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Charles Grimmett
Lives in Murrieta, California
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Charles Grimmett

commented on a video on Youtube.
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This guy Alex Jones is CRAZY!  If you can't recognize that as a fact, you need are probably in need of some help.
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Charles Grimmett

commented on a video on Youtube.
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The Road to the Super Bowl will go through Denver!  Not because of Brady or Manning, but because of their record. Brady will not lift the Patriots past the Broncos in the standing and a playoff game in Mile High will not be a winner for the Pats.
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Retired Teacher
  • Retired Teacher, present
Basic Information
Once a Teacher - Always a Student
Who am I?

I am the product of love.

I am the sum of my experiences.

I am a proud son of two loving parents.

I am the oldest of five siblings.

I am the father of two sons.

I am a teacher by profession and a student by temperament.

I am a believer that the potential in each human being far exceeds their ability to conceive it.

I am black by; phenotype (what you see), genotype (heredity), and by choice.

I am a cancer survivor with an artificial knee.

I am a writer who is opinionated and hard headed.

I am a lover of women and poetry.

I am lover of Ideas and People with good ones.

I am believer in Science as the best method for finding the truth.

I am a believer in a creator because science indicates life can't be a product of random chance.

While I know that race is a false social concept with no scientific rationale, I recognize that it is real in too many minds, and the concept has shaped far too much of our history as human beings. Assumptions and prejudices based on race are evil. They are a means of dividing people and making them work against their best interest. We are one race, human, and the sooner we act on that assumption the better we will be. 

I am a product of the Detroit Ghetto {In Hebrew it means the place where we live together}. Though I have traveled and lived in several other countries and places that have given me knowledge and helped shape my thoughts, my roots and foundation are still based on what I learned in my home and among my neighbors.
Bragging rights
I've survived cancer, three marriages, military service, knee replacement, abdominal surgery, any number of disappointments, successes, and just simply day-to-day happenings. I am proud of my children and grandchildren, not for any great accomplishments, but for the simple one of being loving, honorable, and trustworthy human beings.
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
Murrieta, California
Detroit - Denver, Tokyo, Washington, DC, New Orleans, Birmingham, Temecula