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Time Section Home
Background Information
Related Plot/Analysis

Time Section Plots Using Gridded Daily Data

Improved time section plots are now available. Users can now average over 0E for time by latitude plots. The old page will still be available here for a period of time. Please let us know if you have any questions, issues, or comments. We are working on providing comparable colortable to the older page.

Data Availability
  • Operational data are available from Jan 1, 1979 through 12/24/2016
  • R1 Reanalysis data are available from Jan 1, 1948 through 12/22/2016
  • 20CR Reanalysis V2 data are available on this page from Jan 1, 1871 through
  • 20CR Reanalysis V2c data are available on this page from Jan 1, 1851 through Dec 31, 2012
  • Outgoing Longwave Radiation data are available from June 1, 1974 through 2013/12/31 .

(Default plot is Time-Longitude along the Equator with no area averaging)
Which variable?   Analysis level?
Beginning month: Ending month:
Beginning Day:     Ending Day:    
Beginning year:     Ending year:    
OR (for all years including 1851 onwards)
YYYY to YYYY .  
Operational data begins in 1979, 20CRV2 is 1871, 20CRV2c in 1851

Dataset:   Operational  NCEP Reanalysis 20th Century Reanalysis V2   20th Century Reanalysis V2c  

Statistic:   Mean          Anomaly          Climatology
Plot type:     Time-Longitude    Time-Latitude Postscript output?   Yes    No

Longitude Range (e.g.,   Lon1: 0     Lon2: 360)

Lon1:         Lon2:
Latitude Range     (e.g.,   Lat1: 90     Lat2: -90) Lat1:           Lat2:

Override contour interval?   Interval:

Range  Low:   High:

Optional: Change size of plot (1-300%) %
Change default Color Table?   (see NCL color tables)


You may use the images produced from this page in publications, but we ask that you acknowledge us in this manner: Image provided by the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division, Boulder Colorado from their Web site at

Additional Notes

  • Operational: All mean, anomaly, and climatology plots can be created. Pressure levels available: 1000, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50.
  • Reanalysis: No climatology for surface relative humidity, therefore no climatology or anomaly plots. All pressure levels plus surface are available.
  • Please report any errors to:
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