Our Mission
Protecting & Enhancing California's Coast

The Commission is committed to protecting and enhancing California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations. It does so through careful planning and regulation of environmentally-sustainable development, rigorous use of science, strong public participation, education, and effective intergovernmental coordination.

Learn More

Property Owners

© Josh Edelson

Property owners can apply for a Coastal Development Permit to legally develop their property within the California Coastal Zone

Local Governments

© Kesma Rauf

Many local governments are empowered to issue Coastal Development Permits through Local Coastal Plans

Informed Citizens

© US Army Corps of Engineers

Everyone can learn about our coast & how to protect it. Join a beach cleanup, get teacher resources & grants, help out & have fun

December 2016 Meeting Venue

Ventura City
Council Chambers

December 7th - 9th


California Coastal Access Guide

The fully revised 7th Edition has information on more than 1,150 public access areas.

Whale Tail® License Plate

Help protect & restore the priceless resources of California's coast & ocean

© De-Bug Beach Wheelchair

Beach Wheelchair

Access the coast with ease in a free beach wheelchair, available throughout California

John "Jack" Ainsworth, 58, came to the Coastal Commission from the private sector in 1989 as a Coastal Program Analyst. Over the past 27 years, he has shouldered a variety of responsibilities including overseeing the South Central and South Coast (LA County) district offices and as the agency's Senior Deputy Director beginning in May 2015. He was appointed Acting Executive Director in March 2016. Ainsworth has a BA in Environmental Studies & Geography and an MSc in Geography from the University of California, Riverside.