Other Climate Analysis and Plotting Webtools


Station Data: US and Global   bullet Western States   bullet Southeastern States
Climate Datasets: Climate Reanalyszer TAO Buoy Data   bullet   PMEL's LAS Server   bullet   IRI/LDEO &nbs;p bullet   EPIC  
Time-series Analysis:   Random Signals and Noise   bullet   Wavelet Analysis
Climate Tools: newCDO  CDAT Climate Tools  

A sample plot is shown on the right of each package description. Click on the plot for the full size version.

Station Data

bullet  US and Global Station Data
Use Climvis to plot time-series of station climate data or contour/vectors map analyses for a region at one time. Station data is available globally w/some limitations and variables may include temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), winds, moisture, precipitation, pressure, snowfall, degree days, sunshine and visibility. Time-series plots for US climate division data (temperature, precipitation and Palmer Drought Index) and contour plots of GHCN temperature and precipitation are also available. From NOAA's National Climate Data Center (NCDC).
Climvis example plot
bullet  Western Regional Climate Center
Western Regional climate center station data plots. Plot "normals" for station data in the western US. Variables include precipitation and temperature and statistics include monthly and daily averages, rainfall probabilities and related quantities.
Climvis example plot

Climate Datasets

bullet  Climate Reanalyzer
Climate Reanalyzer is being developed by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine to provide an intuitive platform for visualizing a variety of weather and climate datasets and models. Investigate climate using interfaces for reanalysis and historical station data. Plot maps, timeseries, and correlations; export timeseries data to a text file for later use in spreadsheet software; export map layers to Google Earth.
bullet  NOMADS Climate Model Output:GFDL
Users can plot Climate Model variables: Currently they have Dec-Cen and ocean assimilation datasets.
bullet  TAO Buoy Data
Users can plot TAO buoy data.
Tao example plot
bullet  Live Access to various climate data servers
Users can plot climate data using the Live-Access-Server (LAS) from various collections. The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. It can present distributed data sets as a unified virtual data base through the use of DODS networking. Ferret is the default visualization application used by LAS, though other applications (Matlab, IDL, GrADS, ...) can also be used.
LAS example plot
bullet  Get and Plot IRI/LDEO Datasets
Users can plot various datasets. Choose dataset of interest. The plotting options are at top of page that is retunred.
SST example plot
bullet  EPIC
The EPIC Web Browser is Web application that provides interactive on-line data access to EPIC hydrographic data sets. It allows user to view the oceanographic in-situ data by creating plots on-the-fly, generating listings, data downloading etc.
Current EPIC Web Browser provides more than 1.5 million profile (such as CTD, Bottle, and XBT data from Pacific, FOCI, Puget Sound, VENTS, and NODC World Ocean Database, etc.) and time series (such as surface meteorology data, ocean data , and drifter buoy data from Alaska, Arctic, Puget Sound, etc. and Sea Level data from University Hawaii Sea Level Center).
Climvis example plot
bullet  NGDC Palmer Drought Index
Palmer Drought Index for the US derived from tree-ring and/or instrumental data from 1700-1995. From the Paleoclimate division of NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center.
PDSI example plot

Time-Series Analysis

bullet  Random Signals and Noise
Look at distributions,autocorrelations and other statistics of various types time-series. Time-series types include gaussian distributed, exponential, and white. Interactive javascripts allow users can to observe the effects of changing different parameters. From the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.course in random signals and noise.
Atlas example plot
bullet  Wavelet Analysis

Many time series are "non-stationary," varying in both amplitude and frequency over long periods of time. Wavelet analysis is a technique that decomposes a time series into time/frequency space simultaneously. By doing so, one can get information on both the amplitude of any "periodic" signals within the series, and how this amplitude varies with time. This interactive page allows the user to plot these amplitudes of a selected time series at various periodicities through time. Several ocean and atmospheric time series are available.
Wavelet Page example plot

Climate Tools

bullet  UV-CDAT Climate Data Analysis Tools

Ultrascale Visualization-Climate Data Analysis Tools, or UV-CDAT, is a Python-based, easily extendible system for accessing and analyzing climate data. It contains a generally useful system for scientific graphics.

Some of the key components supplied by PCMDI include:

cdms : a package that enables access to many different data file formats;
cdutil : a package containing utility functions for climatology and averaging;
genutil: a package containing statistics functions with special features for climate data
vcs : a two-dimensional graphics package.
vcdat : a gui interface to cdat
CDO (Climate Data Operators):
CDO (Climate Data Operators) is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate model Data. It was developed at the Max-Planck Institute. It can do such things as calculate derived meteorological variables, calculate weather statistics, do regression, interpolate in time and space. Documentation is available.