Human Dimensions of Natural Resources - Conservation Broadcast Series

Series Description

HD Broadcast

Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conservation addresses the relationship of people to the land and wildlife. In this series, we introduce you to the subject through educational broadcasts. The broadcasts provide up-to-date academic theory and on-the-ground natural resource management examples.






Community-Based Social Marketing: Behavior Change Strategies That Work

As conservationists, it seems we spend a lot of time encouraging people to “do” things like bring reusable bags when they go to the grocery store, pick up trash around campsites so wildlife isn’t attracted, or remove mud from boots or clean gear to stop the spread of invasives. Sometimes, it may feel that these efforts aren’t working as well as we would hope. So, what really works to influence people’s behavior to act responsibly? How do we instill awareness and commitment to take environmentally responsible action? In this broadcast, we will explore the principles and strategies of community-based social marketing, an approach to behavior change based in behavioral psychology and general marketing principles. We’re not talking about Facebook, Twitter, or other social media marketing. We are talking about an approach that has been successfully applied across the U.S. and the globe, including nationwide efforts by USFWS and partners to eradicate invasive species. Learn from our expert panelists how you can use behavior change strategies that work.


Upon completion of this broadcast, you will be able to:

  • Identify opportunities in your work where community-based social marketing principles and
    techniques can be used to generate behavior change.

  • Recognize barriers to desired behavior, and develop strategies to remove those barriers or
    encourage people to overcome them.

  • Incorporate the principles of community-based social marketing into your communication,
    outreach, and engagement with your communities.

Course Logistics


Thursday, November 17, 2016
Noon - 1:00 PM (ET)


Lori Large
Director of Research Operations
Action Research

Susan Burks
Forestry Invasive Species Program
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Who Should Attend

Those working with natural resource issues and with the public, this includes conservation employees, biologists, managers, outreach specialists, outdoor recreation planners, partnership coordinators.

To View

Programs are broadcast live and archived for on-demand viewing at:
Closed captioning can also be accessed through this link.

Email Questions during the Broadcast or use the built-in chat
room on the Livestream video player.


Linda Lufkin, Course Leader

Randy Robinson, Producer

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