
NEPAssist is a tool that facilitates the environmental review process and project planning in relation to environmental considerations. The web-based application draws environmental data dynamically from EPA’s Geographic Information System databases and web services and provides immediate screening of environmental assessment indicators for a user-defined area of interest. These features contribute to a streamlined review […]

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EJ Screen

In order to better meet the Agency’s responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA has developed a new environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool called EJSCREEN. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports.

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Bridger Pipeline Release

Region 8 responds to Bridger Pipeline Spill. The Region 8 GIS program provided support to the Bridger Pipeline Spill Response near Glendive, Mt. over the last few weeks. Working with EPA response staff and contractors, GIS staff helped support rapid web map browser development and hosting for response personnel on-site as well as the public. […]

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PM 2.5 Designations Story Map

On December 18, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final area designations for the 2012 annual national air quality standard for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). EPA strengthened the annual fine particle standard to 12 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) in 2012. After working closely with the states, and some tribes, EPA is completing the […]

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School IAQ Assessment Tool

Indoor levels of air pollutants can be two to five times higher, and occasionally 100 times higher, than outdoor levels. Nearly 56 million people, approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population, spend their days inside elementary and secondary schools. Do you know how poor indoor air quality can affect the productivity of students and staff? […]

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Water Safe

New Features Added! 6/1/15 – New features include: NSF approved water filter recommendations, upgraded home page and faceted search for water filters. The goal of H20safe is to inform citizens of water contamination in their area and act on it by contacting their representatives. H2Osafe has compiled this contamination incident information for each PWS in […]

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