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CHIPS Articles: Naval War College Examines 'Strategy in Complex and Uncertain Times'

Naval War College Examines 'Strategy in Complex and Uncertain Times'
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jared E. Walker, U.S. Naval War College Public Affairs - June 16, 2016
NEWPORT, R.I. (NNS) -- Students, staff, faculty and distinguished guests participated in the 67th Current Strategy Forum (CSF), June 14-15, at U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island.

The two-day event, focused on "Strategy in Complex and Uncertain Times," served as the academic capstone event for students graduating June 17. It brought together NWC students with national security speakers from the military, academia, government and private industry to explore a wide range of national and international issues.

This year's event provided students with "an opportunity to connect their 10 months of schooling to something larger," said Michael Sherlock, CSF director and NWC professor of academic affairs.

According to Sherlock, NWC students were introduced to some of the key aspects of the Chief of Naval Operations' "A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority" by participating in three panel discussions -- "Lessons of the Masters," "Successes and Failures," and "The Strategic Environment and Challenges for the Indo-Pacific Region."

"CSF gives students an opportunity to step back and see the bigger picture, not only from some of the instructors that we had, but also from outside academics and professionals who deal with strategy everyday," said Air Force Maj. Andrew Cook, a NWC student and CSF participant.

The Honorable Janine Davidson, Under Secretary of the Navy, attended the event and provided a keynote address that stressed future strategy and deterrence.

"We need a strategy that works," said Davidson. "As I think of the type of Navy and Marine Corps we need for the future, I think about what we want that future to look like. At a minimum, I think about what we are trying to preserve -- our security, values and very way of life."

Additional keynote speakers included Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill, Council on Foreign Relations; Gen. Robert B. Neller, commandant, U.S. Marine Corps; and Elizabeth C. Economy, Council on Foreign Relations.

"Since CSF was established it has provided the opportunity for our nation's public servants, leaders of industry, leaders within the military and world of academia to join our nation's Naval War College student body and capture an event that focuses on strategies for America and its allies," said Rear Adm. P. Gardner Howe III, NWC president.

Photos of the event can be viewed and downloaded at

Video will be posted to in the coming days.

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NEWPORT, R.I. (June 14, 2016) Under Secretary of the Navy Dr. Janine Davidson delivers a keynote address during the 67th annual Current Strategy Forum (CSF) at the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, R.I. As NWC's capstone academic event, the two-day forum brings together distinguished guests and students to explore issues of strategic national importance. This year's theme is "Strategy in Complex and Uncertain Times." U.S. Navy photo by Ezra Elliott/Released
NEWPORT, R.I. (June 14, 2016) Under Secretary of the Navy Dr. Janine Davidson delivers a keynote address during the 67th annual Current Strategy Forum (CSF) at the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, R.I. As NWC's capstone academic event, the two-day forum brings together distinguished guests and students to explore issues of strategic national importance. This year's theme is "Strategy in Complex and Uncertain Times." U.S. Navy photo by Ezra Elliott/Released
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