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November 29, 2016
Home insulation products, including batts, rolls, blow-in fibers, rigid boards, expanding spray, and pour-in-place insulation, can qualify for a tax credit of 10% of the cost, up to $500, if you completed the installation in 2016.
These 13 Home Energy Tax Credits Expire in 2016

At the end of 2016, the clock runs out on several federal tax credits for homeowners who made energy upgrades during the year.

October 7, 2016
Replace your home's five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with ENERGY STAR models to save $75 per year.| Photo courtesy of Thomas Kelsey/U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon
How Much Can You REALLY Save with Energy Efficient Improvements?

Several small home energy-saving projects can add up to big savings. Start your Energy Action Month to-do list today!

August 11, 2016
Reducing Vehicle Idling Time at School Helps Kids—and Parents—Breathe Easier

Car idling reduction campaigns can have a healthy impact on air quality at your children's school.

July 27, 2016
Solar homes are being sold across the country, but they can be hard to find and compare. Teams from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Elevate Energy are working to ensure that solar is properly represented in multiple listing services. | Photos courtesy of Solar Design Associates, Namaste Solar Electric, and Decker Homes
Shopping for a Solar Home Made Easy — SunShot and the Future of Solar Home-Buying

Solar homes are being sold across the country, but they can be hard to find and compare. Teams from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Elevate Energy are working to ensure that solar is properly represented in multiple listing services, the searchable databases used by real estate professionals and house hunters.

July 26, 2016
There are a lot of misconceptions about residential solar. | Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
5 Common Myths About Residential Solar

The amount of solar connected to the grid has grown exponentially in the past several years, and with all of this interest and so much information available, let’s take a moment to separate fact from fiction. The SunShot Initiative has debunked the top 5 myths about residential solar.

July 25, 2016
SunShot Programs Bring Solar Energy Basics to Real Estate Pros

Recent research shows that adding solar to your home — much like renovating the kitchen or finishing the basement — can boost your home's value and resulting home sale price.

July 21, 2016
Prepare to keep yourself--and your pets--cool, healthy, and comfortable during extreme heat. | FEMA News Photo
Under the (Heat) Dome: Staying Cool and Efficient on the Hottest Days

Be safe, comfortable, and efficient during extreme heat waves with these tips from Energy Saver and

July 21, 2016
5 Quick Ways to Save Energy on Home Cooling

It’s hot out there! Here are a few tips you can save energy and stay cool on summer days.

June 8, 2016
These examples of building integrated photovoltaic panels are like solar eye candy. All images from U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon
Solar Panel Design Ideas for Your Home

Solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) systems are now available in shingles, skylights, shades, and other innovative designs.

May 6, 2016
Top 5 Tips from Clean Energy Moms for Mother’s Day

With Mother's Day approaching, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) polled 20 clean energy moms on their top five tips to help raise the next generation of clean energy advocates.

May 4, 2016
Plugging in an electric car is so easy that my 3-year-old can do it.
I Love What My Electric Car Does—and Does Not Do

Energy Saver blogger Alexis Powers answers common questions about how her all-electric car works.

April 8, 2016
Here is the energy usage graph from our most recent electricity bill. The months are displayed with the most recent first, reading from left to right along the x axis. We finished the upgrades in October, so you can see that the months before our upgrades were higher overall.
The Story of a House that Never Stayed Warm: A Well-Insulated Resolution

Energy Saver blogger Elizabeth Spencer writes about how much her electricity bill went down after sealing up her home with insulation.

March 23, 2016
Quiz: Test Your Lighting IQ

Test your knowledge about the lighting technology that brightens our world.

March 21, 2016
All-electric and plug-in hybrid cars purchased in 2015 may be eligible for federal and state income tax credits. Photo by Dennis Schroeder/NREL
Energy Saver Tax Tips: Get Money Back for Buying, Charging Plug-in Electric Vehicles

Find out if your plug-in electric vehicle, charging station, or other alternative fueling infrastructure qualify you for federal or state tax credits.

March 4, 2016
From tire alignment to accumulated items, now is the time to prep your car—as well as your house—for an energy-savvy start to spring.
Mid-Winter Check In and Getting Ready for Spring

Drew Bittner provides energy efficient tips for closing out the winter and preparing for spring savings in the months ahead.

February 12, 2016
Electricity usage monitors make it easy to measure the electricity consumed by any device that runs on 120 volts. Photo by Alexis Powers
Science Fair Project Ideas for Energy Savers

See how one energy saving tool can inspire endless science fair project ideas.

January 11, 2016
The 30% tax credit for solar electric and solar water heating systems has been extended through 2019, gradually decreasing until 2021.
Tax Tips for Energy Savers: Get Money Back for Greening Your Home

Any qualified efficiency updates you made at home in 2015 are eligible for credits when you file your taxes in the coming months. Plus, updates you make in 2016 will be eligible for credits when you file next year.

December 30, 2015
6 Smart Energy Resolutions for 2016

Make 2016 the year you to take a few simple steps to save energy, starting with our list of energy resolutions.

December 18, 2015
Future Home Tech: 8 Energy-Saving Solutions on the Horizon

A sneak peek of the energy-saving technologies we can expect to see soon that will make our homes more sustainable.

December 14, 2015
FACT: Consumers are saving more than $62 billion a year as a result of the Energy Department's Appliance and Equipment Standards Program. | Infographic by <a href="/node/1332956">Carly Wilkins</a>, Energy Department
INFOGRAPHIC: How Appliance Standards Help Consumers Save Big

Consumers are saving more than $62 billion a year as a result of Appliance and Equipment Standards Program.

November 11, 2015
A historic hangar at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio was salvaged and restored with window films to reduce solar heat gain, occupancy sensors to control interior lighting, and daylight sensors to maximize energy savings and enhance productivity.
Majorly Awesome Military Energy Savers: We Salute You

A Veterans Day salute to the Department of Defense for their heroic efforts when it comes to saving electrons.

November 10, 2015
An insulated door was an easy upgrade from the steel cellar door that let cold air into our house. Photo by Elizabeth Spencer
Insulation Troubles: A Story of a House That Never Stayed Warm, Part 2

Energy Saver's Elizabeth Spencer finds solutions for her house's insulation problems.

November 4, 2015
A certified Home Energy Professionals auditor can identify sources of energy loss throughout the home. Photo by Dennis Schroeder/NREL
Insulation Troubles: A Story of a House That Never Stayed Warm, Part 1

Energy Saver's Elizabeth Spencer realizes that her house has an insulation problem and sets out to fix it.

October 26, 2015
This Halloween, keep ghosts and goblins at bay -- while saving energy and money -- with these home energy efficiency tricks. | Infographic by <a href="/node/379579">Sarah Gerrity</a>, Energy Department.
Energy Efficiency Tricks to Stop Your Energy Bill from Haunting You

Don't let your energy bill give you a scare this Halloween. Check out our frightfully easy tips to save energy and money at home.

October 21, 2015
Check out our <a href="/node/780416">Energy Saver 101 infographic</a> for everything you need to know about home heating.
#HeatChat @Energy: Ask Us Your Home Heating Questions

Have questions about how to prepare your home for the winter months ahead? Join us Thursday, October 22 at 1 p.m. ET for a Twitter chat.