PSD Staff List  »  Sandra Starkweather
Sandra Starkweather – Scientist
Image of Sandra Starkweather
Polar Observations and Processes Team
Affiliation: CIRES
Phone: (303) 497-5247
Mailing Address:
NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305

Fax: (303) 497-6020


I have a joint background in engineering (renewable energy systems) and earth science (Arctic climatology). I have worked in a consulting engineering capacity, university research, project management and planning. During this time, I spent twelve years traveling to/from Greenland to either participate in or support Arctic field research. Today, I combine these experiences to advance collaboration among independently funded, flagship Arctic observatories for the IASOA ( consortium and to advance the implementation of the U.S. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee's (IARPC) Five Year Plan for Arctic Research. I have a strong interest in improving the effectiveness of the Arctic research enterprise, particularly in situ observational research, through building stronger collaborations among all parties who benefit from sustained Arctic observing, from researchers through information and service end-users. I am currently pursuing a certificate in Science and Technology Policy Research to better understand and evaluate the institutional dimensions of the science-public interface.


  • B.S., Engineering, UW-Madison, May 1992
  • M.S., Engineering, University of Colorado-Boulder, May 1996
  • Ph.D., Geography, University of Colorado-Boulder, May 2004

Research Interests

  • Frameworks for Multidisciplinary Integration of Arctic Research
  • Surface Energy, Moisture and Carbon Budgets in the Arctic
  • Devleopment of the Arctic Observing Network
  • Cyberinfrastructure for Data Sharing and Interoperability
  • Collaborative Knowledge Exchange Frameworks

Professional Activities