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Kahil Nettleton
Old enough to know better and wise enough to care less.
Old enough to know better and wise enough to care less.

Kahil's posts

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If you guys aren't already listening to this podcast, you should. It is hosted by a few ex-Obama speech writers. It is funny, smart, and on point.

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Kellyanne Conway recently referenced "the Bowling Green massacre," which does not, in reality, exist. She's insisted for days that she simply misspoke, but there's fresh evidence that says she's now lying about lying.

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Couldn't have said it any better!

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At this rate these sad, alt right snowflakes are going to end up boycotting everything. More and more major brands are taking a stand. How have all their past boycotting worked out for them? "Tremendous" failures.

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It really is annoying that China is leading the world in things like solar energy and progressive ideas like this.

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