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CHIPS Articles: DON Organizational Learning Workshop

DON Organizational Learning Workshop
By DON Innovation - April 29, 2016
The Office of Strategy and Innovation held a 2-day workshop on a DON Learning Organization at MITRE headquarters in Tysons on 19-20 April. The workshop was attended by DON leaders and innovators cross-sectioning acquisition, Research and Development (R&D), and operational elements already fully engaged in learning organization research, experimentation, and action. Attendees included over 30 participants from across the Department of Defense, HQ Navy and Marine Corps in addition to component and echelon representatives.

The purpose was twofold: first, to take advantage of and socialize many of the DON’s learning organization initiatives and programs already underway in the Marine Corps and Navy. The second purpose of the workshop was to brainstorm what individual or team projects would best enable and accelerate a DON learning environment. Accordingly, participants identified learning organization projects that will form the basis of research conducted by Naval Innovation Advisory Council (NIAC), such as Leveraging Simulation to Improve Leadership; Building an Organizational Learning Toolbox; Creating an Agile Policy Development Environment; and Scaling a Human-Centered Design Lab.

The theme for NIAC FY17 is "Design thinking for a learning organization: applying design methods to meet innovative challenges.” Accordingly, incoming FY17 Innovation Advisors will be aligned, either as individuals or in teams, with some of the above named projects identified in the workshops when they onboard this summer.

Reprinted from the DON/SECNAV Innovation website:

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TAGS: InfoSharing, KM
Project Idea 3: Organizational Learning Toolbox
Project Idea 3: Organizational Learning Toolbox
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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