Association of State Flood Plain Managers Association of State Flood Plain Managers
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Association of State Flood Plain Managers

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Association of State Flood Plain Managers

Association of State Flood Plain Managers Association of State Flood Plain Managers
Association of State Flood Plain Managers


ASFPM Mission

The mission of ASFPM is to promote education, policies and activities that mitigate current and future losses, costs and human suffering caused by flooding, and to protect the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains - all without causing adverse impacts.

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Hot Topics

Federal Flood Risk Management Standard Information Page

Upcoming 2017 NFIP Reauthorization and Reform

Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act 2014 and Biggert-Waters 2012 Implementation

Adobe PDFNational Flood Programs and Policies in Review (NFPPR) [.pdf]

Association of State Flood Plain Managers
575 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 200  |  Madison, WI 53719  |  Phone: 608-828-3000  |  Fax: 608-828-6319  |  Email Us

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