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Open Government Plan 4.0

The Energy Department is committed to President Obama’s mandate to make the federal government more open and accessible to the American people. The Department continues to build on the initiatives it outlined in the first two iterations of the Open Government Plan and strives to be a leader in the Open Government movement.

In the last two years since the release of the Open Government Plan 3.0, the Department has achieved some significant milestones to advance the Open Government goals of transparency, participation and collaboration -- from expanding access to its wealth of data resources, to hosting challenges and hackathons to encourage the development of new tools and applications, to streamlining and transforming the ways we interact with stakeholders, public officials, government partners, and the general public.

This updated plan shows how the Open Government values of transparency, participation and collaboration have become standard operating procedure at the Energy Department. From major initiatives to iterative improvements, offices throughout the Department are making Open Government values part of every conversation.

While the Energy Department has made great steps forward over the last years, the work is never totally complete. Building and encouraging a culture of openness is how we build a more efficient, effective, and engaged Department of Energy.