Augmented Reality Facility Data App

Create an AR application that provides users with information that EPA has on facilities. This information can be useful to a variety of different stakeholders including first responders, inspectors, interested/concerned citizens etc. Additional details can be found here.

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Homeowner Alternative Energy Systems

Utilize and combine data from eGRID, local power providers, local alternative energy providers, and data on impacts, costs, and opportunities on various power choices, to facilitate: -homeowners to more easily make accurate, informed decisions on energy upgrades-too often they sound like excessively complex gobbledygook, which results in people who might otherwise make the changes or […]

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FitBit for your Car

Save fuel with the FitBit for your car! Just like with personal fitness, “automotive fitness” is maximized when the user is motivated. This app would make your smartphone a FitBit for your car by allowing you to: 1. Compete with others for the best mpg along your route — by vehicle competition class. 2. Compete […]

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Pesticide Worker Safety Violations

Many farmworkers are transient and do not know where to report pesticide worker safety violations. A recent national survey showed many migrant farmworkers carry phones. In order to allow farmworkers to more easily report violations, a mobile application can be developed that uses GPS data from the phone to determine where the violation should be reported […]

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Visualizing What’s Wasted

We would like you to create an engaging, high-impact data visualization to tell the story of the quantities of materials being wasted in the U.S. to support a zero waste future.  “Humans are consuming resources and producing waste at a greater scale than ever before” (UNEP). Over 166 million tons (~66%) of materials are wasted […]

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Honey, I’m home!

Honeybee colonies have experienced substantial losses attributed to a combination of factors including diseases, parasites, poor nutrition, reduced habitat, and pesticide exposure.  The magnitude of these losses on a national scale continue to exceed what beekeepers consider to be economically sustainable. In addition to declines in honey bee health, other iconic species including the monarch […]

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Climate Change Indicators Map Builder

Additional Code files: Exit Problem: Developing a map builder for Leaflet Develop a map builder similar to for the leaflet interactive maps JavaScript framework ( using the Climate Change Indicators Data. Challenge: Map builder with 4 primary components The map builder will have 4 primary components that includes a data editor, map configuration (with the options […]

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Tailored UV Index Forecast for Beaches

Problem: Promoting UV Awareness If you want to be a part of a successful federal government social media campaign, consider hacking EPA’s UV Index. The UV Index, a numeric index of the strength of cancer-causing UV rays from the sun, is a forecast produced by the National Weather Service. The forecast data are run through EPA’s […]

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Develop a Method to Compare Facility Data across Disparate EPA Datasets

Additional Source Code files: Exit Problem: Finding Matching Facilities across Datasets A better way to identify matching facilities across datasets is something that the EPA struggles with. Currently, a variety of conditions are appended to queries in order to attempt to prevent false positive matches Challenge: Improve facility matching Develop a prototype of a tool that […]

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Geofence Application to Improve Environmental Awareness

Problem: Awareness of Your Environment Many people often do not know of EPA-related projects or environmental features within their neighborhood, daily commute, or vicinity. Challenge: Create a Push Notification Mobile Application The challenge is to create an application that will enable people to be more aware of their environment. This application will empower the users […]

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