CSP3117 - Habitat Conservation Planning For Endangered Species

Course CodeCSP3117
Course TitleHabitat Conservation Planning For Endangered Species

TUITION FEES: The Cost To Learner displayed in the Course Details is an approximate amount. Please refer to the 'Class Cost to Learner' displayed in the Class Details for the specific class session you wish to attend. Additional information is available at the NCTC website.

Note: Tuition is not applicable to FWS, BLM and NPS employees

The course addresses the basic steps and processes regarding Habitat Conservation Planning under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act. Case studies and interactive exercises are used to reinforce lecture sessions.


  • Explain the legal and policy background that forms the basis of the Section 10(a)(1)(B) permit process; 
  • Describe the role of the Fish & Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, the applicant, and other parties in the Section 10(a)(1)(B) process; 
  • Explain how to provide guidance in developing a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that meets statutory and biological requirements; 
  • Initiate and develop the Section 10(a)(1)(B) documents necessary to complete the HCP process; 
  • List permit processing steps, from submission of the application to permit issuance; 
  • Describe statutory permit issuance criteria and explain biological standards and FWS and NMFS policies involved in the permit issuance decision; 
  • Identify post-issuance compliance and options for corrective actions; and 
  • Explain relationships among HCP's, NEPA, and Section 7. 

Pre-requisite: Endangered Species Act of 1973 – Overview
Please click on this link to register for this course: Endangered Species Act of 1973 - Overview

Target Audience:
Individuals responsible for assisting in the development of Habitat Conservation Plans.

Delivery MethodInstructor Led
Non-FWS Fee$995.00
Instructional Hours36
Course Content ContactRichard Bulavinetz: richard_bulavinetz@fws.gov; (304) 876-7340; Richard_Bulavinetz@fws.gov
Curriculum CategoryPolicy and Planning
Course FrequencyTwice per year
Registration LinkRegister
Extracted from DOI LEARN on12/24/2016 3:30:22 AM

Schedule:  CSP3117 - Habitat Conservation Planning For Endangered Species

StartEndLocationSession Contact
2/13/2017 2/17/2017 Sacramento, CA Brenda Hooper, brenda_hooper@fws.gov

7/31/2017 8/4/2017 National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) Brenda Hooper: brenda_hooper@fws.gov
(304) 876-7449