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Josue Guzman
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Josue Guzman

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¡Basta de engañar a niños con santaclós; Navidad es la celebración del nacimiento de Cristo!
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Robert J Morales's profile photoKorey Castillo's profile photo
Amén Jesús Félix noche navidad saludos
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Josue Guzman

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We in Puerto Rico are far behind compared with European countries. Victims of US colonialism
A French Town in Normandy Just Installed the World's First 'Solar Road'
The tiny town of Tourouvre-au-Perche in Normandy, France no longer has to worry about how it will power its street lights. The Sun will handle that. French Ecology Minister Ségolène Royal (below) officially opened the kilomet...
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Robert J Morales's profile photo
Esta pueblo esta mil años atrasado en la evolución
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Josue Guzman

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World's first 20 mile solar bike lane :)

See why (eco🌎+public health🌈+☮etc reasons) i installed ☀☀️ solar panels equivalent to planting 322 trees and why i drive an electric car equivalent to planting 382 trees (if the oil car would be refilled weekly) ►
If your panels produce more electricity than you use, you get free charging for your car too, like me. 💜😊💜
Until it's actually possible to pave our parking lots and roads in solar panels, here's a promising compromise from South Korea. In between the cities of Daejeon to Sejong, there's a 20-mile bike lane that's covered by an impressive solar array. A 20-mile solar bike lane has been built in the midd...
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Josue Guzman

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Josue Guzman

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La organización PETA publicó una investigación sobre granjas ubicadas en Vietnam, donde los reptiles son criados en condiciones indignas y asesinados con crueldad, para obtener sus pieles y fabricar productos de la marca Louis Vuitton. (Video: Youtube PETA Latino)
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Josue Guzman

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What is colonialism?
It is when some countries are made into slaves and dependent to a few private persons. They sign agreements and become dependent, because they think they would benefit from it, or because they were already at a disadvantage. Those who are Land lords and plant owners sets the terms and conditions for those who do not have power.
These men also corrupts the country’s leaders as they provide them with benefits and money to keep them loyal.
Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread which links them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait?
Josue Guzman's profile photoRobert J Morales's profile photo
+Josue Guzman sí, también ellos
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