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  • Salmon Mislabeling Scheme Goes Up In Smoke

    Miami salmon supplier caught in mislabeling scandal. Read More . . .

  • Not An Ordinary Day: Operation Turn Rescue Mission

    Alaska weather and unexpectedly choppy waters disable vessel while nearby joint operation is conducted. Read More . . .

  • OLE Takes a Bite Out of Illegal Shark Fishing

    Shark finning and illegal shark fishing has global implications. Rules and regulations are strict to ensure shark sustainability. Read More . . .

  • PSMA Training Underway

    With training modules complete, OLE has started training enforcement partners on implementation of the PSMA. Read More . . .

  • OLE Boots-On-Water In Indonesia

    A look through the lens: experts from OLE conduct PSMA implementation workshop in Manado, Indonesia. Read More . . .

From tackling seafood fraud nationally to helping crack down on illegal fishing internationally, we're here to make sure that those who obey the rules reap the benefits of fair competition and an even playing field in the market. We protect marine resources and their habitat and help safeguard the health of seafood consumers and the livelihoods of coastal communities.