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U.S. Chart No. 1

Over 100 pages of valuable information on nautical chart symbols

U.S. Chart No. 1 describes the symbols, abbreviations and terms used on all NOAA, NGA and international nautical charts, as well as the symbols used to portray NOAA ENC® charts on ECDIS.

Download a free PDF of the latest edition of U.S. Chart No. 1 or
purchase a paper copy  from one of NOAA’s certified publishing agents.

Chart No. 1
Download a list of changes made to Edition 12 since it was released in April 2013.

Tips on some especially tricky symbols

Fish Havens Feb 2016
Anchorages and Harbors of Refuge Mar 2016
Virtual AIS Aids to Navigation Jun 2016

Send questions or comments about U.S. Chart No. 1 to USChart1@noaa.gov

Page last edited: June 14, 2016

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