Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC)

OEHHA EPICAs lead agency for the Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC) project, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) develops and maintains environmental indicators for the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA).  Environmental indicator reports are prepared by OEHHA based on input and contributions from CalEPA’s boards and departments, other state and federal agencies, and research institutions.  In an extension of the EPIC project, OEHHA is now the lead agency for the development of Indicators of Climate Change in California.


Jun 17, 2015: EPIC Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet: Environmental Protection Indicators for California
Jun 17, 2015: Workshop on Indicators of Climate Change in California
OEHHA convened a workshop to improve upon and explore new metrics for tracking climate change and its impacts on California’s water resources, oceans, fish and wildlife, forests, agriculture, and the health and well-being of the state’s residents. 
Jan 18, 2001: Conference on Environmental Protection Indicators for California
At this conference, participants heard from experts representing organizations that develop and utilize environmental indicators. In addition, open discussions and daily breakout sessions at the conference offered an opportunity for participants to provide input into the identification and selection of issues and sub-issues for environmental indicator development.