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Arnoldo Bertoncini
Attended New College of Florida
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Wow, we are incredibly skewed in ways that are not healthy for functioning democracy. This is why our political policies and politicians are not responsive to the people. They respond to the money.
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Haven't we had enough of this already?
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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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Talk about unreasonable search and seizure! 4 enemas, 3 forced rectal exams, 3 X-rays and a colonoscopy. It's like a nightmare version of the 12 days of Christmas. All that and they found nothing each step of the way, continued anyway, then gave the hospital bill to the victim? Wow, no way I would pay for what amounts to rape by law enforcement. I'd hire a lawyer to sue the police and hospital. It's beyond unethical. 
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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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Here's the big deal:
It only took 16 days, but the government shutdown managed to sap $24 billion out of the economy, according to S&P.
That's $1.5 billion a day.

"The bottom line is the government shutdown has hurt the U.S. economy," the S&P wrote. "Since our forecast didn't hold, we now have to lower our fourth-quarter growth estimate to closer to 2%."

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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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Dear Sen Ted Cruz,
Thank you for being such selfish dickhead. Here, it sounds better coming from a talking chipmunk...
frank garcia's profile photo
Finally a Smart Man thanks you hit it right on the head....
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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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This is tet another reason the middle class is being crushed. The courts have allowed governments to backtrack on promises made to workers where they accetped future compensation in place of current salary. Detroit might get by paying much less to pensioners but the the state and federal government will emd up paying benefits to them instead. 
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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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Since I've been seeing comments wherein conservative attempt to set this on it's head and claim economic performance favors republican presidents.
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Arnoldo Bertoncini

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"Four longtime traders in the global oil market claim in a lawsuit that the prices for buying and selling crude are fixed -- and that they can prove it."

In the US it's highly unlikely they'll ever see a major sanction, if this is proven true. It will quietly fade from the news. Sadly the US political system is a wholly owned subsidiary of companies who profit by this sort of excess.
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Hail the Kamikaze Caucus! Boehner's incompetent leadership and unwillingness to stand up to radicals in his party will cost the treasury billions in additional interest payments, worsen the deficit the TEApublicans claim to care so deeply about and not repeal the PPACA (which would also worsen the deficit). It should be obvious by now that the Tea party could care less about the deficit. It's all play acting, they simply hate Obama so much they don't care how much their irrational hatred damages the country. They are not patriots, they only support the country if they get their way. Seems more like a bunch of spoiled toddlers. 
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FYI it's already set to shave about 20% off 3rd quarter growth. Something about suddenly making 800,000 people unable to pay their mortgages by allowing federal employees to be furloughed. 
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  • New College of Florida
    Public Policy, 1991 - 1993
    Political science, economics, history, sociology.
  • St. Petersburg College
    Liberal Arts, 1989 - 1991
  • Emory University
    Public Health, 1993 - 1995
    Health Policy and Management
Arnoldo Bertoncini
I'm a bit of a policy wonk, a home beer brewing fan and a PC hardware, software, and mobile platform enthusiast.
Arnoldo Bertoncini
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