
Eulachon are an anadromous forage fish and are endemic to the northeastern Pacific Ocean; they range from northern California to southwest and south-central Alaska and into the southeastern Bering Sea. The southern DPS of eulachon is comprised of fish that spawn in rivers south of the Nass River in British Columbia to, and including, the Mad River in California. Adult eulachon typically spawn at age 2-5 in the lower portions of rivers. Many rivers within the range of eulachon have consistent yearly spawning runs; however, eulachon may appear in other rivers only on an irregular or occasional basis. The spawning migration usually occurs between December and June.

We have developed a draft recovery plan with the assistance of the eulachon recovery team, and input from the eulachon stakeholder group. We encourage comments on the draft recovery plan. You may submit comments until December 19, 2016. Instructions for how to comment are located here

If you have any questions about the recovery planning process or for more information, please contact Robert Anderson, 503-231-2226.

Recovery Planning

Notice of Intent to Prepare a Recovery Plan for the Southern DPS of Eulachon (78 FR 40104 July 3, 2013)

Draft Eulachon Recovery Plan October 20, 2016

FR Notice October 20, 2016

Recovery Plan Outline

Listing Information

Eulachon Species Information:

ESA Listing Status: Threatened on March 18. 2010.  75 FR 13012 Mar 18 2010 pdf format

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; Final Rule to Revise the Code of Federal Regulations for Species under the Jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service April 14, 2014 pdf format

Eulachon Critical Habitat 76 FR 65324 Oct 20, 2011

2016 5-Year Review Summary and Evaluation of Eulachon pdf format 1.3MB

2016 Status Review Update of Eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) Listed under the Endangered Species Act: Southern Distinct Population Segment pdf format 965kb

Initiation of Eulachon 5-Year Status Review pdf format

2010 Eulachon Status Review pdf format

2008 Status Review for Eulachon pdf format 2MB