CSP3123 - Pre-Deployment Orientation Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response

Course CodeCSP3123
Course TitlePre-Deployment Orientation Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response
The purpose of this course is to give you the information you need to serve as a member of the Wildlife Reconnaissance and Recovery group as you rescue oiled wildlife or the Resource Advisor (READ) group as you protect sensitive lands in the Gulf.

Objectives:By the end of this course, the participant will be qualified to serve as a Resource Advisor (READ) to protect sensitive lands associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill response efforts.

Target Audience: Biologists and archeologists who will be deployed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill response efforts.

Delivery MethodOnline Self Study
Non-FWS Fee$0.00
Instructional Hours2
Course Content ContactFrank Muth: frank_muth@fws.gov; (304) 876-7471; frank_muth@fws.gov
Curriculum CategoryPolicy and Planning
Registration LinkRegister
Extracted from DOI LEARN on9/6/2016 3:30:21 AM

Schedule:  CSP3123 - Pre-Deployment Orientation Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response

StartEndLocationSession Contact
Self Study Online