U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program

State Wildlife Grant Program - Overview


The State Wildlife Grant (SWG) Program provides Federal grant funds to State fish and wildlife agencies for developing and implementing programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species that are not hunted or fished.

Grant funds may be used to address a variety of conservation needs--such as research, fish and wildlife surveys, species restoration, habitat management, and monitoring—that are identified within a State’s Wildlife Action Plan. These funds may also be used to update, revise, or modify a State’s Plan. 

Learn about State Wildlife Grant Program accomplishments.

Source of Funds
Congress appropriates funds for the State Wildlife Grant Program on an annual basis. Funds are apportioned to States, commonwealths, and U.S. territories based on a formula that considers each State’s population and total geographical area.

Grant funds are disbursed to States for approved grants at a maximum federal share of 75% for planning grants and 65% for Plan implementation grants. Congress also allocates a portion of appropriated funds to a competitive SWG subprogram.

Identified and described in the State Wildlife Action Plans, the “species of greatest conservation need” include many species which have experienced significant population declines. Threats to these species are also described in the Plans, and include such factors as habitat loss or fragmentation, competition from non-native species, and stressors related to climate change. The Plans identify their habitats, as well as actions needed to restore or maintain viable populations of these species.

The Plans also outline the methods to be used to monitor species populations and to measure the effectiveness of States’ conservation actions, enabling States and their partners to utilize an adaptive management approach to conservation of these priority species.

State Wildlife Grant funds administered by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program provide a unique source of funding, helping States to focus on targeted species in a proactive fashion, to help identify and reverse species population declines before restoration becomes more difficult and costly.