Cushman Hydroelectric Project

Puget Sound; Skokomish River, Mason County, Washington

Project Profile

The Cushman project blocked access, and affected stream flow and water quality for ESA-listed fish.

Listed Species

Puget Sound Chinook

Puget Sound steelhead

Hood Canal summer-run chum


City of Tacoma

FERC Relicensing Status

The Cushman projects license expired in 1974. After 35 years of litigation and negotiation the parties reached a settlement for a new 50-year license.  The new operating license was issued in 2009. Actions required by the settlement include providing fish passage, increasing in-stream flows, establishing a $3.5 million habitat restoration fund, and construction of fish hatcheries to restore salmon and steelhead runs.


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-460

NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion