CSP1150 - Introduction to Fish Health

Course CodeCSP1150
Course TitleIntroduction to Fish Health
DescriptionThis course is a beginning level, introductory program that familiarizes participants with the signs, causes, control and prevention of infectious and noninfectious fish diseases.
By the end of this session, the participant will be able to:
• Recognize and identify the external or gross signs of the more common fish diseases and parasites;
• Stain slides for preliminary identification of common disease organisms;
• Isolate and culture some disease organisms;
• Calculate dosages or treatment levels;
• Properly care for and package moribund or dead fish as specimens for shipment to diagnostic laboratories; and
• Describe the causes and effects of fish diseases.
Target Audience:
This course is designed for fisheries biologist, hatchery managers, fish health biologist, or wildlife biologist interested in fish health techniques.
Delivery MethodInstructor Led
Non-FWS Fee$1,195.00
Instructional Hours36
Course Content ContactMatthew Patterson: matthew_patterson@fws.gov; (304) 876-7473; matthew_patterson@fws.gov
Curriculum CategoryEcology and Field Biology
Course FrequencyMultiple per year
Registration LinkRegister
Extracted from DOI LEARN on12/17/2016 3:30:22 AM

Schedule:  CSP1150 - Introduction to Fish Health

StartEndLocationSession Contact
1/9/2017 1/13/2017 National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) Marilyn Williams: marilyn_williams@fws.gov
(304) 876-7940
1/23/2017 1/27/2017 LaCrosse, WI So Lan Ching, so_lan_ching@fws.gov
(304) 876-7771