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Data Collection and Analysis

The Office of Technology Transitions tracks more than 70 technology transfer-related metrics from across all of DOE’s laboratories, sites, and facilities.

The Office of Technology Transitions tracks more than 70 technology transfer-related metrics from across all of DOE’s laboratories, sites, and facilities.

Data collection and analysis is one of the three pillars of the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT). Every year, the office tracks more than 70 technology transfer-related metrics from across all of DOE’s laboratories, sites, and facilities to create its statutorily-mandated reports to Congress— the “Technology Transitions Execution Plan” and the “Report on Technology Transfer and Related Technology Partnering Activities at the National Laboratories and Other Facilities.” This data tracks areas such as the number of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, new inventions, patent applications, invention licenses, copyright licenses, and royalty income earned.

Data collection and analysis activities help establish clear goals and objectives for the national laboratories, other partners, and the Department by facilitating the evaluation of best practices and effective metrics. OTT collaborates with DOE’s national labs, site offices, and program offices to identify the most meaningful metrics that can indicate the true reach and impact of the Department, and it allows staff to direct focus on the areas that can advance the tech transfer mission.  

The information is used to continually improve the delivery of the DOE missions over the short, medium, and long term, and it also is used to help understand and encourage laboratory planning, evaluation, and professional development of laboratory staff.