In order to help ensure that this set of tools remain available, we would greatly appreciate feedback on its use, particularly in the classroom, for presentations or for research. Mail to Cathy Smith at (

Background Information
Related Plot/Analysis Tools

Distributions of Daily Meteorological Variables

In progress: for any issues, please send email to
distribution plot

Plot the distribution of daily data for a season using different datasets, seasons, range of years, and locations. You can compare 2 different distributions. You can also input a value to see its probability for the empirical distribution and the SGS assumed distribution.

A subset of GHCN daily station data is available. All stations cover at least 1950-2016. Some stations are available from 1875. See a map of global station coverage for this subset.

Variable? T units: K C

Station number for GHCN stations (1-3890) [list]
Beginning month of season Ending month
(Optional) Enter a subset range of years
(Optional) Enter a subset of years

(Optional) Dataset 2?
Station number for Hun stations (1-3890) [list]
Beginning month of season Ending month
(Optional) Enter a subset range of years

(Optional) Return the probability of a value for the selected distribution(s). Raw Value:
(Optional) Plot raw empirical distributions for 2 datasets on a single plot: No Yes
(Optional) Additionally plot a normal distribution on standardized plot(s): No Yes
error submittal form (Report Bugs)

Output includes:
  • Plotted empirical distribution(s) of standardized values (bar chart)
  • Plotted fitted SGS estimates of standardized values (line plot)
  • Statistics of distribution(s).
  • SGS fit coefficients.
  • NetCDF file(s) with statistics, PDF bins/values, and time-series..
This is a Research and Development Application