National Ocean Service Environmental Compliance

NOAA ship conducting multibeam sonar operations

Hydrographic surveys—one of the many services provided by the National Ocean Service—is the science that measures and describes the physical features of bodies of water and the land areas adjacent to those bodies of water. Surveying with multibeam echo sounders, shown here, is the primary method of obtaining hydrographic data. By mapping out water depth, the shape of the seafloor and coastline, the location of possible obstructions and physical features of water bodies, hydrography helps to keep our maritime transportation system moving safely and efficiently. NOAA is committed to provide such essential services while also protecting our nation's natural resources.

NOAA is entrusted with protecting the earth's natural resources. Most trust resources in the atmosphere and oceans fall within NOAA's sphere of responsibility.  It is essential to NOAA's credibility that environmental responsibility and compliance with our nation's environmental laws and Executive Orders be an ingrained part of NOAA's culture. We must also demonstrate this to our partners and the communities we protect.  An effective environmental stewardship program enhances our stature within the international community and in the communities in which we are corporate citizens.

NOS Environmental Compliance Program

The National Ocean Service (NOS) plays a critical role in both directly protecting these resources and in providing the information that allows other organizations to effectively design and implement programs that enhance the protection and sustainment of these resources. It is essential we identify program activities that may require attention to ensure that the planning, implementation, record keeping, and close out of these activities are conducted in compliance with NOAA's commitments to environmental stewardship and with the laws intended to protect our irreplaceable resources. For questions, please contact the NOS Environmental Compliance Coordinator via email at or by phone at (240)-533-0918.

NOAA's Environmental, Safety, and Sustainability Office

The Office Chief Administrative Officer governs NOAA's Environmental, Safety, and Sustainability Office (NESSO). NESSO is a professional services organization that establishes NOAA's policy and provides guidance, and oversight in the areas of Safety and Occupational Health; Environmental Management; and Energy Management and Sustainability to ensure compliance with regulatory, internal, and other requirements and to drive toward continuous improvement in Safety, Occupational Health, Environment, and Sustainability performance. If you have any questions about this or any other safety training, contact our office via email at or by phone at 301-628-1020.