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Brian-White Knight- Williams
Social Media Profiler for the iPredator communities on Social Media
Social Media Profiler for the iPredator communities on Social Media
Brian-White Knight-'s posts

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Splc Hate map check out all the hate groups.
#Racism #Bigotry #Hate #WhiteSupremacy #WhitePride

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#HumanTrafficking 474 perps busted in California.
This is just one State in one country ... a truly alarming statistic for one of the most heinous crimes of modern times, the exploitation for profit of another human being

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#KKK #Racism #Bigotry #iPredator #PredatoryTrolls #Puritans

A special thanks to +Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.​ for editing and uploading the blog and pdfs. It was a lot of work.
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