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Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)

GHG Reporting Program Data Sets

The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) collects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) data from large emitting facilities, suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases that result in GHG emissions when used, and facilities that inject carbon dioxide underground. Learn more about the GHGRP.

Data Highlights Icon

Data Highlights Website: A high level summary of yearly GHG data reported to EPA. These pages summarize GHGRP data nationally and by industry sector using maps, charts, and tables.

Flight Logo Facility Level Information on GreenHouse Gases Tool (FLIGHT): An interactive website with mapping features to identify GHGRP facilities by location, name, industry type, and other criteria. FLIGHT can also generate and download customized graphics (pie charts, trend lines, etc.) and facility lists.
Data Summary Icon

2015 Data Summary Spreadsheets(7 pp, 17 MB) : Compressed file contains a multi-year data summary spreadsheet containing the most important, high-level information for facilities, as well as yearly spreadsheets containing slightly more detailed information than the multi-year summary, including reported emissions by greenhouse gas and process.

Air Logo Icon

Envirofacts: Provides all publicly available data collected by the GHGRP in a searchable, downloadable format for facilities. This includes GHG data and much of the underlying data facilities use to determine GHG values and other reported data elements in 32 industry types.

GHGRP Industry Types in Envirofacts

All data that has been determined to be publicly available and reported by facilities in the following industry types is available through the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program’s page in EPA’s Envirofacts tool:

  • Stationary Fuel Combustion (C)
  • Electricity Generation (D)
  • Aluminum Production (F)
  • Ammonia Manufacturing (G)
  • Cement Production (H)
  • Electronics Manufacturing (I)
  • Ferroalloy Production (K)
  • Glass Production (N)
  • Hydrogen Production (P)
  • Iron and Steel Production (Q)
  • Lead Production (R)
  • Lime Manufacturing (S non-CEMS)
  • Magnesium Production (T)
  • Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate (U)
  • Nitric Acid Production (V)
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems (W)
  • Petrochemical Production (X)
  • Petroleum Refineries (Y)
  • Phosphoric Acid Production (Z)
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturing (AA)
  • Use of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment (DD)
  • Titanium Dioxide Production (EE)
  • Underground Coal Mines (FF)
  • Zinc Production (GG)
  • Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (HH)
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment (II)
  • Suppliers of Petroleum Productions (MM)
  • Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids (NN)
  • Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide (PP)
  • Manufacture of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment (SS)
  • Industrial Waste Landfills (TT)
  • Injection of Carbon Dioxide (UU)

Industry Types Not Included in Envirofacts

  • Adipic Acid Production (E)
  • HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (O)
  • Lime Manufacturing (S – CEMS)
  • Silicon Carbide Production (BB)
  • Soda Ash Manufacturing (CC)
  • Suppliers of Coal-based Liquid Fuels (LL)

Download GHGRP Data

EPA periodically creates additional GHGRP data sets to meet the needs of various stakeholders. Click the name of a file below to download.

Org Chart Button Reported Parent Companies (XLS)(1 pg, 5 MB)
Each facility subject to the GHGRP is required to report their highest level U.S. Parent Company(s) as part of their annual report. This file lists each facility's reported parent company(s) and percent ownership.
Power Plants Power Plant Crosswalk (XLS)(1 pg, 435 K)
Many power plants subject to the GHGRP also report data to other federal data sets including the Energy Information Administration and EPA's SO2 and NOx Cap and Trade Programs. Some of these data sets include useful information like total power output that is not reported to the GHGRP. This file can be used to cross-walk EPA GHGRP Facility ID's to Facility ID's in these other data sets
Icon representing the fluorinated gas sector under the GHGRP.

Subpart L Frequently Requested Data (XLS)(9 pp, 795 K)
Contains all publicly available data reported by facilities under Subpart L, Fluorinated Gas Production, across all reporting years (2011 onwards).

Spreadsheet Icon

Full Subpart E, O, S-CEMS, BB, CC, LL Data Set (XLS)(7 pp, 42 K) Contains all publicly available data reported by facilities in the following industries across all reporting years (2010 onwards): Adipic Acid Production (E), HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (O), Lime Manufacturing (S, CEMS reporters only), Silicon Carbide Production (BB), Soda Ash Manufacturing (CC) and Coal-based Liquid Fuel Suppliers (LL).

    2014 GHGRP Data

    2013 GHGRP Data

    2012 GHGRP Data

    2011 GHGRP Data

    2010 GHGRP Data