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March 2010 Amendment Submitted to MMS

On March 18, 2010 the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Coastal and Ocean Management submitted the March 2010 Amendment to the Alaska CIAP Plan to the U.S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS) for review and approval.  This plan was amended to reflect comments received from MMS on the 2009 Amendment. The amended CIAP plan addresses

  • 22,982,820 of the $51,614,839 available in direct to state portion of CIAP funds, and
  • $24,567,104 of the $27,792,605 in direct to coastal political subdivisions (CPS) portion of CIAP funds.

DCOM Submittal Letter

March 2010 Amendment to the Alaska CIAP Plan

Once the plan is approved, DCOM and the CPSs can submit grant applications to MMS for the approved state and CPS projects, respectively.

CIAP Grants Workpage

Future Plan Amendments

DCOM will submit another amendment to the Alaska CIAP Plan in fall 2010. This fall 2010 Amendment will include the remaining funds allocated to the State of Alaska and the CPSs and will include projects solicited competitively from the public and from legislatively names municipalities and coastal resource service areas.  The Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development is the lead agency in soliciting these projects.  Please click here for more information on their solicitation process.

Additional CIAP Information

CIAP Background and Authorized uses

2007-2010 CIAP Allocations to Alaska

Alaska Legislation Affecting CIAP

2008 Approved Plan

Governor's Press Release

State of Alaska CIAP Plan

CIAP Grants Workpage


CIAP States Letter to MMS (Sept. 2009)

Energy Policy Act of 2005

2001 CIAP Plan

Eligible Political Subdivisions

Participating State Programs
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For More

Contact Sylvia Kreel
AK DNR – Division of Coastal and Ocean Management
302 Gold Street, Suite 202
P.O. Box 111030
Juneau, AK, 99811-1030
MS 1030/JNU
Phone: (907) 465-3177
Fax: (907) 465-3075