Clean Water Neighbor Program

The Clean Water Neighbor (CWN) Program is a project of the KDHE Division of Environment, with funding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The program is intended to promote a state and local partnership, encouraging citizens to take steps to plan management practices and protect important water resources.

The Clean Water Neighbor program provides funding opportunities for nonpoint source pollution* prevention planning and implementation projects. Potential projects can include source water protection, nonpoint source pollution management, green-infrastructure, local environmental protection and other projects to achieve a reduction in nonpoint source pollution. The program promotes partnerships in urban and rural communities to achieve water quality improvements.









*Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) refers to runoff pollution from places such as fields, lawns, parking lots or anything other than discharge from the end of a pipe.


Travis Sieve, CWN Program Coordinator
(785) 296-0051
Types of Projects

The focus of the CWN grant program will be to promote the planning and implementation of projects reducing NPS pollution in Kansas. Potential projects can include source water protection, nonpoint source pollution management, green-infrastructure, local environmental protection and other projects achieving NPS pollution reduction. Projects should be completed within an 18 month time period. Exceptions will be considered based on the needs of individual projects.

Project Eligibility
  • Project produces a reduction of NPS Pollution

  • Implementation Project has an Information & Education Component
  • Project can provide 40% match
Grant Funding Information
There is currently no funding available for the CWN program. During normal funding periods, projects funding guidelines are listed below.
  • Planning Projects
    • Do not exceed $10,000
  • Implementation Projects
    • Do not exceed $10,000
  • Combination Projects
    • Do not exceed $20,000