National Wildlife Health Center

...advancing wildlife and ecosystem health

Image of Dennis Heisey

Dennis Heisey

Title: CWD Research Biologist, Field and Lab Research
Phone: 608-270-2478

Education and/or Training

B.S. 1973 Pennsylvania State University Biology
M.S. 1975 University of Michigan Zoology
M.S. 1985 University of Minnesota Statistics
Ph.D. 1991 University of Wisconsin - Madison Biometry

Areas of Specialization and or Research Interests

Field and related laboratory investigations on epizootiology
Chronic wasting disease (CWD)
Maintenance and transmission of CWD
Quantitative/statistical ecology
Statistical inference
Natural history; sustainability issues

Current USGS Research and Projects

Study of CWD among populations of cervidae in the U.S

Professional Experience

2003 – Present Research Biologist, National Wildlife Health Center - Madison, WI
1993 – 2003 Scientist, Dept. of Surgery, UW Medical School
1991 – 1993 Statistical Consultant, Academic Computing Center, UW

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

International Biometric Society
The Wildlife Society
Biometrics Working Group of the Wildlife Society

Honors and/or Awards

Best Contributed Paper 1991 Statistics and Statistical Graphics, SAS Users Group International
Invited Chair 1991 Analysis In Ecology Session, ENAR Biometrics Society
New Hot Paper Phi Kappa Phi

Selected Publications

BLEHERT, D. S., K. S. JEFFERSON, D. M. HEISEY, M. D. Samuel, B. M. BERLOWSKI, and D. J. SHADDUCK. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis to differentiate isolates of pasteurella multocida serotype 1 2008 Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42(2):209-225.

HEISEY, D. and B.R. Patterson. A review of methods to estimate cause-specific mortality in presence of competing risks. 2006 Journal of Wildlife Management 70(6):1544-1555.

Hansen, S., A. Choudhury, D. HEISEY, J.A. Ahumada, T.L. Hoffnagle, and R.A. COLE. Experimental infection of the endangered bonytail chub (Gila elegans) with the Asian fish tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi): impacts on survival, growth, and condition. 2006 Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1383-1394.

DUSEK, R.J., D. Richardson, K.F. EGSTAD, and D.M. HEISEY. Evaluating red-cockaded woodpeckers for exposure to West Nile Virus and blood parasites. 2006 Southeastern Naturalist 5(3):561-565.

HEISEY, D.M., D.O. Joly, and F. Messier. The fitting of general force-of-infection models to wildlife disease prevalence data. 2006 Ecology 87(9):2356-2365.

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