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revelation 11:5
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revelation 11:5

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this is hilarious......comic relief.  so easy to see tom cruise's mannerisms right in your   and most people cant even see this.....
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revelation 11:5

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Check out this video on YouTube:
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revelation 11:5

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revelation 11:5

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Finally! women in the military that know what their good for.
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revelation 11:5

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Obama will be known for one thing. The last president of the United States. Under the guise of pure evil he has deceived the people to think he is inept, and is getting a pass from the liberal garbage controlling the minds of the people. I am not saying Obama is Satan, but Satan's MO is to kill steal and destroy. So far Obama has done nothing except kill, steal, and destroy. You decide.
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revelation 11:5

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Savage is 100% correct.
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revelation 11:5

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Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has threatened the West with his country’s 5,000 nuclear warheads. Putin has raised the specter of nuclear war for the third time in the past two months as he and ...
revelation 11:5's profile photo
Have you ever seen such wreck less in your face taunting of a world leader? The west making light of Putin's warnings of a nuclear response??! One leader accused him of it being his mastubutorial fantasy?? I have never seen people so absolved from conscientious reasoning. It's as if we are living a Simpsons episode.
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revelation 11:5

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revelation 11:5

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Obama to bypass Congress on Iran deal: Report

US President Barack Obama will do “everything in his power” to avoid a vote in Congress on any nuclear accord with Iran, according to a new report.

“We wouldn’t seek congressional legislation in any comprehensive agreement for years,” a senior US official told the New York Times.

Iran and the P5+1 group-- Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany – are negotiating to narrow their differences over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program ahead of a November 24 deadline.

Last year, Iran and its negotiating partners clinched an interim nuclear accord, which took effect on January 20 and expired six months later. However, the two sides agreed to extend the talks until Nov. 24 as they remained divided on a number of key issues.

Sources close to the Iranian negotiating team say the main stumbling block to Western disputes over Iran’s nuclear issue is the removal of sanctions, not the number of centrifuges or the level of uranium enrichment.

In a detailed and classified study, the US Treasury Department has concluded that President Obama has the authority to suspend “the vast majority of those sanctions” without a congressional vote, The Times reported.

However, Obama needs congressional approval before being able to permanently terminate the sanctions, something Tehran insists should happen as part of any comprehensive deal.

In testimony before Congress earlier this year, top US negotiators suggested a step-by-step suspension of sanctions so that Obama could turn them back if necessary.

Many lawmakers view that plan as an effort by the White House to bypass the US Congress.

"Congress will not permit the president to unilaterally unravel Iran sanctions that passed the Senate in a 99 to 0 vote,” said Senator Mark Kirk, a leading Republican critic of the nuclear negotiations.

National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan sought to dismiss that concern. There “is a role for Congress in our Iran policy,” she said.



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sweeet 69
Smokin Hot Custom Built Chevy Pick Up Trucks
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  • The holy bible
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