploration site that makes applying for a job and tracking the status of your applications simpler and more intuitive.

Over the last 20 years, the website has evolved from a paper process into what is known today as

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Prior to 1996

Clipboard with checklist alongside a briefcase

Federal hiring was a paper process.

Potential applicants would have to travel to federal buildings to view job announcements on bulletin boards or posted in “reading rooms”.


Where it all began

Screenshot of USAJOBS home page in 1996

The USAJOBS website was launched.

As the single entry point for federal employment, the initial site laid the groundwork for the evolution that would take place over the next 20 years.

The original site was basic, featuring only current job openings, general information, and the ability to fill out an online application.


The Early Years

Selections on a layout of a page

USAJOBS evolves with the web.

The website continued to enhance search, allowing users to identify jobs within a specific agency. Also, for the first time, USAJOBS provided users with a tool to create a resume that included their education, work experience, and other important details.



Screenshot of the USAJOBS home page in 2002

USAJOBS began to expand even further and add more features.

Job search and resume builder were improved, and the Information Center and Veteran Resource Center were added to provide additional help to the user.

By 2008, the website began to take a more personalized approach by introducing “My USAJOBS” and was rebranded as a one-stop shop for job seekers.


The Facelift

Screenshot of the USAOJBS home page in 2010

As part of the federal hiring reform initiative, USAJOBS underwent a major facelift.

The redesigned site included a new basic landing page, an enhanced job search tool, and targeted resources for students, executives, and individuals with disabilities.


New and Improved

Screenshot of USAJOBS home page in 2011

USAJOBS continued to develop innovative changes.

USAJOBS established a data vision and developed tools to support agencies in recruitment, sourcing candidates, and measuring effectiveness. This made USAJOBS more than a job board: it would now become a highly effective and strategic recruiting tool.


Refocusing on user needs

The USAJOBS team established six design pillars that serve as the foundation for all new designs:

  • Design Pillar 1: Helping Hands

    Clearly guide applicants to the information they need to make confident job search and application decisions.

  • Design Pillar 2: Keep It Simple

    Set clear application expectations and present a unified and simplified application process.

  • Design Pillar 3: Where's Waldo

    Provide opportunities for applicants to showcase their unique qualities.

  • Design Pillar 4: Speak my Language

    Convey information in a language that every applicant can understand.

  • Design Pillar 5: One Stop Shop

    Serve as the most trusted resource for federal hiring information.

  • Design Pillar 6: Looks Matter

    Provide a thoughtfully crafted experience that helps users accomplish their intended goals.


Continued growth

Screenshot of USAJOBS home page in 2015

The USAJOBS program continued to grow into a robust team.

The integration of the design and development teams allowed for more rapid iterations and research to better understand the needs of users. The team sought to not only improve user experience, but to also influence the end-to-end federal hiring process.


Where we are today

Screenshot of USAJOBS home page in 2016
  • 11 million accounts
  • 16 million resumes
  • 1 billion searches per year
  • 22 million applications started per year
  • 14,000 + jobs available every day

In 2016, USAJOBS has delivered a mobile-friendly responsive site replacing the app, a revised application process and a new user interface, Help Center, account experience, and landing page.

“Our goal for USAJOBS is to provide relevant tools and resources to support job seekers in their quest for employment.

In order to realize this vision, our team is leveraging data to its fullest potential to inform iterative design efforts that will result in connecting talented individuals to the right jobs.”

— Michelle Earley

USAJOBS Program Manager