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Direct Current Episode 2: The Clean Energy Geek Squad

When you have a computer problem, you call tech support. When you have a ghost problem, you call Ghostbusters. But who do you call when you have a clean energy problem?

In this episode of Direct Current - An Podcast, Matt calls up the Clean Energy Solutions Center, a "help desk" that provides free expert advice on clean energy policy to governments all over the world. More on that further down.

Allison talks to Nicky Phear, a professor who cycles hundreds of miles across Montana to teach her students about climate change. Nicky just received a big award at the C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium for her education work, and she's basically an energy rockstar.

And Dan and Paul put their heads together to come up with a better way to measure energy -- starting with the humble burrito.


Speeding up the Clean Energy Revolution

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Both C3E and the Clean Energy Solutions Center came out of the Clean Energy Ministerial -- an international forum for the pursuit of clean energy innovations. Check out our recent article on 10 ways the Clean Energy Ministerial is speeding up the clean energy revolution

Women Leading the Clean Energy Revolution

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Like Nicky Phear, Erica Mackey (above), is a woman on the forefront of global clean energy. Read about her and other notable C3E award winners in our recent photogallery of C3E award recipients.

And visit to read more stories about awesome women making a difference in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. You can even download some beautifully illustrated posters of trailblazing historic women in STEM.

More Burritos


Can't get enough of the segment about burritos, Rushmores and New York Minutes? Use our new calculator to see how your energy usage measures up!
