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"That's the promise of tomorrow—that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it. That when millions of Americans of every race and every region, every faith and every station, can join together in a spirit of brotherhood, then those mountains will be made low, and those rough places will be made plain, and those crooked places, they straighten out towards grace, and we will vindicate the faith of those who sacrificed so much and live up to the true meaning of our creed, as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  —President Obama two years ago today celebrating a half-century since the March on Washington. To mark the 52nd anniversary, read the President's remarks on a half-century of progress on civil rights and the work still ahead:
Atta Eyediamond's profile photoAN AMERICAN ARMY SOLDIER HOOAH's profile photoCordelia Hardin's profile photoMadhusoodanan Tv's profile photo
God bless Mr. PresidentObama a nd He's Family and God Bless Economyof American 
for those who had de chance to to be to stay real in our to be de best our future stands 2 chairs in god and blessed over all that jobs our placwe and aband dence or obidience aint done cuz de beast is power of language suchs and kings that the third genaration is the science in our minds that is love to the fourth powert to be in ones that know opurtunaty nash but gods perfect power in christ in us and know the religion of the universe all and nothing to conquere facts thurth and justice love our father our spirit and most of all oof hope mr president chow
Religion is what's wrong with this country. Take it out of before you start another war. Congress is full of these people that sold your rights to the koch brothers. Sorry but you all need to grow up and quit telling your kids lies like Santa clause.if you aren't part of god you are hell.
+roy smith

I support freedom of religion, and government should be more secular, and the anti atheist discrimination must end.
  +Barack Obama 
I can see why you (whoever does your posts,probably Poteet,Nettleton or a similar flunkie) didn't put that in your opening line 

"Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. rang out across our capital"

  As MLK would be madder than a hornet at what you and the likes of your Cabinet and UN Cronies have done to WHAT HE ACTUALLY IMPLIED...You ain't nothin' but a two bit race hustler that has NO BUSINESS mouthing that fine mans name..!

God bless Barack Hussein Obama '' The second Lincoln'', and Bless the Iran's nuclear deal, and Bless Iran to fix the Bougandoura of the middle east, and bless any further drop of the oil prices, until the oil becomes priceless and the world find the lost happiness , and bless the farmers those who work hard......
  Ya have to wonder what speech he and Hillary fed Afghanistan and Honduras...
Which God Obama? The God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob in the name of Jesus Christ? +Barack Obama +The White House, I hope and pray that it is so. There is no greater name given unto man than Jesus Christ, Savior of all man.
+Asaph Rock Would you just drop it already. You know which God he was referring to...not that it matters at all. Your veiled implication is transparent.
+Asaph Rock I pray it is the God of Abraham ,Isacc & Jacob ,in name of Father Son  &  Holy Spirit ,.( signs we'll need all the help we can get.)
Where r we gonna live babe,,,& r u gonna be da house wife,,,,,cuz somebody's gotta pay da bills. 😘
Which God?

Your god or the 4000+ gods? Thor or Apollo?
+The White House​, thanks for making things better, & keep up the good work! I know its tough work while being surrounded by negativity...
There's no brotherhood when Black Lives Matter calls for the death of policemen, seeds of hatred result in the death of an innocent reporter and cameraman, sanctuary cities create havens for lawbreakers while the government releases thousands of dangerous aliens from custody. America's values are reversing and society is beginning to tear itself apart. These are undeniable truths and point to a nation that has lost its way. America's worst days of distress and suffering are soon to come.
That Lincoln figure, doesn't represent him. It represents a multicultural nation and home of the Indiginous Native-American Indian. The Lincoln figure is stoneware of times gone by. Lincoln is no God. He freed African-Americans from slavery but Lincoln himself brought no peace to the Native-Americans. European-Americans should stand proud by the words of Obama and move forward from invoking paving the futures of children from past and walk with them through their journeys of imagine and growth.
How is it possible that Americans cannot see what Obama has and is continuing to do to ruin America? The Iran deal is nearly a guarantee that they will have a nuclear bomb much sooner!
A country that abandons their moral compass and throws God out of the marketplace cannot survive as a great nation. History teaches us this. Those who wouldn't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

that statue means "your not a specie known to any universe-left by heiroglyphs on runes translation: any condemned land will be burned like the book they told pertaining--prince and pauper: clownship-must be nevered. so scary..
grey color- condemnation; only one? creation of a specie.
There again, if SNAKE attitude  works for you as republicans do NOT bitch about choosing the same for us.
+Thomas Underdahl They haven't called for the death of police. The incident with the reporter had to do with racism and bigotry. The govt is deporting illegal aliens, not releasing them into the streets. Drop the Fox News rhetoric and stick to shit you can prove with those pesky things called facts.

+Kathy Smith​ First, name anything Obama has done to ruin America. Just one thing that you can prove. Next, how does a deal that prevents them from getting nukes magically get them nukes? Finally, drop the religious bullshit already? Our govt is secular and always has been. You religious fanatics who want religion injected into every aspect of life would fit right in with ISIS.

+Phillip Kerini​ Figures you'd think equality under the law for anyone not white, straight and Christian would be bullshit.

So basically you trolls have nothing but lame rhetoric and no legitimate, fact based criticism. Pathetic as usual. 👏👏👏
amen...beautiful, nice photo..great capture..very beautiful its..
Obama does not have to try to be someone else. He is who he is and like any person, he is not perfect. He demonstrates a high "Respect Level" for all people by not putting other people down and by doing what he can to lift all people up. He is the opposite of those who seek to spread disrespect and hate.
P Grimm
i have been here several times, worked up the street..
+Kahil Nettleton Why would you incorrectly but arrogantly assume that I'm against equalty under the law? I know. It's because you're a pathetic hypocrite and mostly a bigot. F. U. 
+Kathy Smith people who are quite a bit smarter than you are looking at the reality of the situation.  All religion is man-made - every last bit of it - all false, all made up by men to control other men and women.  Religion is only growing in places of ignorance (like the third world and our very own bible belt of unenlightenment). In every other place the fraud of religion is dying out, thankfully, as it brings misery to most.  Anyway, finish with it and join a nice yoga group.

And stop worrying about the bomb.   The deal between Iran and most of the rest of the world helps quieten things down in the Middle East for at least a generation.  Whoever told you otherwise is feeding you false information (which you have a track record of being deceived by - e.g. religion).
Love one another if you can, and all differences need not a master. 
+Peter Van der Linden Your eyes ok? Didn't say anything about religion! You appear to have a hangup about that. 
My eyes are good enough, Kathy.  You gave away your belief in man-made god worship with the nonsensical claim "A country that throws God out of the marketplace cannot survive as a great nation".   Most of western Europe is in the process of throwing the fraudulent gods out of the market place, and they are much better off for it.
+Steve Sauls god is not real.  In your heart you know this, but you don't want to give up the false comfort of delusion.
Why does your god hate amputees?  Among all the sick who claim god healed them, why are none of them amputees who have re-grown the missing limb.  Easy enough for god to heal one or two of them, right.  But no.  Apparently your god hates amputees and never heals them.   Your god exists only in your imagination.
+Phillip Kerini there is no assumption. You constantly make racist and bigoted remarks. Not to forget you just called the subject of this post....equality under the law....bullshit. You're dodging, as usual.

Oh...and most recent human beings are against bigots. As usual you try to claim that we are bigots for being against bigots. We'll take it.
بلد بحجم امريكا عندما تنظر اليها من زاويه فتأكد أنها ضيقه جداً لاتقارن نهر من الحياة كقاروره مياه لها غطاء ومحفوظه في مكان نظيف ماالدافع هل الميسيسبي يصبح يوماً كقاروره مياه 
+Steve Sauls oh, you're back with a new profile. Why am I not surprised after having two other profiles with your name and photo in the blocked list. /smh

More claims that you can't back usual. You think white Christians are persecuted against. Let me know when white Christians are at equal risk to minorities of being shot, killed or arrested. I'll wait. You know you can't cite a single instance of Obama degrading whites nor Christians.
So you use fake id's in addition to your other anti-social behavior, +Steve Sauls.   I'm not surprised. No lie is too big for the faux christians.   Don't you have a commandment about false witness?  Why are you breaking it?
We Love You; USA. Administration. We Know You Work Hard Every Minute Of The Day; To Promote Freedom, And Peace.
Ая, ая. Хвали мі моя губонько! Бо як нє, - то ті розідру від вуха до вуха...Лучше бы рассказал, сколько дуростей сделал за своё правление...Или американская демократия исключает самокритику и покаяние...Впрочем, для осознания нужен интеллект и знания...
+roy smith we should still be able to have freedom of religion. They've already taken God out of the court house and our schools they're in the process of taking God out of the military God is our Creator he can't be a human being because the creator can't create himself a lot of people believe in a lot of wierd things but I'm not going to be mad as long as they don't try to shove it down my throat but they usually don't bother with me though and that Santa stuff is a lie Santa Claus ain't real that's a given that's why I don't do Christmas bunny rabbits don't lay eggs so I know the easter bunny ain't real so I don't waste time with that but that's me if someone else does that stuff it's up to them I don't put them down or say take religion out because of that 
Lies. The people of America obviously don't want MOST of what's going on but obviously we have a government and a president who think that we aren't CAPABLE of making decisions for ourselves...and that's straight from obummers mouth. 
+Kathy Smith I couldn't agree with you's insane to me that people CANNOT see that America is going down like the titanic and we're all on board!
+MsSlayerful Проблема в том, что Обама по приходу к власти проигнорировал рекомендацию доработать и принять на вооружение рациональную систему ценообразования на глобальном энергетическом рынке. Глобальная программа, содержащая эту систему решала и проблему катастрофических изменений климата с достойным интеллектуальным участием США, и проблему наращивания государственного долга в самих США (без программы количественного смягчения от Бернанке). Разрушение работы регуляторов глобального энергетического рынка уже привело к тяжёлым разбалансам финансовых потоков и огромному накоплению ничего не стоящей ликвидности в финансах потребителей энергоносителей, в том числе США, ЕС и Китая, провоцируя гиперинфляцию. В Китае уже проблемы. Скоро они будут и в США, и в ЕС... 
+Sir George Severn
I support freedom of religion, and government should be more secular, and the anti atheist discrimination must end.

  What about people whom do not believe in something sticking their noses in people whom do believe in it,don't you get..?

  How can you say with a straight face that anti atheist discrimination must end after persecuting Christian and Jewish Holidays and 
our belief system..?

  Best yet is where do you get off,after the onslaught of our rights,say that your rights were violated when atheists have consistently been the perpetual victims..?

  You don't support my Free Will...You are another liar...

  And lastly,what does Santa and the children have to do with your being another low life miserable prick under an assumed name of presumed power..?

  Delusions of Grandeur...
Under God really??? Um we have religious diversity and freedom does obama know this
It is sad that people feel the need to project the self-hatred they have in their real lives onto a positive post. 
+Sir George Severn
mostly on the State Dept...I thought we saw things the same...Till you said that up there...

  I don't mean ta hop on ya bud,but this is the front line...And though I am disabled THIS is why God allowed me to have a stroke and confine me to my house...

  This is where the Final Battle will begin...

  I am on the line...

  Merc for Christ and not puttin' up with NO crap...

  No offense,bud...
+Bill Lively

If you did not understand what I was saying about freedom of religion, I meant that you can believe all you want as long you don't impose it on others. #Liberty
+Sir George Severn
  Who imposed it upon others..?
Does Christianity with Free Will imply Imposition..? Since when did any Christian EVER force anyone to convert to Christ..?

  Freedom of Religion implies people are Free to choose their Religion or none...

  And then there is this

  Thanks for bringing this up...I missed this one...FFRF (and it's "OF" not "FROM") bias from the +Freedom From Religion Foundation 
  I'll be sure to note that ate my ass atheist oppose a bill that would have opposed people being killed by atheists (arabs)...

  There is but only ONE WAY to the Father and the arabs do not follow it...

  Making THEM by proxy #atheist   #infidel  
So the FFRF are also in turn a terrorist org and fellow isis just like all the atheists who have complained about ANYTHING Christian in the past...You may oppose what you like,you are still part of that terror network to torture and kill believers of God...

  Whether younze admit it or not... #FACT  

New call sign for the FFRF
This changing of things in this Country is not as flowing as this speech makes it seem and is a little misleading. When this speech was made, on one of the anniversary of the million mile march, it is almost a slap in the face of those that made the march. There were people of this nation banded together but it was not working even though the law said that these same people already had the rights or some of them that they were asking for , trying to implement the change to rec' the rights and freedoms that had already been given. It is Pathetic that the march was necessary. What should have happened were arrests.
The people violating the rights of citizens of the USA should have been held responsible. They are not and are still not. You can not ask our Justice Dept. to act upon someone or a group that are violating peoples rights and liberties and get a response from any one in the Justice Dept. You can try your State Government and if your lucky you might get a form letter back thanking you for your input but thats all. So to sum up what the speech says - is that you have to protest with millions of people to get any action on something that as a citizen is your right and the violators of your rights do not suffer any consequences. So if that is correct that makes our Constitution just a piece of paper with words on it but that dont mean anything. That its a lie but they want you to believe it protects you and that it acts for you but it does not. To activate the rights and liberties you must protest , march and riot? Tis what the speech said - not me. Unless your Congress or the House. Did you know that a Senator rec's the same paycheck as a Senator when not a Senator any longer until their death. It does not matter if they are Senator for a day , or for 50 years. I think that would put a sizeable amt of money back into our budget if they didnt rec that payck. No one gets paid for not doing any work. OF COURSE THE SENATE IS WHO WROTE THE BILL AND IM SURE THE HOUSE PASSED IT ADDING THEY TOO GET A PAYCK UNTIL DEATH IN OFFICE OR OUT.
+Norma Smith
not at all..)
  I'll def look into that CPS claim and if that's true jam my foot in it...
That is real George Washington he is my Boss real life in dc Washington History
If only President Obama would have left out the religious bent and left it as and for the people as in one nation indivisible without the fiction of a god. There cannot be liberty for all if the people are subjugated to a god that is not of their belief. This assertion is spiritual slavery, it is a demand to submission of liberty.
+dennis roe

False. It is the absence of religion/atheism. If you don't know this, check a dictionary.

Atheism has no doctrine, it isn't even a thing.
+Kahil Nettleton Just to clear the air. I am not a Democrat, nor am I a Republican, nor am I a liberal or a conservative.I am a moderate some one that is in the middle. I agree with a lot of the social programs that we have in place,but i also agree with personal responsibility and we as a nation should not move any more to the left. To do so, would mean giving up the sovereignty of the individual (socialism) Now that you have an understanding of my views. This is what I have to say to you. You do not have your facts right. you my friend are following CNN and Msnbc, but they are all the same even FOX nun are telling the truth. So now you want proof. This is my proof and you can look it up if you really want the truth. Under Obama America has been fighting what is called proxy Wars. He destabilize Libya, and help steal that nations Gold. and in Syria million`s and millions of people have lost their homes it could be as high as 20 million people. Then let us look at Somalia.that Obama help put that Government into place, witch is now going around and castrating little boys from the age of 3 to 7 years old,.and now he is backing Saudi Arabia against Yemen.Now this is the truth the United States with our Allies could destroy Isis with in months, but it is not about destroying them, but containing them. Calling Obama a great president is like calling Hitler a great humanitarian.He has done some great things, yes. But in the middle east and Africa he has killed more people in the world then the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined. now I could go on and on cause I know the tactics of the Liberal Democrat`s your going to say prove it.well if you want the truth your just going to have to look it up for your self,just because I know left winger don`t like to do the work themselves.    
+Peter van der Linden No they have not , Europe is just replacing one Religion with the Religion of Darwinism. I know you are going to say that evolution is a fact, but there is no proof for it. then you are going to say that it is not a Religion it is a theory. Religion is based upon faith and faith is the belief in some thing of witch there is no proof. therefore Darwinism is a Religion, and not a theory,or we mite as well say that creation is a theory. Most Atheist are following a man that believed that black people are two beans off of the vine of evolution,or that the black man is inferior to the white man because he (Darwin) believed that the black man had a smaller frontal lobe, Or how about this theory of Darwin.He believed that women should be subservient to men because women are weaker then men and this is the natural order of evolution. you should read some of his (Darwin`s) books and quite trying to push your Atheist Religion on other people, You don`t like it when people push their Religious beliefs on you, so quite it.
+dennis roe

I don't believe in Darwinism, I accept Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection. And I won't claim he is perfect.
I love the white house
+Sir George Severn Evolution has no proof, the truth is we know that over two thousand years ago that a man named Jesus walk on earth, and not just from Scriptures, but from Roman documents,and we know where he was born and that he was put to the cross.But we have no real proof that he was Divine this is why we call it faith. As far as evolution there is no proof at all. You have to make assumptions. You have to  assume it took place. They have never found any evidence of any species going through the evolutionary change. and as far as they know by the fossil that they have found, they are all species unto them self.Even the scientist that believes in evolution will tell you that they do not have any hard facts yet. so who is the Dreamer, we both mite be.But for me I am not taking any if I am wrong, what have I lost, nothing.But if I am right what have I gained everything. 
+dennis roe

Evolution has lots of proof. You just don't see. You should read Dawkins book 'The Greatest Show on Earth: the Evidence for evolution' where the biologist specifically covered the topic on the EVIDENCE for evolution.

Would you care to elaborate what 'evidence' does your religion have? Only sufficient and credible evidence and information and change my mind on this issue.
+dennis roe And also, scientists don't just makes assumptions. Your comment was an assault on science itself.
+Sir George Severn Really, Science without Religion is lame, Religion without science is blind.......  Albert Einstein. you just can not have one with out the other. Science has proven a lot of places, things, people, and battles that took place that is in the bible.So when Scientist say that they have no hard facts of evolution Yet. I tend to Believe them.
+dennis roe

Science and religion aren't connected. Just that people want to connect them to be scientific yet religious, but that isn't science.

And you don't have evidence to prove your religion yet.

Plus, your evolution denial sounds like bullshit. Look at the evidence.
gorgeous in all wonderful we wish you all a end less break in world
+dennis roe you need to upgrade your complaints about religion dying in the educated world.  Evolution is probably the best tested scientific theory ever -- it's been tested and refined for literally over 150 years.  Scientists have tested evolution in bacteria over thousands of generations.   In fruit flies, the same.   Our understanding of the facts of evolution is better than ever.
What has religion done in that time - it's most newsworthy accomplishment is molesting tens of thousands of children, and then covering up the crime at the highest levels.  I'd pipe down and keep quiet, if I were you...
+dennis roe So... You claim I don't have !y facts right, so that must mean I watch CNN or MSNBC. Going right for fallacy arguments huh? Good one.

Lybia was already in a civil war long before Obama got involved. Thought you said you were going to provide facts here, yet you cite nothing to show that we just wanted gold. Hrmmm...

You stated the obvious about Syria...another example of civil war long before we got involved.

Somalia? You get that that country has been messed up for decades right?

Ahhh.... The ever classic comparison to Hitler that only makes sense in your mind. Let me know when Obama orders the genocide of millions and tries to take over an entire continent...then get back to that line of logic. So basically you're trying to blame Obama for things others do and issues that started long before he was even in office. Got it.

Come back to this when you have learned to debate a topic like an adult. By that I mean no fallacy arguments, no personal attacks, and citing your claims with those pesky things called facts.

Your last line sealed the deal for you not being taken seriously. You're trolling. That was clear when you made several claims and told me to look them up myself. Learn the concept of burden of proof. That means if you make a claim, it is up to you to prove it true, not others. Don't be lazy and do the work yourself. Hypocrite.
+dennis roe evolution is proven science. Jesus on the other hand....there is ZERO evidence of him in the historical record of the time. He does NOT show up in Roman documents during his lifetime. The first mention of him was over 70 years after his death, which in that era was two to three generations later. have no proof against evolution and your only response is your personal opinion that science without religion is lame. Are you familiar with the term oxymoron?

You're trolling...again. This topic isn't about who is the better Christian. Grow up and get back on topic.
+Steve Sauls What does that have to do with the topic?  Nothing. can't prove it, so you just make up a justification for the lack of facts supporting the claim.  Got it.

The Romans were notorious record keepers.  You'd think with all the trouble he apparently caused the Romans, that they'd at least mention him once...but they don't.  Lemme guess....this is where you claim that they hated him so much that they completely purged all mention?  /smh

How bout we get back to the actual topic rather than having to constantly have your faith injected into every post?
+Steve Sauls I didn't ask that, I stated that.  And your answer is nothing but an opinion.  Again, opinions aren't facts no matter how much you want them to be.

How is Jesus a threat to me in any way?  Who's afraid of fictional characters?  By my lifestyle I assume you're referring to "the gay"...of which Jesus said nothing about.  /smh

Awww....there you go again trying to religiously rape me in public.  No means no.
+Steve Sauls you are making a mistake that is very common among the superstitious.  You are mistaking reality for "a demand from the left".   No one is making demands on you, except keep your superstitions to yourself, and don't try to pretend they affect reality.
That is literally the first time I have ever seen a superstitious person "turn the other cheek".  Thank you for a practical demonstration of living in accordance with the most basic tenets of christianity.  It only took 50+ years for me to see an example. I was beginning to think they don't exist.  Good work +Steve Sauls .
+Peter van der Linden that comment of his again.  He didn't turn the other cheek.  He attempted a sad, limp wristed jab while sacheing away.
+Peter van der Linden Your fishing ,you have no proof of evolution none. and you can attack people and their faiths all you want we know this to be the tactics of most  Atheist, and just for your info most Christians don`t see the Roman Catholic church as Christians.They have a different belief system. and if you understand anything about Christianity you would know this but you have done nothing but talk out your ass.
It's so staggering to me that in the 21st century, someone with the basic ability to read and write would feel comfortable denying scientific truths that have been known and tested for at least the past 150 years.
I just can't get my head around the level of stupidity, self-delusion, and ignorance that takes.
I'm sorry +dennis roe I'm just not able to engage with you - we do not have enough basic axioms in common.  If we were at a party or something, I'd talk to you in person, to try to discover the limits of your fantasies, but trying to do this by email back-and-forth isn't going to work.

Here are a couple of good links that summarize the evidence supporting evolution

All you have against evolution, in spite of trying really, really hard, is "my pastor says so" but no actual facts.  Same as your belief in an imaginary friend in the sky.  No actual facts.   Why does he never cure amputees?
+dennis roe First, it's called phishing.  

Next, there is proof.  Here are several examples of observed evolution just in recent history of studying live flora and fauna.

The rest of your comment is barely coherent word vomit.  Science has already proven evolution, meanwhile you have not disproven it.  With all the verifiable facts, the burden of proof is now in your court.
And just to expand on Kahil's thoughtful comment. If you were able to disprove evolution somehow, every scientist in the world would check your work, and if it was accurate, they would discard evolution as an inaccurate model of reality.

That's kind of the opposite of your dogmas - you want to change the facts to fit your dogma.  Science changes the dogma (set of accepted beliefs) to fit the evidence.  That's what makes science self correcting, and what makes religion so weak - it has no mechanism for correcting dogma - like the noticeable complete absence of any miraculous cures of amputees.  Why does god hate amputees so much?
+dennis roe No proof of evolution? How about the entire fossil record? Maybe the existence of antibiotic resistant bacteria? How about observed changes over generations of fruit flies?

Actually, the side of that debate that lacks evidence is the creationist side, not evolution?
+Kahil Nettleton Your a dumb ass,You no nothing about Jesus do you. the only Time you are to turn the other cheek is if it is your Brother or a member of your tribe, Jesus Christ said I did not come for peace. I have come with a sword. and for your info most ministers, preachers, have been teaching the Bible wrong for years.This has been done for the love of money, and power. The first thing you have to do, is have the understanding that the Church is not a building.For a person to understand what Jesus is talking about you must first Understand Judaism,so most Christians have a false understanding of What Jesus is talking about.On the mount Peter pulled out his sword and  used it, Jesus did not condemn him for using it but instead gave him a warning, and said that If you live by the sword you will die by the sword.Then Jesus told all of his followers to sell everything that the own and by a sword,cause he would no longer be with them.So if you thank that a Christian is not to defend them self or strike back your wrong, and Christians are waking up to this and really starting to read their bibles. This is why more and more Christians are going to nondenominational Churches and breaking away from The Roman Catholic Churches influence.They are also realizing that Jesus did not like the Traditions of men, and Christians are now shedding those Traditions.If you thank that you can verbally attack a free Christians and when they say something back to you and you try to use the bible against them something that you don`t understand, thank again. Your one of those people that thanks Christians are not to Judge aren`t you and if you are you would be wrong.
+dennis roe First, if you're going to call someone dumb, don't come off as an idiot in the process.  Learn the difference between your and you're.  They are two completely different words.  Oh, and questions end with question marks.

Oh, so your claim is that Christianity isn't about peace, that it is about using a sword to flush out and eliminate anyone who happens to have different beliefs.  Not only is that ignorant, but the tragic irony given Christianity's history is hilarious.

Christians are supposed to judge?  Guess that whole "judge not lest ye be judged" part in the bible was a type?  Or the part where it says only your God is to judge?  Hrmmm...

Notice how you completely dodged your claim and the evidence regarding evolution by whipping out your religious beliefs and wiggling in everyone's faces?  What a coward.
+Steve Sauls're back with your interpretation of vague scripture.  Pathetic.

I don't broadly criticize Christians.  I specifically criticize the ones who use their faith to justify hate, discrimination and you do.  I point out grammatical errors when trolls make them while attempting to impugn the intelligence of others.

Selfish?  Care to cite anything I have said or promoted that makes me selfish?  The only one that applies to is people like you. 

No credibility?  Hrmmm....  I cite verifiable facts, you cite opinion and scripture.  /smh

That the best you can do?  You usual.
+Kahil Nettleton That is the trouble with you liberal Democrats, you don`t know the truth and you don`t want to know the truth, so if Libya was in a civil war, Then why didn`t Obama and Nato Bomb the shit out of Egypt. When they was going through their civil war at the same time. "Oh"! that is right they called it the Arab spring,and not a civil war. Qaddafi Killed about 200 terrorist that was by the way members of the same organization that did 9-11 and that Obama was funding. and he called it a genocide, but when it was the Muslim Brotherhood killing thousands of Christians in Egypt he did nothing but he did give the Muslim Brotherhood over 17 Billion dollars.You are just another brain dead left wing moron who has done nothing but give a public display of your ignorance. A lie doesn`t become truth, wrong doesn`t become right, and evil doesn`t become good, just because, it is accepted by you progressive liberal Democrat morons,I will say that you should keep on trolling cause your stupidity is some special kind of gift that keeps on giving.cause every time you say something I lmao.   
+dennis roe Here we go again....

First, you're assuming that just because I don't agree with you that I'm a liberal Democrat.  Here's a hint, you're wrong.

Next, Egypt's leader wasn't committing genocide of his own people...Qaddafi was.  Arab Spring was the movement, not the war, learn the difference.  Since when did the topic jump to Libya?  Got proof Obama was funding them?  You can't.  Thousands of Christians weren't killed in Egypt.  /smh

So....basically all you've got are claims you can't and won't back up, personal attacks and hypocritical comments.  Got it.

You get that you're the one trolling right?  Of course you don't.
+Josh Johnson WTF are you talking about?  Obama commented on both those very days.

So....basically all you've got are outright untruths and bigoted opinions based nowhere in reality.  Got it.

Grow up.
Shut the fuck up Obama. Muslims are genociding every other peoples while you do and say fuck all. I cant fucking wait till someone shoots Obama
+Del Evans Don`t worry,Now this is my opinion and it is just me talking but what I thank is that someone will do that with in a couple of years after he is out of office, And I personally thank that if a Democrat gets put into office in 2016  someone will kill or try to kill them this is just my opinion and I really believe it will happen. 
+Steve Sauls you're going from saying he said nothing, to saying he didn't say enough. Got it.

Here's how it works dumbass... People of color are targeted and killed at a much greater rate than white people are. That statistically makes it a greater issue that should garner more attention. Now....when you can show that white people are at equal risk of being arrested and detained without bail for stealing $5 worth of merchandise just to mysteriously die of starvation while in jail, being killed by police or stalked and killed for walking home with juice and candy by a self proclaimed neighborhood watch racist....then you'll have a point. Until then, you come off as an ignorant bigot who uses fallacy arguments to claim that white Christians, who make up the majority in America, are persecuted against because they aren't made a priority and held above all others.

+Steve Sauls​ So....the white supremacist who went into a black church to kill 9 black people just wandered in there by chance? Hrmmm...
+Steve Sauls Your and you're aren't the same words. Helps to know that if you don't want to be dismissed as ignorant.

I didn't bring up race in this thread. People like you did. I never referred to black people by using a racist epithet, you did. What I did state is a statistical fact...that people of color, which doesn't just refer to black people, are at a greater risk than white people. Nice try. Instead of even trying to refute reality you chose to go on a racist rant and dodge. You are mentally defective and need professional help....soon.

Calling black people niggers does make you a racist...literally so. /smh
+Steve Sauls grow up. This will now be the fourth profile you have created to troll with racist and bigoted comments. It's pathetic.
+Steve Sauls cite any term I used that was derogatory? Nowhere did I call anyone white trash. You're delusional.
Folks...just report Steve for being racist and block him. Lunatics like him don't deserve the attention. Eventually he'll get banned and will create a new profile...
Kahil is a pussy. He blocked me for making him look a fool too. 
This president has only worsened race relations not made them better
+Caleb Vejvoda How so?  Just because he is black and some people can't handle it doesn't mean he's the cause.  Be specific.  Cite anything he has done other than support change for real issues.  Go ahead...I'll wait.
+Steve Sauls he did me a favor and block me also. He doesn't know that I have excess to my friends device and he talks shit about me like a bald headed step child. 
My Dearest Hero Pr Barack Obama. I'm one of your biggest fan over here even since you were a senate and I even watch the show when Oprah Winfrey had you on her show when you were a senate. and ever since I fell in loved with the Obama's. Words cannot explain or express with your strength and courage how much you've done for the American people and the world. your intelligent and good attitude is what bring love and pieces together. you truly are amazing person who's heart seem to grow everyday. Easy I know it's the hard work of an ambitious and kind person like you who makes lives that possible for have gone so far across the world that many are too scared to go there. I love every things about you especially when watching you on Television with that voice that kept echo to the world lets stop all war and crime and bring love together. I wish I could hold hands with you and walk the street and shout and call upon every human to stop killing and wrong doing and please lets all lives as one people one nation one destiny. we all has the same red blood. Pr Obama I hope one day soon I could get a lucky chance to meet you in person and visit the white house and takes pictures especially in the Christmas seasons when the trees and decoration are up. thanks for given me this great opportunity to contact and write you and tell you all about it. hope you get these few words and read and understand how am dying to meet the Obama's. hope to see you very very soon love from one of your biggest die heart fan. Indira Sadoo from a far.
sir there was a special on television 2 days ago about father lbj  says mitzy belindajane harris   
Obama has brought more harm to America than any President before him.  I don't understand how any informed American can see him as a benefit. Perhaps that is the issue though... they are not American and they only want benefits, so those types like him.  He is destroying America folks and he may well have armed a nuclear powered enemy that hates America without gaining anything of value for America. God help us because Obama sure isn't.
Lincoln freed slave welfare caused new slaves
That why they don't let you have a home and let you handle the chump change 9 give in lawful shots because the test show that you don't need them. Veterans must. stop being second class citizens and do not let are not allowed to join the mitlrary and let them fight their own war we won't be fooled again why should we live on the streets and cannot handle are own money or gave a place to live. What are going to to about it President Barack Obama does Iran means more then us loyal Veterans how proved that loyalty to this Country does not care about us Veterans all we want is equality. Rev, Gary Alan Michael Jones United States Marines, SEMPER FIFEDIS ALWAYS FAITHFUL.
+Indira Sadoo hey lady...are you for real? He won't give you the time of day! Some of us think he's great then some of us think he's not. He's lied to the ppl of the US and some of us think his deal with Iran is going to be our demise. So good luck thinking he's the best ever. Wow!
+thanomsri bartelt What God are you blessing him with ?
MLK would be appalled by his actions and turning his back on the Christian genocide, not to mention the retribution he holds upon Christians in America. There is no God of Abraham under a rainbow colored white house.

My Latest Tweets to President Obama:

Every leader is talking about the ills of society. No one is even mentioning that America’s ills are due to 80% brains being emotionally challenged.

It is vital to wake up to and resolve the fundamental problem of America. We are #1 emotionally challenged country in the world.

Wisdom no longer is confusing. Wisdom is above all love. Love is an emotion and so wisdom is an emotion. Wisdom is emotional health and wisdom ed. is brain healing.

Harnessing the power of wisdom is now crystal clear. Wisdom is emotional health. There are several paths to emotional health.

Want to replace chaos with order in society? Replace emotional sickness with emotional health.

U came in with a promise to change America. U can still do it. Create a drive to make America emotionally healthy through emotional health apps.

What happened to your brain initiative? Its biggest task/priority must be to transform America into an emotionally healthy superpower.

With one stroke of your pen you can found #WisdomDay and/or #EmotionalHealthDay and you will be starting the process for an emotionally healthy America.

You came into power when 80% of America is reeling with emotional illhealth. Are you going to leave office having ignored this problem?

Before long pl. put a woman’s face on the dollar bill and create ‘#WisdomDay and #EmotionalHealthDay

U get what you sow. The vast majority create, ‘I am the best’ trophy self images instead of creating the pure self.

U know what is wrong with your ed. dept.? They are still not creating ed. apps; especially emotional health ed. apps to improve ed. and imp. society.

You must look into creating emotional health apps.

Inform Arne Duncan that the key to reforming education is by introducing wisdom/emotional-health apps.

Most of America makes money with their mind education and spend it with their brain education. No wonder 50% Americans struggle making ends meet.

Most Americans lose control of their lives to their phony, overconfident self images.

I have created a Wise Parenting app and another; Emotional Health app is under construction. In line are 20+ apps on wisdom related programs.

Looks like I am too ordinary for u to even acknowledge one tweet from me. My research based apps are original and effective. Try them and help me promote them.

Wisdom above all is love. Love is an emotion; so wisdom is an emotion that springs from an emotionally healthy brain. Wisdom ed. is brain healing therapy.

Wisdom ed. has failed as creating wisdom is not about education; creating wisdom is about healing the brain.

Want to make your legacy world changing? Introduce emotional healing campaign for the young and old.

Your experts have still not woken up to the fact that the brain does not get educated the way regular mind ed. works. Brain education is brain therapy.

Regular ed. is the function of the mind and emotional-intelligence/wisdom ed. is a function of the brain. Any wonder current wisdom ed. is a failure?

If your ed. dept. is not abreast with the latest advances in the mind sciences then let me show them the way.

Even if you have a 1000 critical issues to address; none is bigger that neglecting the creation of emotionally challenged brains on such a massive scale.

Amazing; just amazing that you do not have time to even consider that emotional health is the solution to most of the ills of American society.

Your ed. dept. is extremely bright; but they are bright in regular/mind ed. In EI/brain/wisdom/emotional-health ed. they have very little clue.

U r very loyal to Arne Duncan but look what it is costing America. America is falling behind the rest in ed.

Making America emotionally-healthy/wise should be your #1 top priority.

You are indeed giving all you got to improve lives but unfortunately the fundamental solution to making America great is missing from your radar screen.

What are u doing about the fact that America is the #! emotionally challenged country in the world.

Nothing will change. Major ills of society will not go away unless you address the fundamental problems causing all this chaos. Emotionally challenged brains...

In spite of your ignoring all my tweets I know you are still the best hope for changing America as you don’t just know wisdom - you are wisdom!
+Sajid Khan
  A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what's missing from his radar...He doesn't know what love is and he dictates   #LoveWins   for #Azazel  ..!
God bless Obama and all nation including Kenya.
American leaders need to put in place cultural values, and eliminate the bigotry and stereotyping of black prodigies (from within the common populace), which so often is attached to politics. The individuals that our President does not want to exist, may possibly be the ones who can restructure black heritage in this country.*`~®™
Wow! Yyssfofo Ssfofo...really? You're soooo wordy and you're saying NOTHING! Who'd read this lengthy drivel anyway? 
What do you have plan against Russia-Syria union
Vladimir is not hungry no more he is a fox not a bear.
I was gonna add to my statement that you people were nutzzzz,  but that was clear and succinct and I don't think I could do any better than that.  What a bunch of !!!
Carolyn L. Turley-Moore, Ed. D.
3265 Thorneridge Trail
Douglasville, Georgia 30135

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear President Obama:

My name is Carolyn L. Turley-Moore, daughter of Glover Turley, Sr. and Mary Lee Simpkins-Turley respectively. The reason for this letter, as it is probably the fourth in a series of letters sent with no reply is to lay all the cards on the table in reference to my father, a deceased veteran, and my mother a surviving widow who is living in inadequacy because she, no matter how many times she applied, was never given her rightful benefits.
Background, I am not sure at which age my father joined the military except I am sure that when he went to enlist it was at a time, in South Carolina,  when persons of color were gathering at the recruitment offices although they were yet children and the intake persons were making sure the paperwork read as the government intended. I am also well aware that when this young man of high school age went to enlist his given name was Governor Mathew Turley and the enlisting officer changed it to Glover Mathew Turley; as he changed the birthdate of same.  Going further my father was wounded in the war, a permanent injury that he always said saved his life, for which he was never compensated. Thereby saying he was not ashamed of the rock he displayed with every step, as it was a badge of victory; one that the army neither acknowledged nor compensated him for. 
Why would he join the army at such a young age? To make ends meet, as most young boys of color had to do. How else could you make it as a family during that time in the southern states? 
Important note, my father had enlisted, fought, and came home from the front lines and was nineteen years old when he had my older sister. Interesting to say the least. Going further he was fifty-seven years young in 1987 when he passed away in Mary Immaculate Hospital after being an inpatient for months. Going forward when my mother tried to apply for compensation, as his condition was determined to have been as a result of his time spent in the service, and additionally he was permanently injured while in the service, she hit a brick wall. Mary Immaculate Hospital, interestingly enough said my father died of natural causes. Does that not happen at home in your sleep? Note, this same aforementioned hospital was later closed – should we ask why? On a further note, it was discovered that in New York up until sometime in 2009 all death certificates from hospitals said the persons died of natural causes. What then did we need them for as we are all naturally dying?
The Department of Veterans Affairs, which has been contacted numerous times by both myself and my sisters, continues to tell us that my mother is not eligible for survivors benefits as my father died of natural causes after being in the hospital after several stints in the hospital; the last one lasting from 1986 through his death in 1987. In addition to same they continuously speak of his birth certificate and how the ages do not match; as perpetrated by the enlisting officers of the United States Army. As a result since 1987 my mother has done without.
President Obama, if you were to look for a person of color’s birth certificate in South Carolina that was born before 1950 it is a certainty, as most were delivered by midwives (we were not allowed in many hospitals) it becomes a chance of chance. Many of the midwives could not read or write, it depended upon how often they got to town and to make things worse they had to give information to individuals who truly did not care how it was recorded. I have relatives who upon asking for a birth certificates ended up having three to four, so called, birth certificates and no inkling as to which one surely belongs to them.
Dear Sir, I am writing this letter because my mother has gone through too much and needs you to help rectify this situation...
Note: My father continuously went to the Veterans Hospital with no end results, when asked what the condition was they merely danced around same. It was quite by accident that we finally found out the diagnosis and the doctors were disturbed that at that point we started seeking other medical advice. Does that point to some type of experimentation? Just asking, as I have seen it before and the eighties are not that far from the fifties.
President Obama, I ask for your help my mother has already lost one house and on the verge of going through more government made disparity. I ask that you answer me this time.
Hello +The White House​ Please Follow Me on GOOGLE PLUS; I think I have Developed FREE ENERGY, FREE ELECTRICITY SOLUTIONS, etc. On my GOOGLE PLUS PAGE, please click the word "Collections" near the Top of the Page. Then click-on my Collection entitled "AFRICAN RENEWABLE ENERGY & SELF-SUSTAINABILITY". Please Read all Posts, and Watch all Videos in that Collection. Also please have all of the PHYSICISTS and ENGINEERS of your White House Office Of Science And Technology Policy read, watch, and Consider the Information in my Collection. Today is 9/16/15, and I left you messages about this yesterday also. THANK YOU ALL FOR CONTINUING TO MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT AND EVEN BETTER THROUGH YOUR EFFORTS.
My tweets to POTUS today.

Amazing not a single POTUS has spoken against parents creating, ‘I am the best’ self-image in our children.

Our emotionally challenged parenting creates phony kings and queens when we can create real champions.

The majority of America is parented into becoming emotionally challenged. You must wake up America to this tragedy & put a stop to this mistake.

You r a hypocrite if you say u r doing your best to make America great. How can we be great when 80% Americans r emotionally challenged.

In this age of cutting edge breakthroughs in the mind sciences you r still ignorant of the sure solutions to our biggest problem.

The problem is ignorant parenting that creates trophy self images; the bigger problem is now there is a way out but u r doing nothing.

U have to stop parents from creating emotionally challenged self images. All they need is proper guidance. How can u ignore this issue.

How can u keep saying u r doing your best when u r ignoring the emotionally challenged brains of the majority of America.

People struggle all life to become wise. By old age experience grinds out the emotional baggage that blocks wisdom. U can help grind it out now.

Please wake up to the reality that all man made ills of society are caused by emotionally challenged brains. Heal the brains & the society will become free.

Please let me write a speech for you that will wake up America to wise parenting. I have an app, Wise Parenting. Please do all u can to make it a success.

Did u know China is way ahead of America in Brain Education.

Please try my apps; 1) Wise Parenting and 2) Emotional Health. Please support my apps (more r coming). I am doing your ed. dept.’s job.

If u r serious about bringing down crime, drug addictions, student failures, all ills of society; you will promote my Emotional Health Apps(TM)

Latest evidence suggests that the dream of making society wise boils down to making society emotionally healthy. Emotional health can be healed.

Your greatest accomplishment by far will be if you took action to make America emotionally healthy. It can be done; let me show you.

I need help I reiqer helb for people that are able to beat codes and I do need of Federal lawyer And pea willing put. The time to find job for all division and remembered it not just my job y pur Corporation and the employees are able to by what want for that they are able to support that love one this is Business that is to number one only help of every one and I am also part of treem. Reverend Gary Michael Jones. United States Marine corps.
The problem is Roy Smith.  Too many around like him.   Jan Walters
Wrong !!!!  They attacked the illegal practice of removing live fetuses and harvesting organs and selling them.  Planned Parenthood is a private organization that should not be funded by the government.  If people want to give private donations for abortions, that is fine, but the govenment should not be in the business of paying for abortions.
+Gary Blaylock Michelle Obama wouldn't want you to think about that when they attacked American private-owned parenthood supply to our organization, because she helped supported the Special Olympics movement as well as many other women who are dedicated to wellness and fitness training.

Plus abortion for some women they would think it's not natural whether it should be illegal or legal issue.  
My opinion of whether abortions should be legal or illegal is not the point.  That point was made moot by the supreme count.  My point was that a private organization should not be propped up by funds from the federal government when they can raise money privately.  You libs need to learn to follow a train of thought instead of changing the subject.
My Latest Tweets to POTUS

I am the only wisdom expert of my kind. All other experts throughout history have failed to teach wisdom for the simple reason they teach wisdom ed. to the mind.

The mind wants to learn and follow the wisdom knowledge; but if the brain is wired to produce ignorance then the brain will continue to generate ignorance.

So the way our wisdom experts have been teaching wisdom is like wisdom flows from the brain and they try to get the mind to generate wisdom.

The problem with our wisdom experts’ method is based on treating the brain and mind as one. The brain and mind are two separate entities; each with different functions.

Human consciousness is generated by two separate brain and mind engines. The mind consciousness through words & brain consciousness via biochemical reactions.

The mind functions & understands in words. For the brain consciousness is determined by the neural networks that form early in life via parenting.

The mind has access to current reality via the five senses. For the brain first impressions are the last impressions. 2nd. & 3rd. impressions for the brain are polluted by 1st. impressions.

As time passes the mind grows up but the brain remains fixated as its neural pathways established early in life continue to generate the old fixations.

Over many decades the baby brain gradually grows up as its fixations are constantly exposed to the adult reality that changes the neural pathways.

The key to wisdom education is to establish mature neural pathways early on in the young through emotionally healthy parenting. Pl. help America adopt em. healthy parenting.

If the physical brain is generating ignorance then trying to teach the mind wisdom knowledge will not make the brain start generating wisdom.

Wisdom above all is love and as love is an emotion; wisdom too is an emotion. It is well established that love is a function of the heart; which is actually the brain.

Wisdom is a function of the heart/brain; no wonder our wisdom experts fail to teach wisdom as they assume wisdom as a function of the mind.

The brain is powered by emotional health or emotional sickness in the form of emotional baggage. To make the brain emotionally health the baggage has to be removed.
It is clear that wisdom is emotional health that is generated through biochemicals produced by the brain’s neural wiring.

It is the emotional health of the brain that determines wisdom where wisdom flows from an emotional baggage free brain.

The emotional-baggage/emotional-sickness is the elephant in the room when it comes to all the man made ills of society.

The one way ticket to a wise society is the make the masses free of all emotional baggage.

In terms of wisdom; experience is overrated. It takes decades of experiences to grind out the emotional baggage; in the meantime the person & society suffer.

So are you going to continue to listen to your experts who will keep trying to teach the mind emotional-health/wisdom or r u going to make the brain wise by listening to me?
Y sin màs , decía el sr Merlim , quien ama a su nacion de corazon , dà ofrendas sin pedir perdon .
Y desde la nada resurgiò el samaritano que enviò a la patria de sus sueños , el despertar de la nueva conciencia , donde formar una familia con savia evolucionada .
Y en los hogares fueron entregados los nuevos panes de salvado , para saciar el hambre del hombre americano .
Y aunque parezca ciencia ficcion , en èl mismo minuto son entregados , con paz y sin rencor .
Busco trabajo .
I sent the Spanish items to the chu Church
I asked the priest to write something in the Spanish bible and drop it at the jail

4 cousins through saint mother Teresa
Hate you hypocrite s!
Sincerely, Anthony Eugene Hunter (Blessed Brother Sirvante)
and Kathleen Marie Ireland (Lady Butterfly)
of The Santana Foundation
Russia Strikes Obama Backed ISIS! 9/30/15 Full Show

  +Barack Obama 

On your ass Nigger (ignorant person NOT what your NAACP baiters changed it to in '97) YOU don't set the tone,BOY...

  Start posting,again...TODAY..!
Or I'll start laying the #BLM   at your doorstep like this suggests around 10 minutes...
 Flags...Boston is kinda on my mind...
I trust you'll be posting soon..?
+Bill Lively is that a comic web site? It has some brilliant other headlines. Is it aimed at guible children or extremely stupid adults, I can't tell.
  You have a problem with FACTS
  I have a problem with LIARS that hi-jack my White House
+Bill Lively I can't help myself. I followed the link to story on newswire and read some of the other stuff on it. What a pile of rubbish. I particularly like the polar bear resorts to eating dolphins. And the soul thing at 9/11. If these are also facts you should look up the definition of Factoid. Just nonsense.
+Phil Haylin
  I was referring to the names on the list...
This is THE Last response you'll get as you much like the white house obama and the rest of DC don't follow simple directions and "I" have better things to do than talk to a shallow sock puppet...   #PFFT  
+Bill Lively a shallow sock puppet? What on earth is one of those? Thanks for the discourse. Keep safe and make sure you keep broad horizons and an open mind. 
  Pep stuff'd crust Di'Georno's wasn't
Вы там в Америке совсем умом тронулись. Бедную женщину на 22 года посадить за обычный секс. Лечите головы , дети фастфуда!!!
  Hey +Barack Obama  +DIRECTV  merged with ATT and reset my Contract somehow so naturally THEY breached my contract and shut off my ability to watch Football today...

  GUESS what I'm left to do..?

An eyewitness of Thursday’s shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon said that the killer, named by police as Chris Harper-Mercer, asked students about their faith and executed those who professed to be Christians.

+Robert Hollingsworth Jr
  Certainly not with the Founding Fathers Dream...Obama refused Russian Intel (citation needed) that the Oregon shooter was in fact on a terror watch list,link on my page yesterday...
  I'll agree God's Will and Peoples Will  are different...As for people to say what will and will not happen is only a matter of the people in charge of doing the deals...

  If losers with perfect records at failure make the deals,what do we have to worry about beside getting better representitives...
Barak this is iWe aka Sparky Goodwin 6771 USA 1776 are you getting my messages from so and so? I need to see you now kindred honorable white house power spirit iwe atmospheric pressure by the energy
  Go Putin...
Screw the Sunni Arabs
  Screw Saudi's
RURAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT TRUST.  Foreign Contribution Regulation Act   granted public trust.please help me donars international please visit my website  i am pray for donars
cops need marketing .) they have product to sell

henry simarmata
ru state
sh joh
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.DÅŶ@__*  beautiful!beautiful BEAUTIFUL!  www.__spec-pages-sm-3.pdf__
wee·  sittin oin mint& A monument &.aHa/F  ··Ö/_  FrÊåK!ñ_Гêåd¥   

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.ö  i  hate  cold THAT  bchgj  be _  oUt   dAï  yeLlij   greT   gReaat !  GREAT   BUTTT __ &]t-μï$ Ïs  __.ïŒ ··._,  B  ·₩ÖГk -·ŷEAZ [&·.ÑÕ ]₩μÜt  ·Wëe··· TALKIN 
Mister President I would like very much if I could ask you to a game of pool . my name is Jean Evensen
Hotel Sankita Gucci Tegal telusuri
Blessed Brother Sirvante
and Lady butterfly
of The Santana Foundation
Supreme Apostle Baksay Ivo, Candidates For The Elections 2016 Into The Office Of 45th President Of USA Will Be Elect Ivo Baksay In 2016!
Supreme Apostle Baksay Ivo Was Most Charitable Most True And Most Supreme Above All The Disciples, Closest With Even More Perfect, But Equitizing Lord King Jesus Christ!
Supreme Apostle Ivo Baksay Is Supreme Novelizator Of Constitutional Law; "Remember - Only Novelisation Is The Spirit Of Constitution"!
New And Perfect  Constitution  Of  Christ
This Is The Supreme ELOHIM'S And Supreme Yahweh Perfect Constitution Of Supreme ELOHIM And Supreme Yahweh For Their Own Crowning Pleasure, And For Our Pleasure Of Our Most High God Omnipotent And For Us Citizens And Residence Of  The Church Of Jesus Christ ....
To Be Applied By Any Government As Essential, Necessity Of Translation Into The Glory Of Supreme ELOHIM And Supreme Yahweh And To Now To, Or Due To Ascend Into The Presence Of Our Most High God Omnipotent Into The Highest Heaven 1.) Dignity Is This: "Thy Self Must Ascend Into Highest Heaven To Live Closest With Our Most High God For All Eternity"! 2.) You Are My Images To Marry In The True Order Of Prayer! 3.) Take My Children In My Name By My Word Into My Presence! 4.) Reign From Sabbath To Sabbath By Appraisals 5.) Honour Thine Parents, Let Them Likewise Ascend! 6.)Remember The Herbal  Sacrament, Administer Equally! 7.) Chaste On Earth As In Highest Heaven One Man To Marry One, Or More Women First Jews Then Greeks! 8.) Generously Forgive 9.) Humble, Courageous, Grateful Acknowledgement Every Perfect Gift Is Of God! 10.) Diligent In Performances Of The Will Of Our Most High God, The Charity!
Cam on ban da he mo .mot tuong dai cam nhan duoc tuong dai ay la ai .? Nhung minh o mot noi xa xoi da nhieu ao uoc .nhung hien tai .dang la noi hang hum dong quy ban co biet khong toi biet bAn muon gi cam on ban ok.amen.... 
Hoat dong tot giau nghi luc giau long nhan dao dao duc tot biet lo cho nhan loai chuc thanh cong va luonluon binh an amen
Menunjukan rasa nasionalisme Rakyat Amerika terhadap Negaranya Amerika ! Ttd Asep makmur putra Soekarno Muhamad Hatta 
I strongly protest against the arbitrary and despotic acts of the US authorities in denying entry to Indian Telugu students who had valid visas and also permission letters from the concerned educational institutions and spent thousands of dollars in the process and now lost them due to this cruel conduct of the authorities (they came there not to gulp state doles like the so-called syrian etc. refugees but to spend their own families' hard earned moneys and study). See this link:
I commented thus: What is the use of mere regretting? They have to pay the victimized students all compensation for the lakhs of rupees (thousands of dollars) they already lost and also invite them at their (US government) cost to come and study there and take them in. I commented as follows: "I can understand racist or despotic Americans objecting to students from other countries, especially India, coming there but cannot understand the cynical Indians posing here almost ecstatically supporting the despotic measures of the US Government, which however has no objections to allowing and even spending millions of doles in welfare doles, to the so-called Syrian refugees and other visa-less immigrants from Muslim countries – perhaps with a motto: “Muslims of the World, Unite! and perform more San Bernandinos and spread Sharia Law and make all countries Dar-ul-Islam!”? What is wrong in students working there in free time, earning and thereby also contributing to the American economy? If it is illegal, it is the employer who is to be punished and not the employee who does it for livelihood, and honorably, laboring for the hard wages. He also studies. Always there have been so many stories that students going to America have the facility of work and study and by dint of hard work, and hard study, so many non-American students have attained highest educational honors and later success in lives and contributed greatly to society everywhere. I strongly protest against this despotic, arbitrary action of the US authorities, and demand that they immediately do amends, invite those very students by valid call letters, pay them all compensation for the lakhs of rupees (thousands of dollars) they already lost and also allow them to work – do good and honest labor – in their free times and earn and study. I protest more against the ‘dirty Indians’ who commented gloating over the misery and victimization of the fellow Indian students and wish that they drown in ‘chullu bhar paani’ and die."
I think this part of the site is cool. If it's about The White House make it about The White House. TDC
The word religion is never used by a believer in The True Living GOD. We say ", " I have a belief". So you can just tell me to read it I have to see it works so I believe it. If you don't open your eyes and conceive this,
to the very fact liberty and freedom and justice and true equality.
Only comes from a people ;
not the same,
working together.

Killing to have your way.
Only creates others that will,
have a belief not,
the same as yours. 
As long as we cannot make agreements together that our neighbor is plotting to overthrow justice in our homes and backyards ,economic issues and helping the poor and needy should be on the back burner,a president who works closely with these extensions of government and ant-athiest disputes continues the work of change .securing what ignorance and intolerant representatives have undone for over hundreds of years.
Your the greatest man on this planet Sir, to me. 
The fun part about HRC making a blanket statement concerning "doing your homework" is that had ANYONE in +The White House 
EVER done their homework neither the mohomomad statue would have ever been erected in the Supreme Court building nor would islam be considered a religion as in islam adultery is a killing offense (honor killing) and Ishmael (islams prophet) wouldn't have ever been born as Hagar would have been stoned to death..!

islam is a lie but no one at the White House has ever done their homework and do not know the difference as they are all Godless bastards and bitches...
What's this crap about Mitch McConnell,now..?

Have to bring it in to arrest the inner city kids with it..?

Tisk Tisk Creeps
I can assure you that the Hardin name had been removed ?
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