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Bill Lively
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Bill Lively

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Come and rest here
Come and lay your burdens down
Come and rest here
There is refuge for you now

You'll find His peace
And know you're not alone anymore
He is near
You'll find His healing
You're heart isn't shattered anymore
He is here

Breathe in
Breathe out
You will
You will find Him here

I will rest in You

You will find Him
You will find Him here
You will find Him
You will find Him here
Ryan Lewis's profile photoBill Lively's profile photoGift Akogo's profile photo
+Bill LivelyHow are you doing.

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Bill Lively

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That same Bible had a newspaper clipping about a 1980 bombing on a Jewish Synagog by what was described as Neo-Nazis and another story about the persecuted church in America and a third story about Iran attacking Iraq with our help...I've been under the impression the US has always hated Iran.?!
Bill Lively's profile photoMister Ecks's profile photo
Ah... interesting. 
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Bill Lively

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I was reading another older bible that said James (I assumed from England) wasn't quite the atheist faggot modern historians would have us believe he was but a defender of the Christian Faith against the Pope(s)...
Bill Lively's profile photoAdrian Chapmanlaw's profile photo
+Bill Lively​ if I start talking about car mechanics in the community I would get told that it is inappropriate.

Thanks for the typical religious response. You guys preach peace and love but in reality you are just arseholes.

Keep your delusions to yourself
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Bill Lively

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Phillip "butthurt" Fox claims "I" ignor the facts yet refuses to HEAR the FACTS
Bill Lively's profile photo
I may well be uneducated Philly,
but I just kick all your butts (and Darwinism) 
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Bill Lively

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In 2001 I bought a truck,'02 a dump bed,'03 a little backhoe,'06 a trailer,got insurance and started my own excavating business...It failed and a year later I was back to working for someone else again...
I had hopes of better equipment,nicer place and maybe even being able to provide for my parents...I never imagined a stroke in 2008 and Obama's Agenda has only put the disabled further dependent upon the gov't left behind by his progressive atheist agenda...

I have great hope for you Donald Trump if not for myself but the Christian value our Country was founded upon...
Restoration of America,where it is possible for the little guy to get ahead that isn't a catholic,jew,moslem,atheist,sadist,faggot or feminist but just the normal schmuck that built this Country that has been passed over time and time again since 1993...

Make America God's Again
He'll take care of it's greatness..)
Andrew Kelly's profile photoBRADLEY ANGLE's profile photo
FYI, non christians built this country too. And there's plenty of non christians that hold similar views and hopes for this country as you do. 
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Bill Lively

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The United Nations needs to be held accountable for the United States decline in not only world ranking but also the National Debt and needs sued for the entire debt plus 15% plus be made pay 400 Billion to our US Treasury Dept for using atheist Organisations like the FFRF SPLC and the NAACP to abandon our Christian roots in preparation for the islamic invasion of our Republic...This is our Christian Nation and we need to give our enemies (Obama's "allies") something new to think about...Take the fight to them...
Andrew Kelly's profile photo
Ultimate Low is waking up to a Bernie Madoff unnecessarily! That happens all the time on lower levels you never hear about! How do you avoid that while giving urself a raise quarterly?? I told you wow unappreciative assholes
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Bill Lively

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Don't dare speak out against the fake jews or micks and islam or tell them to back up their claims with little things like FACTS...Hackers need to be charged with felonies just like the digital rapists they are butthurt rapists cannot handle facts and reality...
Philip Fox's profile photoBill Lively's profile photo
+Philip Fox
Meme's huh BITCH
I've kicked your ass with FACTS an all you got is faggy meme's,lol
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Bill Lively

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here's what's wrong with America
Everyone stand around taking pictures but nobody try to put it out,faggot reporters...They ought to make a law about filming fires as that could've been prevented had 10 people set their video cameras down...
Twit Wit's profile photo
It was a black limo with a black suv parked right behind it- staged to look like the presidential motorcade. The pictures will be used as propaganda in many countries by tomorrow. 
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Bill Lively

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Oh Yes Progressives,remember this one from 2012..?
And all the illegal crap they've done since
all the ppl younze have endorsed killing in the name of UN Humanitarian "progress"...You are disgusting 
One last Obama/hillary/Biden GIF!
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Bill Lively

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Looks like they haven't changed 
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sanjaykumar Gupta's profile photoRyan Lewis's profile photoDaniel Sanchez's profile photoMaria O'Connor's profile photo

I wondering if these people understand the Constitution at all! Furthermore, when someone is elective to serve ,their constituents expect them to fulfill certain obligations on their behalf. It is hard for me to believe that all their constituents feel the way they do.
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Bill Lively

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I was just tooling the White House's page wondering if Trump will start posting on the 21st when I spy this little gem...Someone has some balls..)
support to Israel - United State America - Google+
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Bill Lively

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"Salvation equals faith plus nothing"
I've been reading a Q n A book by Les Feldick that after my Mother (I tried to get her to listen to a Pastor I liked (Mike Hoggard) said she didn't like him after hearing about 15 seconds of him talking,tried to get me to listen to her guy she liked,which I naturally resisted against..
Two months later,a dvd set and two books and I was caught up with Hoggard,I picked up Feldick's book...The part I'd like to share this evening is about 8 paragraphs long and will take an hour or two to type as I get hand cramps...I can't type well,feel free to join in,manipulate our belief or follow along..)

What is the origin of the customs and traditions associated with Christmas,Easter and April Fools Day

Book 3 Lesson Two Part 4 Babel False Gods

(will follow in comments)
Bill Lively's profile photoRaymond Mc Donagh's profile photo
Quite serious!!
'How' do men sleep with women??
The act of sex doesn't require any great intelligence, so there must be more to it for such an injunction
And conception is entirely (apart from the 'delivery' of sperm) a female matter.
So it has something to do with how men relate to/with women that is forbidden in relationships between men.
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Independent Conservative Christian
Positive Troll...Forgiving...

We as Conservatives need to be accurate "Deplorable" Humorous Brutally Honest Gothic Christian  Þiudareiks (None Before Jesus)

A special shout out to the secular crowd to whom has brought outside forces to bear down upon a sweet existence,thanx for cheap shotting our legacy...

Jesus Christ is King of all kings

*Note to friends under 18...If (and you may) you circle me and I uncircle you or don't circle back,it isn't personal...Please understand I'm 51,I don't circle minors... 

I'm the square peg in the round hole so to speak,a bit odd

Optimistic,try to be positive Christian

"Love me while I'm alive"

Jesus First

America First,Second and Third

If you was on trail for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you..?
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November 12
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Mud..Prayer Warrior