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Victor Adams

Knowledge  - is based in Temecula, Ca. and SEEKING COMMON STOCK & PREFERRED STOCK INVESTORS. *Currently a privately held company (not publicly traded) looking to raise capital for expansion, development and broaden investor base.
#hnogreenfuels #leefh2 #reshare
Investing 101: “Get in early, get in cheap.”
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The White House

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Watch President Obama and Smarter Every Day's Destin Sandlin talk about exploring space, and how we're science-ing the heck out of things: #YouTubeAsksObama
Saiiid Mchaalia's profile photo
come on baby come on ... surround liable travel trip try of joy ... it would like to predict my healthy stay ... it should surround lonely link into practice way ... whereas human soul has to believe in intellectual sight flow ...come on baby come on ... this ask for aif of how nice thread task job runs its achievement draw ... this looks for help window to illustrate motion of human aim object which should quit hardly sadness show ... come on baby come on baby ...whether it is time to bring upon full aid for needy persons or poor soul is alive ...whether it is goal to invoke royal driven design in order to struggle soul scheduling sight ...whether it is a howto of growth to take deep breath with any proposal relax ... come on baby come baby ... surround liable key of joy ... would like to predict well healthy stay .. should link any burrow bearing into grow of judgment law ..come on come baby ... asl for running nice thread task job ... look for achievement of needy aid and poorest help ...
In fact, using (CMOS transistor, NPN transistor) mapping pair to command low voltage motor motion for driven dynamics design of "Ilizarov" material to be innovative implementation of digital computing involves inside trust traceability of transition tractability and transaction logics...This make invasive insight of intentional aim object of many digital inventors around the globe. But whenever to use digital computing within architectural structures of (AND gate, XOR gate) mapping pair mount management or to develop scheduling shows of liable linguistic logics based upon inquiry question string "what if insert this is fashion flow to wish to do to cry to rue" driven dynamics, optimization orders have to operate more trust control of adventure advances and variable value algorithm functionalism through using utility of (JK flip flop, low voltage motor) mapping pair to decide whether nice thread task jobs have to perform perfect mount mangelement of secured transaction traceability during desirable wish achievement process belongs "count a day away to be aware ...".

Hence, proposal adjectives and purposing adverbs could be used to describe modeling modes of "mIsA = mount management inside soul scheduling across advances of adventures" in fill in using utility tools decides time excitements and comfortable value enhancements for further elaboration of major main backdraws inspiration insight and individual implementation of symbolic scheduling that has to provide more trust control of inner intellectual inspiration insight used within ::

1. signal processing :: which could invest more intentional aspects affect joy's judgments. Thereupon, start up of childhood, basics of children education is to support any yielding hierarchy performs :: learning phases that should parallel flow with practice productivity of next generation.

2. balance benefit behavior treats (genuine = something, unjust = any thing else) mapping pair. Therefore, human psyche soul manufacturing design to support mount management of well being through offering required living homes for any one and implementation of valid burrowing kernels along over such a terminology of human soul scheduling investigation of personal modeling modes.

In fact, using math modeling modes, (genuine = something, unjust = any thing else) could be written as follows :: (genuine = sin², unjust = cos²), (genuine = tg², unjust= cotg²), (genuine = -1 + 1/sin², unjust = -1 + 1/cos²), (genuine = -1 + 1/exp(-1/f²(...)), unjust = -1 + 1/exp(-f²(..)), (genuine = f²(...).exp(...) / (1 + f²(...).exp(...)), unjust = 1 / (1 + f²(...).exp(...)), (genuine = Log(1 + f²(...)) /(1 + Log(1 + f²(....))), etc ...

Although, using utility of (burrow = narrow order symbolization, burst = what if insert this fashion flow) mapping pair to illustrate how transistors have to hold major;main trust tractability during exerting elaboration of driven dynamics in order to evolve desirable maintaining process of performance. Hence, another valid variation have to support (burrow = 100 / (16.zing²) where sing = ±sin².cos².(sin² - cos²) or other function form of envelop exploitation. Therefore, intentional inquiry question strings "goto, jump, etc .." are concrete characteristics of "wanna to jump into for further travel trip try of driven dynamics design discusses balance benefit behavior belongs "no social lost no chef restore ...about whom across her ... between whom and her spring up to first step up while people politics has to equal to citizenship show ... no social lost no chef restore ...this should end in rising reason story ...this would be event of appointment joy ...Consequently the conflict began since people party struggle show ... Obviously such a war could never end ... take this to be guilty ... then proceed to large satisfactory call of authority operating goals and aim objects ... no social lost .. no chef restore is about whom and across her ... it is between whom and her is an empire battleground to defeat when the whole should judge "be clever and support smart soul" ... it is against any human favorite try that could receive surround smiles ... it is admirable time for golden acts is a process for saying good bye and extend to reign advance acquisitions along over entirely shadow which has to be inspired and expired ... it is a conclusion customization of stretched show between northwards "from Hamburg to Berlin" and southwards "from Munich to State .." .. Thus be ready to convince advisable advances around the globe is the surround subject of whole while across any travel of trip try and human causal grows upon "I need to earn money ... I should take place within commandment progress ".... but never forget to be apt to access low voltage motor ... but never forget to be ready for next fashion flow of guide me as it could show me the right as it would ...this desirable accomplishment and convenient smart smile of leaf like life ...
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If the fallout is bad enough, Volkswagen may consider stopping US diesel sales altogether.
Despite problems worldwide, German morale remains high, and Audi continues to hire and issue bonuses, as well.
Omar Boudjemaa's profile photoWillem Budde's profile photoVictor Adams's profile photoRichard Carver's profile photo
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Safe drinking water is important for all of us. Here’s what you need to know to protect your family and ensure your drinking water is safe.
Basic information about drinking water in the U.S. · Regulated drinking water contaminants · Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Federal reporting services · Drinking water performance and results report. Local information. "" Find your local drinking water report · Information about ...
Rahul Puttagunta's profile photoRobin Rosenblatt's profile photoVictor Adams's profile photoDanny Pham's profile photo
No pipelines. No oil. No coal.
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Nerdy Girl Erin

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For +Patrick Leland​, since he asked... For the second time, since it didn't work the first time.
Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Mazda and Mitsubishi’s cars are shown to emit significantly more NOx pollution on the road than in regulatory tests
Race Vanderdecken's profile photoVictor Adams's profile photoFox Mulder's profile photo
It's probably ALL mfrs.

that said, can't say I blame them; this is just what happens with #CorporatistTerrorist, unconstitutional EPA's #GovtTerrorist diktats and interventions:

But as per usual NWO modus operandi, this would be used to place 'Must have Dongle to Play' drive/tax by the mile & realtime emissions monitoring via already existent corporatist GM systems like 'OnStar,' on top of the already required GPS & telemetry 'blackbox' installed into all new cars since the 1990's.

Toyota and Volvo have long been leading breathalyzer ignition-interlock research, as is:

Now, they are already operational, as always is the case, 'beta tested' on fleet vehicles, first:

Already a matter of #GovtTerrorist legislative diktat:

Eventually their goal is to require it for EVERY CAR, initially starting with DUI 'offenders,' even for 1st time 'offenders:'

With a little help from the 'save the children' #StateTheistCargoCultist enablers, of course:

...just more euphemism for realtime 'submit to tracking, in order to drive the govt roads, or else peons!' .o/


at this rate, perhaps 'no electronics,' 'dumb' analog tech, pre '60's VIN is the only way to go?? xD
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